Turkana Gifting

David Ochieng
23 Mar 2008 01:35
Subject: Turkana Gifting
The location of the Turkana Town .

Turkana town is located in the arid desert, the North East of Kenya and the Northern part of Rift valley province state.

Following the post election violence , traveling transport charges rises by almost hundred percent and this made traveling not easy to the public with low living starndards , the poor . Hence leading to displacement in the various camps in the country.

Ethnicity which geared the post election violence has played a greater role in the risk of transport charges since one has to follow the longer routes tha passes through the following communication.

Traveling to Turkana is another problem altogether for it is slow because of the shifters along the routes who rob the vehicle and passengers .But the government has put enough forces that provides escorts and security to the vehicle this is mostly from Kitale –Lodwar and Turkana routes , the major towns in the Northern part of Rift valley .

Climate and Vegetation of Turkana.

The climate of Turkana is a hot and dry with the temperature very hot and high during the day and cold and low during the nights with cloudless sky. Rains are very irregular and fall for a short time, and the people over there complained about that mostly.Infact we need to plant one cloud buster there. The energy of orgonite is wonderful and for the sort time we stayed there they truly believed in the orgonite i.e on our third day of gifting there the rainfall with thunderstorm from midday to night. The next day in the morning we were surprised to have some visitors to our guest house who only came for the Orgonite,coz they strongly believed that the Orgonite Energy made it possible for the rainfall. There believe gaze us the zeal to do the gifting around the village with no fear they even volunteered to go around the villages with us. Which made us to do the gifting smoothly till we were done.
The landscape in unremittingly severe, where only the hardiest acacia , some tussocks of thorny grasses and rads along the lake Turkana shore to the north and of course-The Turkana can service.


The lake Turkana.

This is the largest permanent desert Lake in the world. It originates a s a result of volcanic and expanses by wind swept which is something very miraculous. The lake has got three Island Namely: North , Central and South Island which are also volcanic origin.

The run –off from the lava flow , make the lakes water midly alkaline that gives water slightly slimy, soapy feel but not too much to prevent life since a fresh water of river Omo from Ethopia it major out let and mojorly loses its water through evaporation.
The Lake Turkan was our major mission there after we didi some fi9ndings why the lake losses its water we had to start by the out late.We had to drop some orgonites in the river Omo the major out let of Lake Turkana and the Lake too on our first day of Gifting the lake. We dropped almost 200 orgonites.After that we proceded with the meeting with the villagers on the next day,teaching them the important of Orgonite and its miraculous energy. On our that day doing the gifting a round the villages the rain had to cut short our gifting on that day. The rain rained till in the night. On the fifth day of our gifting we had to go back to the Lake to see if there is any changes, Christine let a mark on where the lake level was the first day we were there, we came to find out that the water has improved.Salva talk with the fishermen around there and they were all happy because they were a afraid soon the fish in the Lake will be no more. They were really grateful with our work and encouraged us to keep up,and they took our contact to contact us in case they noticed any problem in the lake.And the mostly major problem affecting this people is the drought which claims the lives of their lives stock, It is these animals they mojarly keep for their living survival. And they talk bout deseases like malaria and Aids.I had to left them one of my zapper in case one is sick should see the man I left the zapper with and I gave them the instruction on how to use it.


Despite the barren surrounding the lake itself is rich .the algae which changes the colour of the lake from sky blue to Jude green according to the effect of wind and sunlight it also support large number of fish especially the enourmous Nile perch , figerfish , bichir and various special of tilapia.

Apart from crocodile the Omo Delta, other lake fauna includes hippos, plathera of birds like cormorant and kingfishers.
Since Sibiloi National park close to Alia Bay site to the Northern eastern shore where vegetation like reeds atleast the number of animals like Zebra ,Ostrich, gazelle, Gerenuk, hartbeast ,oryx and lions among other.
We had to visit the displace people and the area has got less people displaced compared to other parts of the country because the area has small population living because these following the harsh climate.
The mostly major problem affecting this people is the drought which claims the lives of

The mostly faced rape, death , destination and loss of properties like animals to their neighbouring communities. It is these animals they mojarly keep for their living survival.
Diseases like cholera , malaria and sexual transmitted diseases were also reported relatively high at IDP in Turkana.
All thanks to Don,Steve and Members of EW that made this trip possible and the turkana people owe to thank you and that what we told them whenever we were doing the gifting.
By David,Salva and Christine

Don Croft
31 Mar 2008 08:20
Subject: Re: Turkana Gifting
This was a gigantic coup for our African cohorts! Congrats, you guys, and we’re all very proud of you!

While these three were gifting in Northern Kenya, Judy Lubulwa was arrested for gifting in Nairobi–interesting timing. The psychics initially saw that gifting Lake Turkana would be instrumental in the appropriate and timely demise of the murderous proxy London regime in Kenya, which was being turned into another Rwanda-style debacle after QEII’s visit to the region last fall.

I just heard from Judy that her friend Kalekye, who lives just east of Lake Turkana in the desert, is reporting plenty of rain–a very fine confirmation for the Turkana effort.

Turning desert back into farmland is the fast way to empower the dispossessed and thus deprive the parasitic world order of their ability to terrorize and exploit humanity, I think, which is perhaps why these dried-up old corporate freaks had put all their eggs in the HAARP/‘global-warming’ basket in the first place Cool .


01 Apr 2008 18:34
Subject: Re: Turkana Gifting
I just uploaded a couple of photos that David sent into his post. It was a bit of trouble to get them out of the files, Don couldn’t even open them.