Underwater Pipe Devices

Don Croft
26 Jul 2008 09:00
Subject: Underwater Pipe Devices
I got the following comments from David, who gives orgoniite to the dolphins around Maui and supplied my hacking-free Mac computer. My response follows. ~Don

Hi Don,
I am finding it curious that you keep downplaying the use of pipes in orgonite for water gifting.
it does make sense that mass quantities of TB’s do a great job, and i support the idea.
However, the idea for me to put a mini CB in the ocean came from a good source i believe. the other day after i gifted another
018 to the sea, i sat grounding using the triangle exercise followed by asking the dolphins to jump thru as the instructions state.
anyway they heaved the 018 back at me and asked where are the pipes. couple days later i felt pretty blocked whilst gifting another miniCB to the sea, and very elated once the job was completed. i may try putting short pipes in each of the tb’s of an 018 for the ocean next. no observations about the sky or water to post. they would just be subjective. could send photos of clouds for you to look at. i have ideas about what is going on up there, but they may be kind of goofy.
Anyway, maybe there is a place for quality over quantity in certain applications.
this concept has been something i’ve thought about alot during my life because of the work i do and have done over the years.
maybe i am jus trippin here in the question’s (quality vs. quantity) application as it relates to gifting, and am grounding ineffectively.

here is a new term for the various alphabet agencies: Team Schlicklgruber. it relates to idea that the nazis never went away, and hitler was mockingly called schlickgruber by the Brits in one story.

sincerely, david r.


This is a good confirmation for you, David, and you’re absolutely right to follow through on your hunches.

I’m not actually downplaying pipes and we, too, have tossed devices similar to yours into the sea and some lakes and will probably do it some more but my aim is always to demonstrate the simplest possible approach so that more and more people will try their hand at gifting and get the requisite, empowering confirmations.

We tossed an ‘unadorned’ 18 in a nearby lake, yesterday, and got phenomenal, immediate confirmation from overhead Sylphs, which Carol confirmed showed up to encourage us and demonstrate their gratitude.

Sure, subjective impressions are important and please don’t assume that yours are not! Taken altogether, tehy make up a very big volume of empirical evidence, after all.

Unfortunately, most photos of Sylphs are not as impressive as the direct visual experience and in those cases the subjective impression carries more weight than the photo. Sometimes the Sylphs are photogenic, though, and as many of those as possible ought to be posted on the web, along with the subjective impressions.

The vast bulk of our gifting is done with simple towerbusters and once in awhile we feel inspired to do something special in a certain place. We’ve tossed a lot of mini CBs in bodies of water over the years and Steve Baron dropped one in the middle of Lake Ontario with a crane–it was awfully big and drew the jaundiced attention of the watercops and military Wink but Steve got the Canadian government’s permission to do anything he wanted with orgontie, after the initial freakfest.

It’s really not necessary to second guess these eventful inspirations and it’s always good to follow thorugh with them but I try to distinguish this from the popular herd response that has threatened to founder this growing movemetn many times in the past: that the only approach that will work is a complicated, proprietary or arcane one.

I’m hoping that you’ll look at your inspiration in the context of the moment rather than to assume that from now on everythying you toss in the sea will need to have pipes attached to it. Having said that, it’s possible that in your case everything might need to have pipes attached to it for awhile—that’s up to you to determine, I think.

I’m sharing your report because it’s a good demonstration, I think, of a specific case of a gifter’s inspired interaction with dolphins but I’ll feel a little chagrined if this leads to a stampede of blind imitation among gifters Cool

Chagrin: Uneasiness or annoyance caused by failure, disappointment or humiliation.

Maybe only fools struggle against the herd instinct Wink but sometimes I get a glimmer of hope and I think this is one of those times, thx David.

At some point, hopefully right now, we’ll all recognize that there’s an honored place for inspired efforts as well as for the ‘infantry’ work of distributing simple orgonite in an intelligent and systematic way.

