Thanks a lot for posting this, Michal! The folks who pretend to represent Dr Reich never seem to mention that he originally developed his cloudbuster because spaceships were loading up his laboratory location with deadly orgone radiation, which was literally killing everything and everyone there and turning it into a desert. His orgone accumulators on teh property were also absorbing, concentrating and radiating the DOR, making things even worse. He evacuated the people and remained there to fight back. It was a genuine war and his cloudbuster turned the tide, then he eventually noticed that it could also be used to restore the health of the atmosphere.
Brent’s been with us just about from the start in 2001 and so has Gare, who is also a Canadian. A bunch of us around the continent were regularly aiming our extended CBs at the moon in the early days and after that the moon’s orbit became erratic and no longer even close to the plane of the ecliptic, where it ‘belongs.’ The earth’s rotational axis also started to noticeably shift within a couple of years. I can’t say how or if these things are related but I’m content to wait and see.
Until very recently, when a Scandinavian film-maker interviewed some Eskimos about the new challenge they’re facing on account of the shifted rotational axis, the only other site besides this one where the polar shift was even mentioned was a high-profile disinformation website. According to my simple math calculations, based on sunrise/sunset times in cities around the globe at corresponding north and south latitudes, the rotational axis has shifted several hundred miles in our direction (Idaho) but the seasons, here, have also been getting progressively milder, too, so it looks like we’re in a natural cycle of melting ice caps, now, and perhaps hotter sun. Some of earth’s cycles are many thousands of years long. Some credible people suggest that the earth, as a living entity, has biorythms just like our bodies to. I like Al Bielek’s approach because he doesn’t use theosophy as a crutch to explain these wonders. I think that Reich and Rife proved that everything is alive and I doubt there’s any need to mystify it, as the Rockefeller-funded greenboots are trying to force everyone to do right now. The crusty and intolerant (mostly young) greenboots remind me of fundamentalist religionists, who are said to have ‘traded eternity for a bad infinity.’ I think the hordes of young, also corporate-sponsored acolytes who swept Hitler and Mussolini into power were also like that. Some of these environmentalist goose steppers are closet gifters, now.
The wonderful thing about orgonite tech is that it’s absolutely harmless in every application, unless it’s thrown with force at one’s head, so aiming our orgonite devices and Succor Punches at spaceships will either neutralize their power sources and terrify the occupants or will make the occupants feel really good and not affect the ships in a negative way. I think that nuclear fission or fusion power sources, which perhaps need DOR to operate, are the most vulnerable and that the free energy power sources are probably assisted by our thrown orgone energy.
Carol and I never took photos, unfortunately. We had a lot of close encounters, too, as Michal and his mate perhaps soon will. About half of the ships we saw were good ones, several were ‘indifferent’ and a few were hostile. Most of the hostile ones were from the air force, evidently. The sewer rat air force (evil twin of the CIA) mostly has little flying saucers, like the Germans developed a long time ago, and bigger, more menacing-looking triangle craft. I assume the Russians also have flying saucers because they also got a whole lot of the SS scientists after the Germans were defeated in 1945. The Nazis weren’t defeated, of course–they just found new and greatly expanded employment, still within the corporate world order. Jim Marrs has written most extensively about that but other credible authors I’ve read have more info, too.
I love this topic but I don’t get many excuses to write about it . Brent: Captain Azti has been with us for over a week, improving our business websites and planning a glorious joint adventure with me, and we’ve discussed getting the old substantive reports, which disappeared with previous NSA destructions of this forum, together in convenient packages so thanks for mentioning the old stuff!
The good guys’ ships are marvelous and I want everyone to see them. Carol and I get the same feeling, watching them, as we do when we see Sylphs overhead. Most of the people who talk about UFOs, especially online, are scaremongers and disinformants, unfortunately. Al Bielek has stated that the Galactic Federation, by the way, is just a trade organization and that the ‘nicer’ alien species don’t bother with it but that the draconians, various reptile offworlders and the humanoid B-Sirians, who are probably best represented as consultants, new underground populations and facility managers for the corporate world order, do belong to it. Channeling, as a source of information (even merely battlefield intel) is inferior and unreliable, compared to the work of balanced and reputable psychics who work together as a team, as this forum’s psychics routinely do together.
I’m guessing that the ship you saw that separated into several were Andromedans. We’ve seen those clusters, too. Carol feels sure that the Andromedans are the ones who provided the idea of orgonite to humanity as an instrument to regain our freedom from the ancient rule of parasites. I love the way orgonite’s energy typically overpowers two-legged parasites. These corporate parasites thrive on stealing energy and with orgonite we simply drown them with it.
The only time we aimed an orgonite cloudbuster at a good ship and had an unpleasant experience was in Utah, the afternoon of the day when I hid towerbusters all around the main Mormon Temple in the wee hours. That was in May, 2001. In an otherwise cloudless sky a little, low cumulus was traveling parallel with us, south along the highway for several hours so I stopped the Zapporium (our camper/home), got out and aimed the CB at it. The cloud quickly disappeaered, then reappeared nearby. By then, Carol, who was following in the car, stopped, got out and excitedly told me to stop. She said I was really making them mad. I had briefly seen a shiny, cigar-shaped spaceship rise up nearby in the middle of Salt Lake City, right before I got to the temple to do the deed and this was apparently the one that was following us.
