Thanks, Jose. When I found that 40 were reading the posts, yesterday, the homepage number was ‘four’ so we might assume that when the homepage indicated ‘37’ we could tack a zero on the end of that, too
I wish I were proficient at putting images in posts. Every time Dooney and Stevo come to visit I mean to ask Dooney to show me how to do all that but in that party atmosphere I just don’t think to bring up work. Of course, they come over to do the chats and that’s work, I suppose, but the rest of the time isn’t. I want to do a screenshot of the admin panel that shows the IPs of all the readers in the moment. DB told us how to find the CIA operatives by checking those numbers. I suspect that agents won’t flood a board this way because it’s too easy to detect them–I think they just copy the sites they want to surveille and then distribute the copies among the sewer rats, leaving the ‘active reading’ to only their moles. When we first met DB, he told me that every email I write is copied and distributed to hundreds of people in the CIA and NSA for analysis. This is part of their profiling effort, also part of how they plan strategies for discrediting genuine people. It’s also how they determine how to create their designer moles, which is why each succeeding mole effort is slicker and more effective than the previous, exposed one.
In the ‘zone’ of discussing moles, of course, one is likely to look crazy or paranoid so I rather focus on exposing the agencies themselves by drawing attention to things like the subject of this thread.
I don’t know how many readers know experienced commercial computer software designers or troubleshooters but in my contact with folks like this I’m constantly amazed by how studiously they all avoid mentioning the human wave of sewer rat agency hackers who plague the web. I get the impression that they’re all keenly aware and I haven’t been able to put my finger on just why they would rather have their throats cut than to speak about it, especially to someone like me.
When my new laptop arrived (I had beaten the previous one mercilessly for four years and the power supply was dying, again) I was unable to connect to DSL, so I called for tech support. When teh nice fellow at the cable supplier’s regional HQ tried and failed to help me he referrred me to a higher power–a gal in Phoenix who obviously was very confident and competent. She took me for a tour of the HTML bowels of my computer and tried half a dozen strategies until she was finally able to apparently undo the programming sabotage that had been done to my puter enroute to our home, then I was able to finally get it online. Having learned my lesson about spooking techs by mentioning the NSA, I didn’t do so this time but I could tell that she was pretty challenged by the task, which took about a half hour.
Five years ago, I was hacked so much that I had to send my laptop to the fellow I bought it from in Ashland, Oregon, and that guy had been a nuclear engineer in a former life, so he and I were comfortable talking about The Way Things Are. He told me that nine viruses had slowed the hard drive down so much that I essentially became unable to do email any more. That was in the days when I used email software, of course. After that, I stopped using email programs and I’ve never had a virus since then. I do all my mail on the web with squirrelmail, now. I’ve used mail2web a lot but it’s slower than squirrelmail.
I know folks whose computers were destroyed by sewer rat hackers and they still kept using email software after that. Caveat emptor, I guess. ‘My people’s computers perish for lack of knowledge’ is one of the more lucid quotes I like to paraphrase from the Old Testament.
I used the Phoenix Mail program for a year or so, on DB’s recommendation, but the server’s computers eventually stopped recognizing the code, so I had to stop. That one didn’t give me any trouble, at least–European software is often free of spyware. Maybe that’s a function of distance from Bill Gates, the highest priced hooker. That would be some epitaph for him: The Highest Priced Hooker in the History of Our Specie. Maybe he’d be second place to the Whore of Babylon (QEII), though, or the Pope. ‘Win, Place, Show.’
Here’s something that gave me a little thrill, yesterday: right after I posted the first ms in this thread, hackers blocked me from getting online for the first time since I started using DSL, a couple of weeks ago. If I’m not mistaken, it’s hard to hack someone off of a DSL connection. A popup, which I hadn’t seen before, indicated, ‘The signal is strong and you’re online!’ but of course I couldn’t go to any URL on the web by then. Everything’s running fine today, though. I use a wireless transmitter, hooked to the Time-Warner DSL cable. I didn’t add security measures because I hope that any of my neighbors who can’t afford DSL will now be able to get online for no charge. The range of the transmitter is pretty big.
I still can’t believe how lucky we all are: we have a cleare opportunity to connect with potentially thousands of kindred spirits around our wonderful planet via the internet and to share our accomplishments and information among our peers. The sort of instant notoriety that gets parcelled out by the corporate Jabbas who own teh What To Think Network hut is closed to us but that, too, is a blessing because it means we won’t be high profile targets. The sewer rat agencies, here and abroad, whom we’re perhaps fatally wounding, won’t likely draw attention to the work we’re doing by shooting any of us or setting the IRS dogs on us so we’re more or less free to pursue and achieve relative prosperity by openly making and selling healing devices in a free, global market. It’s amazing how little sabotage and interference we’re subjected to but that happy condition has been hard won, in case you didn’t know. We regularly go to bat in the Sunday chatblast sessions for targetted vendors, here and abroad. We’ve even forced the drug cartel and their government bureaucrat stooges to leave a few reputable healers, including Dr von Peters, alone who would otherwise probably be out of business or in prison by now.
Meanwhile, we’re building up an extraordinary body of empirical evidence for the empowering effect of orgonite-distribution because reputable people are posting about our experiments and accomplishments, demonstrating the consistency of the dramatic results of gifting. At some point, when enough people are also taking down the world odor’s hidden mass murdering moguls and their willing tools, this, too, will be accounted as empirical evidence for the ‘other’ work. For now, a few of us (representing a dozen countries and including Jose) on at least four internet forums in N America and Europe are content to just get together and do the tasks each week in a timely way.