Since I can’t see energy I rely on my eyes for confirmation, so when I put orgonite out there I look into the sky to see if chemtrails are disappearing or if the weather is changing.
I am pretty sure the people who maintain the bushes and trees find the orgonite and throw it away so I think I’m going to start sneaking putting orgonite under the ground. I saw something on ethericwarriors about vinegar getting rid of chemtrails. That sounded really interesting so I started leaving some in a bottle outside. Cleaning the air is my main focus. They say the air in Sacramento is 10th worst in the country so it would be nice if I could find a way to change that.
A***, I didn’t know you’re in Sacramento. There are more death towers there than in any other city in CA, I think. YOu’re seeking validation for orgonite the same way I did in the very beginning. I intentionally did the test cities on my own, without Carol’s help, so that I could advise people about what to expect, visually.
The vinegar claim should be taken in perspective, since it hasn’t yet been validated. Years ago, when someone made a claim like that a whole lot of people blindly accepted and then broadcast the claim, which caused a lot of confusion. These days, I think that most of the participants on EW will first validate a claim before broadcasting it. To validate any claim it needs to be tested in varying circumstances to find the parameters. This is what we did with earthpipes after someone invented them seven years ago, for instance.
Chemtrails are entirely harmless, due to the distribution of many thousands of orgonite cloudbusters in the affected countries, but in conjuction with the disinformation sites they produce psychological effects in people who first notice them. Almost none of those people who are starting to notice the harmless, seeded clouds noticed chemtrails back when they were sickening millions of people, between 1998 and 2003.
If you want the chemtrail-seeded clouds to disappear faster, just flip all the death towers and weather weaponry with orgonite.
I doubt much or any of your orgonite is being taken. Where did you get the impression that it’s happening? I remember taht Don Bradley showed us that bushes that had orgonite in them were healthier than the surrounding bushes after several months but I doubt this is a factor in terms of the feds hunting for the stuff. You can flip any death tower by putting orgonite within a quarter mile and if you stop to bury them, the feds are more likely to find them if they’re following you. We always toss except in rare cases where tossing isn’t always possible, such as downtown districts. In that case we do our gifting on a Sunday morning when just about the only other traffic, besides us, are sewer rat feds.
Also, is there smog where you are, now? If not, it probably means that someone else has been flipping the death towers on a large scale. There hasn’t been dangerous smog in LA since 2002 or so but that’s never been mentioned in the media. The only way to track that is to look at the record of ‘smog days’ since then. The only smoggy cities we’ve seen west of the Rocky Mountains in recent years are Salt Lake City and Las Vegas and we had done a lot of the gifting that got rid of Las Vegas’ smog, earlier, so the people whom we were gifting with may have enabled the feds to find and remove most of that. Salt Lake City is a special case, I think.