Trust Your Intuition!

This is not new, just a reminder that while busting you’re guided by powerful beings/your intuition/telepathic abilities –

Whatever, I myself do not really know what it is, but one thing is clear, it works. If there is the feeling to stop and have a look, I will stop and the chance to either see some antennas or to be just beside them is very high.

I normally make a rough plan and stick to it, otherwise it’s too messy, but when underway I never ignore this strange feeling when something pulls and pushes me to an important array or whatever. If I do in fact ignore it, most of the times it’s a mistake…

Thats my first posting, so I also say hello to all


Thanks for posting this essential advice, Rashid. ‘Habibi’ is Arabic for ‘friend,’ and ‘lover,’ and in those ancient, cordial cultures love is expressed without a lot of inhibition.

Rashid is the fellow who has been greening Morocco and beyond and this work was begun on the shoulders of Gerhard, who I think was the first person to do large-scale gifting from a boat, off the Atlantic coast of North Africa.

Trusting and acting on our intuitive promptings is the first and major step toward ‘etheric independence,’ which might be another good word for ‘faith.’ I want EW to keep setting the standard for this in the orgonite-flinging realm–ordinary folks doing extraordinary healing work, consistently.