Wars are always won or lost by the humble infantry, not by charismatic navies or glittering air armadas. Success in war is all about taking and keeping ground, after all, and this is what gifting success is also about: we resolutely’ take territory away from the corporate world order’s dried up old parasites by transmuting their painstakingly created but really disgusting, ugly death-energy matrix into healthy, abundant life force and thus restore health and effectiveness to all of the unseen and barely seen benevolent and beneficial entities that are present and potentially present Wink

The more people will directly connect with the dolphins and whales, as you’re doing, D, the faster we’ll be enabled to discard corporate global tyranny and have peace, prosperity and freedom in our world.

Some of us see Herr Schicklgruber as a transitory tip of the Vryal iceberg, sort of like how this cretinous, drooling fiend in the White House is a slight-of-hand chumps’ distraction for the corporate world order’s criminal enterprise in the MidEast but you’re thinking creatively.

I was fortunate to know someone who collected and sold rare books and she let me read any of them. At the time, I was obsessed with learnng about Hitler and the Nazi phenomenon and a couple of the good biographies I read indicated that Hitler’s mom got pregnant when she was working as a maid for the Rothschilds in Austria, then got fired. A petty bureaucrat (customs inspector) named Schicklgruber married the foxy pregnant gal and then Adolf showed up. I also read an illustrated biography by one of Hitler’s admirers who said that to discuss Hitler’s origins publicly, during his regime, carried the death sentence Cool


Don Croft
26 Jul 2008 09:12
Subject: Re: Underwater Pipe Devices
My single swimming encounter with dolphins, on the last day of our recent visit to Hawaii, sort of branded my consciousness with the impression that we connect with them when we’re light and nimble. This is the opposite of how ‘spirituality’ is practiced in Theosophy- and churchianity-based paradigms, of course.

The spontaneity of the moment doesn’t lend itself to dogma or imitation, in other words, and the better we can avoid blind imitation, the more able we’ll be to get our own, unique inspirations in a timely way.

I’ve always wanted EW to be a clearing house for creative expression and approaches. I’m happy to leave depressing conformity and fake spirituality to the proliferated, noisy CIA-based forums and cults which the search engines, What To Think Network and it’s corporate-sponsored ‘underground’ subsidiaries favor.

I sort of see all that as a handy filtering process that helps the sincere seekers (the ones with commitment and stamina, at least) find the substantive and inspiring material that abounds here, thanks to so many reliable and reputable contributors.


26 Jul 2008 11:25
Subject: Re: Underwater Pipe Devices
I will keep talk at a minimum but will explicitly point out that this diagram is for use with TB´s, NOT pipes.
Since last time I posted about this construction several people did not read what I had pointed out and kept suggesting using pipes….
The 18 has been tested with pipes and did NOT work.
So please set the pattern up using TB´s.
Thank you.

Little Cesco

Don Croft
26 Jul 2008 14:37
Subject: Re: Underwater Pipe Devices
It’s a peculiar characteristic for a movement, but in this unorganized network there are no authorities. That’s a little frightening to some folks, I think.

As I said, I make my 18s in a basic, proven way but if someone whom I’ve found to be reputable reports having gotten instructions from dolphins to put pipes on his 18 I’m inclined to think it’s legitimate in that case. David has been doing good work and has been paying attention to his cues.

I also assume that Cesco’s application of pipes failed on account of circumstances that he might not be fully aware of.

In the interest of research I think we need to keep open minds and not relinquish our curiosity to assumed authorities.

Right now, there’s yet another organized campaign on discredited orgonite forums to discredit our basic cloudbuster design and when people from those forums write to me I simply tell them, ‘If what you’re claiming is true, it will become evident after enough people observe consistent results.’ I feel secure offering that advice because fakers are more fascinated by the noise they make than by substantive research and one can get astonishing results with ridiculously minimal orgonite and pipes under the right circumstances.

I often repeat the story of the Indian fellow in MOntana whom ranchers were paying to generate rain for them, 7 years ago. He was savvy enough to know where in the sky to point the pipes, the ends of which he jammed down into stream beds for a few minutes… Can we get more minimal than that?

