Toronto G20 Gifting

I’ve been working on getting all the sites of the coming G20 meetings gifted, and finished the task this morning. This mission started last fall, when the “government” announced that the meetings would be held at the Deerhurst Resort, which is near Algonquin Provincial Park. A friend and I drove up there and covered the place in Tb’s. It’s a pretty large spread and we had a fun day dropping 70 – 80 gifts all over it.

A little later we heard that the site of the meetings had been moved to the town of Huntsville, a bit of a drive down the highway away from Deerhurst. So, encouraged that we may have caused them to move, we took another drive up to Huntsville. There is an old highschool there that is being renovated to house the meetings, so we covered the highschool grounds and filled the adjacent river with orgonite. All in all another fun outing and a nice drive on a brisk fall day.

A bit later again, I heard that the meetings were now scheduled to be held at the Metro Convention Centre in downtown Toronto! So of course, I cooked up anther batch of Tb’s and drove into the city in the early morning on a Sunday, as I had read in the Gifting Compendium is a good way to gift metropolitan areas. I found this to be true as I encountered almost nobody on the streets and got the gifting done in record time. I asked Yahweh and Yeshua for assistance with finding nooks and crannies in all the concrete for the orgonite, and felt guided as I went about the work. FInding suitable spots wasn’t a problem at all. I should add here, that I know Steve Baron and friends have gifted Toronto extensively, but I felt some more orgonite clustered right around the Convention Centre would be a good idea. Steve has done a great job with Toronto, the energy there is much better than it used to be. In fact, when I do gift in T.O. I often get some startling confirmations right away, which is probably due to Steve having broken the DOR hold on the city already.

A little while after that, I found out that TPTB had decided they would declare Trinity Bellwoods Park to be a “free speech area” and all the protesters would have to protest there, quite a ways away from the Convention Centre. Also they have declared that the Toronto Film studios will be used as a detention centre for arrested protesters. So, it was back to the muffin pans and another drive into Toronto in the early morning today. I again found very few people around and got the gifting done quite easily after again asking for assistance with finding the right spots for the orgonite.

So after all is said and done, Deerhurst, Huntsville, The Convention Centre, Trinity Bellwoods Park, and Toronto Film Studios have all been gifted. Hopefully that means the protesters will be safe in a blanket of positive orgone, and the reptiles at the meetings might feel just a little bit uncomfortable about their evil plans.

We’ll have to wait and see how it all proceeds in late June.



Now I hear they’ve moved the “free speech zone” to Queen’s Park [Image Can Not Be Found]

For those not from Ontario, Queen’s Park is the seat of the Provincial “Government,” the group of old gargoyle encrusted buildings from which they lord over the rest of us. There’s a large grassy field surrounding these buildings, where I assume the protesters will be shouting their message, conveniently out of earshot of the Convention Centre.

I just heard a local “news” reporter say that no filming of the protest will be allowed from inside the provincial buildings for “safety reasons.” That deserves another [Image Can Not Be Found] and begs the question: whose safety?

My first reaction was that I would get back in the car and go gifting again on an early weekend morning, but on second thought I would be very surprised if Mr. Baron and crew haven’t already gifted such an obvious target. There’s probably no need for more orgonite at Lizard Central.
