Unrest In Somali

Unrest in Somali.
The Orgonite business is almost at stand still due to the unrest here in Somali. We are actually trying very hard to ensure the distribution of orgonite in areas that are not much affected by the conflicts. In farm settlements where currently experiences some little rains during this period have had orgonite given to farmers. With little efforts we know there will be some good yield comes harvesting season.
With conflict here in Somali traveling has been the worst problem so far. There are various police and anti-Al-shabab forces checks where every passenger is screened. The traveling fee too has gone too high.
I’ll be going to wajir to collect some orgonite that had been brought to me by Dancan and Mrs O.

Fatuma and crew will prevail in Somalia. The fact that they’re still getting orgonite from Kenya and distributing it to the north, in spite of the new obstacles, is very encouraging to me and I think we’re going to get some inspiring reports about that, pretty soon.

Thanks, Mrs O, for making it possible for our Somali cohorts to keep distributing orgonite!

Everything in the world happens in cycles, which is why the present misfortune in Somalia is bound to be replaced with increased freedom and prosperity. In places like that, the regularity of rain is enough to revolutionize everyone’s fortunes, as we’ve seen happening where our friends distributed orgonite in semi-desert areas of Kenya and Sudan in recent years. They’ve made so much rain over Lake Victoria that people are farming successfully on Ugingo Island, now and in that case the soil is very poor but they’re getting a good crop on account of the orgonite in the fields.

When we add orgonite to a cyclic process it creates fascinating, positive effects that would not otherwise have been possible, sort of like the cycle itself is being fueled. When our business was being assaulted between August and December we weren’t worried because we felt confident that the boomerang effect on the agencies was likely to improve our business in the end, as has happened cyclically for the past eleven years Carol and I have been doing this together. I think the same thing is going to happen pretty soon in Somalia, thanks to Fatuma and friends. Then the sewer rat agencies (CIA, MI6) will gradually find it impossible to conduct terror campaigns there, any more.

In spite of all that, Fatuma and the people she knows are suffering greatly, right now and I send her heartfelt energy whenever I think of her, which is often throughout the day. If you’ll also do that, I guarantee that it will be productive and well received.


For sure as much as know the situation of the nation of Somalia, they had been living under severe panic and total frustration of unstable government. There was even a time that some of the top brass in leadership came and took refuge in one of the Hotels here in Kenya where they tend to form a stable government which also failed to provide a good and stable governors. Just because even after forming that government still they were suffering from the hands of other opposing faction in their nation which was against that government. Apart from that they had been suffering in the hands of the shifters, bandits, thugs and the cargo hijackers along the Indian Ocean something which had made other nations of the world to term Somali Land unsuitable to lad and stay. [Image Can Not Be Found]
The international communities also for many years had been warning her citizens against landing in Somalia because of her insecurity caused by the rebel groups operating in that nation far next to the Coastal strip of the Indian Ocean.
Of late now came the Al-Shabad another harmful and crude forces which are very much against the stable government.
My surprise is that for all those years the whole world including the super powers and other forces as the UN, AU had been silent on this. Even though people have been suffering but no nation have thought of taking heed of their pleas. But after Mrs. O and her team went and did a thorough gifting of the orgonite there a clear change is now being experience when the Kenya Government forces now forcefully intervene with ambition of fighting out the worst group so as to create a peaceful environment the may in return create a conducive place to support life for everybody. Even the whole world back and support the Kenyan government for what they are now doing [Image Can Not Be Found];
Me I witnessed this in Migingo for many times the forces from our neighboring nation Uganda had been disturbing the fishermen from our nation Kenya. But the government of Kenya had been very much silent on this, and immediately we took the Orgonite there it never even took three months, the Kenya government intervene there with their military personnel’s and now fishing can be easily done there with boldness for there is a good security for all people.
From all these I would say that our people had really played a bigger role in creating peace in our war torn regions and nations. May all the credit goes to brother Don the initiator of the Orgonite. I’m praying for all our team to continue in that spirit for without that nothing could have been achieved as par now. For that reason I say bravo to all of them.