We jack up the power of our successive cloudbusters with new features and it usually works because Carol’s good at composing energy elements and is in touch with elementals and other Operators. I sometimes mention this stuff but I usually forget. Contrast that with the sturm und drang of charismatic fakers on discredited forums who beat their chests about peerless substitutes for proven approaches but who can’t back up their claims. Fortunately, more and more people are just ignoring the legends in their own minds and getting busy, instead.

Cesco is a genuine pioneer who has produced time-tested inventions and approaches, as have Kelly, Ryan and a few others. Like the rest of us, they’ve also missed the target now and then but the efforts were well worthwhile and often led to serendipitous discoveries. The 18 and perhaps the 108 grew out of the earlier ‘underground cloudbuster’ experiments, for instance. I love those because they’re simple enough for anyone to make and to generate empowering confirmations with. Apparently, the Sylphs adore the 18s. I’ve yet to make my first 108 so I’m only guessing that it’s going to be as grand as the one that was still producing astounding visual effects in the sky around Kelly’s joint, a week after he set it up, which is when we arrived there.

I sure understand the urge to feel proprietary about our inventions because there are an army of CIA fakers, out there, looking for opportunities to undermine and exploit all legitimate subtle energy inventions. The reason we gave most of our inventions away was so that these fakers would be entirely unable to say that we were scamming people.

It would be impossible to know if any modifications to a cloudbuster or any other time-tested invention are legitimate improvements without having first tried a basic one and observed the effects, I think. I don’t know if David’s capable of observing the effects of an 18 with pipes compared to the ones he tossed that don’t have pipes but maybe he’ll be given some evidence and will share it with us. I don’t think many of us are afraid of missing the target in our experiments, nor should we take ourselves very seriously, ever.

Dr Reich exhorted his listeners and readers not to consider his writings to be the last word. He insisted that whatever he claimed that was later found to be innacurate or off-track should be corrected by anyone. I think we all should follow that example, especially with orgonite devices, becuase we’re not yet even aware of all the parameters of success and failure; we’re just getting our feet wet after 8 years of study and application. This new science and art is quite vast, after all, but the wonderful part is that anyone can earn solid confirmations, right away, by applying some basic, well proven protocols. It’s always a good starting place; it’s the only logical starting place unless you’re as talented and resourceful as that Indian guy I mentioned.


Don Croft
26 Jul 2008 15:35
Subject: Re: Underwater Pipe Devices
You know, the public aspect of this work is a real challenge. There was a period of four years during which I spent at least 8 hours per day and often 14 hours per day just answering email, the latter during periods when the frequent, periodic personal betrayals were occuring.

I used to get up at 4AM just so I could have part of the day to spend with my wife. I felt like I was riding a tiger because if I didn’t answer all that mail I knew in my bones that the CIA Monarch assets and agents who were writing to me incessantly, searching for my weaknesses, would publicly crucify me for being a jerk if I didn’t humbly answer them back Cool

It was good training but I’m grateful, every day, that I mainly just get email from genuine people, now, and usually don’t need to spend more than an hour or two per day with that. People who haven’t been through that psiops wringer probably can’t appreciate the scope and depth of the CIA’s mandate to incessantly and noisily interfere with all public forums and organizations.

Under the circumstances, I don’t think it’s possible to have confidence that one can talk about any of this stuff publicly without having to deal with these parasitic camp followers at some point. This is probably why more of the inventors won’t participate on forums, even the few forums like this one that are set up to keep the CIA’s sleepless poseurs, Monarch freaks and brain police from getting a toehold.

Cesco and Kelly got pretty severely burned, last year, when the professional camp followers spuriously promoted them but they’re still our friends and we don’t blame them for not posting on EW, any more. The friend who was in the car with Carol and I in January, 2007, when the CIA made two blatant attempts to murder us in a single day broke off contact with us a couple of months later and we don’t blame him, either.

