Have you heard of this?
Carol and I watch DVDs while we do our assembly work and one of the series we buy each year is ‘Person of Interest,’ which is about a gov’t artificial intelligence computer that’s used to surveile literally everyone, using those ubiquitous cameras we’re seeing just about everywhere. The alleged purpose of the system is to ‘find terrorists’ before they commit crimes so that the feds can round them up. The show’s writers stop just short of saying, explicitly, that the gov’t itself is the only terrorist organization, of course.
We got a ROKU setup a couple of years ago, so now we can watch our series and more on Netflix, Amazon, etc., and it costs less than buying the DVDs. We never liked BluRay–it just seems creepy for some reason. I see that it’s failing to ‘take the market’ the way DVDs replaced videotapes, years ago. Maybe the ‘interactive’ element of BluRay is just a deeper level of NSA/corporate surveillance. Carol and I put tape over our computers’ cameras
This morning, while stripping wire, I watched the documentary, ‘The Hacker Wars,’ which is about the imprisonment of non-criminal hackers. That’s how I learned about Trapwire, which is an NSA program (run by a corporation; ‘subcontractor,’ just like in Person of Interest) that surveiles EVERYONE in public through millions of cameras and runs it all from a nationally (read: ‘internationally’) based central location. I naturally assume this is another corporate/occult, artificial intelligence golem. Notice that the hackers who were railroaded into prison have gotten long-term, brutal treatment just like Aleksandr Sozhenitzn described in his book, The Gulag Archipelago. Aren’t federal prisons supposed to be like country clubs for white collar criminals? One of the innocents was released after a year, following a successful appeal (read: sufficient public outrage).
Right after the FBI agent, ‘Sabu,’ succeeded in inciting thousands of activists to ‘occupy Wall Street’ a nascent organized effort of skilled, anti-corporate/nazi hackers fell apart because Sabu ratted them all out. He had already been an FBI informant when he was making a name for himself but the good news is that, now, hackers of conscience seem to be more aware of the importance of not allowing centralized organization. When my daughter in New York first told me about Occupy in 2011 it didn’t smell right to me, so I didn’t promote it. So it was gratifying, today, to see that the FBI were behind the organization of that failed effort. Sabu tried to incite violence, by the way, and he failed. The Occupy protestors were brutalized by the New York Police Department, though. The media whores neglected to mention that.
Do you remember when the media started hyping ‘identity theft’ as a major public threat? If memory serves, it was right after the failure of Occupy Wall Street and the propaganda against hacktivists has been increasing since then. Since ‘identity theft’ was a minor problem before 2011 we can probably assume that a large crowd of Monarch-programmed hackers are being given access to people’s bank accounts, credit cards, etc., and encouraged to steal with impunity. I don’t recall ever hearing of anyone being prosecuted for identity theft, even though most of us, by now, have had to replace our ‘stolen’ credit cards and debit cards by now. It’s happened to me twice in the past year, both times while I was traveling and relying on the credit card. When a ‘thief’ steals your card and makes physical purchases several hundreds of miles apart in the same hour (in my case, Florida and Oklahoma), you can assume that one of the sewer rat agencies (FBI/NSA/CIA or any other face of the world’s largest criminal syndicate) is doing it.
Hacktivists have my full support and encouragement. It’s time to remove the parasite from the body politic that presumes to be the US/UK/Israel gov’t. Peking’s still-murderous regime is hopefully next in line. Then we’ll finally have world peace and world prosperity and, after that, I don’t think the Pajama People will even give a thought to the present police-state conditions in the world, sort of like how 99.9999% of the people in Los Angeles never noticed the almost complete absence of smog since 2002.