Visible effect of Orgone generator on garden

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Here is an experiment which was carried out last summer with the assistance of my aunt. Each garden, planted symmetrically;

  • 6 Italian tomato seedlings (roma)

  • 2 seedlings of gherkins

  • 1 seedling of regular cucumber

  • 1 yellow seedling of zucchini

the reason for which the garden of right-hand side is twice larger is than the field of ionization of a normal hhg is 15 feet in diameter. It is the most direct action of those generator. However, a hhg will purify energies in a radius of two kilometres and more.

Front left = normal cucumber 1 plant

In the front, middle at left= gherkins 1plant

center and in the back= tomato 6 plant

back left= zucchinis 1 plan

June 7, 2004

Beginning, no difference since the day it was planted -

June 14, 2004

One week later, No remarkable difference the plastic bags are used to keep away the deer

July 15, 2004

One month and a week after planting,

the garden on the left produced some deformed cucumbers not represented on the photograph .

Now, you can really see a difference between the plants in the gardens on the right-hand side, they are greener, produce more flowers (thus more vegetables) and the vegetables look better.

The garden on the left produces a small amount of regular cucumbers and those which grown there are often deformed (,), a little in the form of comma the seedlings of the gherkins are allready strating to dies, in the left garden.

For now, it seems to produced more tomatoes (they are still green) in the seedlings of the garden of right-hand side, although the tomatoes of the two gardens seem to mature with the same speed. It is quite a bad year for the zucchinis (not dry enough) one nevertheless sees a difference in the color of the leaves (greener in the garden of right-hand side).

The basket in the photographs of the Right-hand side (Above) shows some specimens of the garden of right-hand side (of cucumber ’ ’ burpless") which are usually collected at 8 -10 inches, reached at least 12-14 inches!

This photograph is the best one to make a symmetrical comparison.

August 6, 2004

August 12, 2004

August 18, 2004

August 27, 2004

September 28, 2004

Many thanks to Nicole for taking the time to write down her observations and for taking pictures.