I chose the word ‘spurious,’ because in addition to just meaning, ‘false,’ it’s from the Latin root that means, ‘of illegitimate birth.’ I think that orchestrated crowd of clever CIA bastards were lining up to steal the spotlight from the genuine gifters and vendors in the event that orgonite is forced into public awareness by The Operators and they’ve apparently failed, already Cool thanks, mainly, to a score or so of consistently productive contributors to EW. If Carol adn I were the only ones who say anything worthwhile in this forum, the bad guys would have easily won.

This public profile approach is absolutely not for everyone and I need to repeat, as often as possible, that the bulk of the gifting work in the world is done by people who have no intention of announcing their efforts, publicly. As a rule, if you, reader, think you need to participate on a public forum in order to make a contribution to this unorganized movement then you’re a candidate for the baited hook of the camp followers’ open-membership English-language orgonite forums and I hope you’ll get a clue, get busy with the simple instructions that we offer and will avoid that faux-friendly, dismal trap!


Don Croft
26 Jul 2008 20:56
Subject: Re: Underwater Pipe Devices
Ahem….I’m withdrawing my foot from my mouth so that I can better stand on this thin ice that I’ve wandered out on.

Cesco, I apologize for promoting the 18 and 108. When you were visiting, last spring, you told me that you and Kelly weren’t ready to promote them, yet, because you guys were still working out some parameters.

Sorry about that! I got a little carried away because of the Sylph confirmations we’ve been getting but I’ll wait for you two to announce that you’re ready to start talking about them publicly, again.

Stan Cayer is a prolific gifter in Vancouver, BC, who finally overcame the constant HAARP whiteout, after that city was completely gifted (all of the death towers and HAARP weapon facilities in the metro area were gifted) by spontaneously laying out some towerbusters in a geometric pattern on top of his RV, one day. I’m pretty sure, now, that the disappearance of the HAARP whiteout siege that day was not coincidental.

The results I saw at Kelly’s place convinced me that Stan was on track with that, several years ago. Before, I had filed Stan’s claim in the ‘wait and see’ bin. I think that if he weren’t an accomplished psychic and energy sensitive I might not have even filed the claim at all Wink because I get unsupported, unsupportable claims all the time from mostly Monarch-programmed wannabees. I knew Stan isn’t one of those, at least.

I’m mentioning this for two reasons: 1) Stan has never posted about his experiences on an orgonite forum, as far as I know, even though he’s thoroughly gifted vast territories and several cities, and, 2) no matter what result can be had by any proprietary approach, the same result can be achieved by any number of other approaches

The benefit of having a few competent, energy sensitive inventors around is that we can often repeat their experiments and consistently get the same results.

I always feel a need to add the caveat that nobody can be expected to be infallible in his or her assessments or recommendations, of course. A few good folks have fallen into that trap and most of those eventually recognized the trap (who do you suppose sets out all these baited traps?) and climbed back out before they turned into egoists.

Every claim needs to stand the tests of time and repeated experimentation before it can be considered true but I’m in favor of anyone repeating experiments with ‘works in progress,’ like the 18 and 108. I just don’t want to step on my friends’ toes in the process.

All orgonite devices are harmless, of course. The worst that even the most jaded CIA fakers out there have made for the market only cause their incredulous, chump customers to be a little irritable or depressed, due to disharmonious added elements. In fact, it’s pretty hard to make an orgonite piece that produces a little disharmony, so we consider it a skill rather than an accident or ‘good intentions gone awry.’ Cool


27 Jul 2008 21:07
Subject: Re: Underwater Pipe Devices

When I put my 108 together; it was on a piece of the garden that I usually set my most mobile CB.

The central circle comprised a hexagon of coincidentally the same size as that described by the CB pipes so, on an inspiration, I dug up the middle six TBs and set the CB in their place (taking care to align the base of the pipes faithfully) and sent a photo to Cesco for his comments.

He wrote back immediately to say that it should be clearly understood that these geometrical arrangements should have nothing placed inside the matrix and under no circumstances should pipes be used in conjunction with either the 18 or the 108 (the latter remaining under investigation).