She said they were Venusian humans from the same society as the ones who were telepathically feeding Tesla some of his inventions. I quit ‘shooting’ them and the cloud remained after that. We got in our vehicles to resume the trip but my truck’s motor wouldn’t start. It usually started without any trouble and it occurred to me that the fellows in the ship exacted a small, harmless reprisal to teach me a lesson so I aimed the CB at the motor from behind and it started in a few seconds. A black cloud of DOR drifted up from the front of the truck and was carried away in the breeze and the motor ran fine. I mentally apologized to the visitors and soon after that I started hearing a collection of harmonic tones in my right ear–very lovely. Carol said they were trying to dowload info to me. I still hear the tones but only when there’s no ambient noise so maybe I eventually started assimilating some of that info
In the 2003 lecture of Al Bielek’s (his last recorded one?) that Captain Azti is about to add to EW as a link he mentioned a couple of Venusians who participated in the Philadelphia experiment and that one of them (he named the guy) is now the head of a presumably benign corporation.
The risk of talking about this stuff on the forum is that too much attention will be devoted to it but as long as the discussions take the form of reports of personal experiences and observations I don’t think we’ll risk ruining our good collective reputation as a substantive forum. After 14 years with a public profile in this effort not many are calling me a flake, though I did manage to earn a place in the pharmaceutical cartel’s Quack Encylopedia on account of our zapper business a couple of years ago. Excellent advertisement for us! I don’t know if they kept me in there.
The UFO movement is chock-full of CIA/air-force disinformants, Chicken Littles, theosophy mystics (theosophy, combined with communism–both are products of the City of London–is the failed corporate world religion ) and herds of Monarch-programmed, grinning but unbalanced mouth breathers who we hope to never personally meet so we need to keep our distance from all that. In his diary, Reich expressed that sycophants, mystics and corporate types ought to be shot.
When Carol and I were in Namibia in 2001 we observed that aiming a Succor Punch at a nasty UFO had the same effect and in the same amount of time as aiming an orgonite cloudbuster at it. I think anyone can see UFOs in the sky on most nights. Remember that satellites can’t reflect light when the sun’s on the opposite side of the world, so don’t explain the moving ‘stars’ away as satellites, okay? We don’t need to play devil’s advocate. The devil (parasitic order) has plenty of their own advocates and in fact they’re just about chocking the internet right now.
I don’t know if a SP will disappear rotten spaceships all across the planet because the ambient etheric energy field is a lot stronger in Africa than anywhere else we’ve been so one can do more with less, there. I assume that when we aim our tools at a UFO and it doesn’t fade out then it’s a good-guy ship. Maybe the Venusians need to tool up and abandon DOR-based tech. Maybe they have. Tesla invented at least one free energy device, evidently–a box with nothing but glowing vacuum tubes in it which provided abundant power to an early electric automobile.
Pretty soon, we think, the sewer rat agencies’ assassins will no longer be able to extort the small crowd of free-energy device inventors from finally marketing their wares but it helps to mention the reality of it from time to time. It’s real to me, at least, because I was one of the many confidants of Wilhelm Muller’s for many years, before he was murdered in 2004 on the eve of mass producing his powerful, magnet-powered engine inexpensively in Vancouver. The price for one of his engines would have dropped from $20,000 to under $2,000, then. The only moving part is the axle and the more resistance to the rotation the greater the power output. When I got my hands on that it was kind of like what personally meeting Jesus might have felt like but of course I’m one of the few people who actually loves the real religions, these days.
Thanks again, Michal and Brent! I think it’s always useful to aim an orgonite cloudbuster at the moon if someone feels the urge. Carol determined in 2001, when we were doing it with our first CB, that 3’ extentions to the pipes does the job. Soon after that we were in the Florida Keys, where we introduced orgonite to dolphins for the first time and we also stationed our extended CB to point at the permanent thunderhead over the underground base that used to be called Homestead Air Force Base, south of Miami. It took a couple of days to shrink and eliminate that thunerhead but a few weeks later, as we were leaving for our trip across the US, we were buzzed at treetop level by an air force flying saucer. I say ‘air force’ because it had halogen lights on the bottom. I think we were supposed to be frightened but we were rather happy and excited.
I hope this helps. it’s an important topic and the CIA/air-force has been too successful suppressing it since 1947, which is also the year of their horrific birth. Here’s something funny: the CIA does a lot of their mind control experiments at the air force academy. A few years ago they hired a charismatic evangelist and his smiling entourage to come to the campus to train all of the cadets to be fundamentalist Christians and it was mainly successful. We gather that the intention was to produce a new generation of bomber pilots who had no qualms about erasing millions of non-Christians with nuclear weaponry. A couple of Jewish cadets and a team of journalists put an end to that horror pretty fast.