Visits to Nyamira

I’ve forgotten where I posted one of Mrs Odondi’s emails about her visits to Nyamira, the notorious Kenyan village where human sacrifice, cannibalism, ‘night runners’ (men who run, naked, through the village in the dark of night and attack innocents) and predatory magic abounded but her orgonite has evidently transformed the people in that place, as Georg and Trevor earlier accomplished in an equally brutal town in South Africa: Soweto.

Here’s her further update about that:

Hi Don
Right now peace has already realized in Nyamira Kenya after our thorough gifting there .Even the ares which had been affect by Jujus which means witchcraft practices and night runners after our gifting there in Nyamira people could now walk freely without any interference. All the people who had been frequently fighting have enjoying a good environment I m very sure that Carol when she will come back in Nyamira will realized a big different.
Mrs O