During the time that it took to send the photo and receive the reply; there seemed to have been a significant improvement in the atmosphere (which was already pretty good before) but I took Cesco’s advice, removed the CB and replaced the central ring of TBs for no other reason than I respect his opinion which was presumably based on more extensive research that I’d taken the trouble to do.

I take Don’s point about not ‘relinquishing our curiosity to assumed authorities’ but my respect for Cesco’s [assumed] researches still stands.

The problem here seems to lie in the secrecy surrounding that research and its as yet unpublished findings; I don’t want to replicate big mistakes whilst not having access to anything other than generalized warnings to guide me.

Kelly uses a ring of six TBs to very good effect in turning negative lines positive and has achieved great success with his UCB (essentially a hexagon of TBs with a pipe on each) so it’s hardly a quantum leap to the idea of putting pipes on the 18 (but perhaps unseen dynamics prevail).

In the absence of elucidation from Cesco and Kelly; we are left to our own assumptions and observations on the operation of the 18 and the 108; either of which seems to be significantly greater than a sum of its parts.


Don Croft
28 Jul 2008 11:48
Subject: Re: Underwater Pipe Devices
Thanks, Dan–as far as I know, you’re the only other person besides Kelly who has deployed a 108

Out of respect for the inventors, I’ve toned down my discussion of the two devices but when something becomes public domain anyone is free to alter the design, of course. Hopefully, that will be done as you’ve done it: with an objective view toward observable effects.

All inventors tend to be proprietary and in the case of orgonite devices we have to contend with an army of professional poseurs and theiir noisy ‘Greek choruses’ but, ultimately, we have to be pretty loose and flexible in the face of this onslaught or even our legitimate proprietary concerns can be weaponized against us by these clever, sleepless liars.

We’ve never presumed to claim that our orgonite cloudbuster design is sacrosanct, for instance, though from time to time it has become apparent that some specific modifications have been a waste of time or take away from the overall good effect of the device. Examples of the latter is the addition of a seventh pipe in the center and the addition of magnets, for instance. Some other modifications, like twisting the pipes to create a slightly toroidal energy effect, simply focus the effects more locally instead of spreading the influence out in the upper atmosphere, which is what the ordinary CB was intended for.

I see our humble CB design as something similar to the Maytag washing machine, the M1 carbine or the ModelT Ford: it does what it was designed to do reliably, consistenly and for a very long time. It certainly disabled the global chemtrail program in a timely way Cool and is helping to reverse deserts and the global HAARP assault.

That said, Carol adn I have modified several cloudbusters for specific purposes, mostly with success Cool

I never had a feeling that the ‘Underground Cloudbusters’ that Kelly and others were promoting, last year, are harmful or even ineffective; only that the claims that were being made for them were not entirely substantial and that the $#!+bird agencies had turned ‘Underground Cloudbusters’ into a cause celebre in yet another of their attempts to discredit the movement and to cause dissension among friends.

Don Croft
28 Jul 2008 11:53
Subject: Re: Underwater Pipe Devices
Thanks, Dan–as far as I know, you’re the only other person besides Kelly who has deployed a 108

Out of respect for the inventors, I’ve toned down my discussion of the two devices but when something becomes public domain anyone is free to experiment with design alternations, of course. Hopefully, that will be done as you’ve done it: with an objective view toward observable effects.

All inventors tend to be proprietary and in the case of orgonite devices we have to contend with an army of professional poseurs and their noisy, online Monarch-programmed ‘Greek choruses’ who lie in wait to undermine and exploit us but, ultimately, we have to be pretty loose and flexible in the face of this constant psiops onslaught or even our legitimate proprietary concerns can be weaponized against us by these clever, sleepless liars and their psychological profilers.

We’ve never presumed to claim that our orgonite cloudbuster design is sacrosanct, for instance, though from time to time it has become apparent that some specific modifications have been a waste of time or even take away from the overall good effect of the device. Examples of the latter is the addition of a seventh pipe in the center and the addition of magnets, for instance. Some other modifications, like twisting the pipes to create a slightly toroidal energy effect, simply focus the effects more locally instead of spreading the influence out in the upper atmosphere, which is what the ordinary CB was intended for.

I see our humble CB design as something similar to the Maytag washing machine, the M1 carbine or the ModelT Ford: it does what it was designed to do reliably, consistenly and for a very long time. In their thousands across the globe, orgnoite cloudbusters of this design certainly disabled the global chemtrail program in a timely way Cool , mostly prevent local violent weather and flooding, are steadily helping to reverse deserts and are helping to defeat the 30-year-old global HAARP assault.

That said, Carol adn I have modified several cloudbusters for specific purposes, mostly with success Cool

I never had a feeling that the ‘Underground Cloudbusters’ that Kelly and others were promoting, last year, are harmful or even ineffective; only that the claims that were being made for them were not entirely substantiated and that the $#!+bird agencies’ online personnel had turned ‘Underground Cloudbusters’ into a cause celebre in yet another of their attempts to discredit the movement and to cause dissension among friends.

I understand and sympathize with the urge to glamorize inventions. We dropped an 18 in the lake, nearby, last week and the event caused an explosion of Sylph activity right overhead for about an hour. The only thing we assume from that is that the Sylphs really, really wanted us to drop the 18 in that spot, then. It certainly doesn’t indicate that every time someone drops an 18 in the water the Sylphs will automatically show up in force.

I’ve been encouraging inventors to look to the long term effects of their devices, even though it’s always nice to see dramatic short term effects. It’s the consistent, long term effects achieved by lots of people in varying circumstances that determine an inventions general worth and marketability, obviously. Some patience is required to gather all that data. I think Cesco and Kelly are absolutely right not to rush the process in this case.


Don Croft
28 Jul 2008 12:06
Subject: Re: Underwater Pipe Devices
I just got another note from Alejandro and I think he was grinning when he wrote it.

I’ll now take my other foot out of my mouth before I fall on my @$$ and through that thin ice:

Ale was simply posting, in the context of this thread, a quote from Cesco’s previous overall comments about the 18 Wink


Don Croft
28 Jul 2008 12:37
Subject: Re: Underwater Pipe Devices
Crimus–is there a third (mine) foot in my mouth?

Here’s what I just got from David:

just for the record i said the message [from the dolphins during his meditation. ~D] was- where are the pipes?
i took it to mean why didn’t you gift another mini CB? which i did. after the first mini CB gifted (about a month ago), i felt there needed to be 3 gifted. as time went by i oceangifted a bunch of TB’s and then recently an 18. i got the pattern from Cesco’s site.
i only mentioned that i might put pipes in an 18. something told to to wait on that and i did a mini CB instead(#2).
The 18’s that i have made don’t feel super great. maybe because i use mini muffins and crystal chips instaed of points. i always end up with minis around because our best muffin pan is rubber and makes mini muffins. i use up extra resin in that pan rather than throwing out the resin at the end of a pour. the other thing they work for is putting in fence posts-regular muffins are too big for most fence posts. they also are a good size for dog collars if you drill a hole in one.



David, I feel like I’m mandated to constantly hunt for the simplest effective approaches but after Carol mentioned that full sized TBs would be better than the 2oz orgonite muffins I was making my 18s with, I made an 18 on the same size armature (24" diameter circle) but with full sized towerbusters. I used crystal chips in those, by the way. It’s very easy to confuse the miraculous effects of simple orgonite with the effects of fancy crystals because so many people talk about putting fancy crystals in their tactical orgonite, which I personally believe is a waste of money in most cases and even a litttle disempowering and misleading at times.

When Kelly came over he remarked on the strength and good feeling of that one, which was on my shop floor. That’s the one we dumped on the underwater base that led to the immediate visitation of a half dozen very big Sylphs overhead for about an hour.

Carol had me make a mini-CB for Yellowstone Lake, which we dropped in the ‘hottest’ part of that enormous lake after dropping a couiple hundred TBs around the perimeter from the boat, a year ago. We don’t often drop mini-CBs in bodies of water but we also did it a couple of times around Florida’s coasts, too, and I like to mention that enormous one that Steve Baron dropped with a crane and rented boat in the geographic center of Lake Ontario a few years back Cool which agitated the Canadian armed forces so much.

Maybe it’s time to start experimenting with Etheric Pipe Bombs again: those are the little lengths of pipe that are half filled with orgonite.

Don Croft
28 Jul 2008 12:41
Subject: Re: Underwater Pipe Devices
Toilet paper cores are best for making earthpipe plugs to toss in fence posts because they’re just the right volume. Those of us who are full of $#!+ get a good, steady supply of these cardboard cores, fortunately.


Don Croft
29 Jul 2008 14:08
Subject: Re: Underwater Pipe Devices
HI Don,
You have informed me that a CB in the water is only for special applications, and regular TB’s
are the device of choice for most busting. that makes sense and is what we have been doing.
Did you ever post instructions to make a mini CB?
They are cheaper to make and seem to have a use.
i just kinda made up the 2 so far with free 1/2 copper pipe and a smaller bucket. 6-3’ pipes in a smaller circle.
Once i wrapped the skinny crystals i had w/stripped wire to get them to stay in the pipe because i did a one step pour and had no
caps on the bottom of the pipes, and no goop around.
Do coils around the crystals in the pipes help?
Do you really even need crystals in the pipes, or can they just be in the metal/resin matrix?

ps. we recently did our biggest pour yet-96 TB’s plus some other shapes in one session.
all with chips rather than whole crystals. hope those kind work well.


David, what we’re all doing is pretty ‘pastoral’ as opposed to ‘tehcnical’ and we’ve seen astonishing results from some pretty funky arrangements. Your mini CB is pretty much like the way we make our mini ones and the six/circle arrangement seems to really boost the energy, though I don’t know why.

There was a time when terms, like ‘The Lost Cubit,’ and ‘Phi proportion’ were being bruited about by subtle energy device inventors adn this is the stuff that the CIA liars love to amplify and emphasize because it’s so easy to hypnotize and disempower the incredulous, this way, but we’ve never seen that it applies to what we’re doing. I mention that because the only reason this movement has spread so far and so fast is that people who can and do make simple devices get consistent visual confirmations in the atmosphere and we also get solid impressions of improved ambience and social harmony in the presence of orgonite.

I wonder what those dolphins intend to do with your mini-CBs. I’ll ask CArol to ask them–usually pretty interesting answers. We ought to always follow their leads, as you’re doing. Carol’s suggested meditation involving dolphins has been helping a lot of folks connect with these teachers in a real and productive way, as your experience illustrates.

Looking forward to your report after you distribute all those TBs you made.


Don Croft
29 Jul 2008 14:19
Subject: Re: Underwater Pipe Devices
Oops–forgot to answer the crystals question. We just drop a crystal into each pipe, these days, but only if the cloudbuster won’t be turned upside down.

The coil around the xtal is simply a marginal energy aid; it isn’t essential.

When the crystals in cloudbuster pipes are encased in resin or in orgonite they’re apparently not as effective. the fact that ordinary quartz gets ‘used up’ in cloudbuster pipes might indicate that a certain level of energy flow is needed. Orgonite would protect them from getting used up. Lemurian seed crystals, diamantina and I think Tibetan quartz crystals don’t wear out in these applications or in Succor Punches so we use those.

If someone has no choice but to use ordinary quartz, he/she can just drop a new crystal on top of the original one in each pipe after the CB has apparently lost some of its range and effectiveness. Even without crystals, though, a CB will likely still ionize the atmosphere enough, locally, to prevent tornados and floods. Remember that crystals and other additives to orgonite simply increase orgonite’s effectiveness. It’s the orgonite that’s doing most of the work, always. The CIA fakers dearly want you to get that basic, empowering parameter backward Cool

One of the many reasons I was thrilled about our rural African cohorts finally getting into the orgonite manufacturing process (thanks, Steve B!) is that I realized that the coming transformation of that continent will take place mainly through the distribution of the simplest, most empowering orgonite devices.
