Warriors in somali land

Hi everybody,
We are spending our second night here in Bulo Hawo. For the first time, Fatima has taken us around the place here from the morning hours. We are now dressed like the Somalians with long dress, and applied some chemicals so that we can look like them and to avoid suspicion. We have met a few fellows, but they are not receptive, since Orgonite is a new pruduct and something new to these people. We expect them though to accept it soon.
We plan to go to various places, especially sacred grounds, in order to affect the land and the lives of the people who live here in this land. Tommorrow, we shall visit some community called the Darod tribe. We shall let you know about the outcome.

Benedict and Mrs Odondi have been in close touch with some of us during the preparation of their journey. They completed some requisite networking among Somali refugees in the vicinity of Larissa, Kenya in the previous week or so and they’re fortunate to have the help of their Somali guide, Fatima. Mrs O told me that Benedict has known some Somali people and is familiar with many of their customs, already.

Some of us have been boosting these brave souls since they left Larissa and Carol told me that they’re safe. I’m sure that’s largely due to their preparations. Benedict has a good sense of where to put some orgonite to influence the region, I think, and both our friends are generous and consummate networkers so I expect them to be successful beyond their own hopes.

We’ll be getting busy for them in the chat, this weekend. Do send them some heartfelt boosts when you think of them, okay? It’s just like putting gasoline in a fuel tank.

Orgonite will help Somalia in ways that we probably can’t imagine at the moment. Remember that ‘warlords’ are always supported by one or another sewer rat agency, by the way. All the arms in the world won’t make a difference unless someone with a whole lot of money is providing ammunition and logistical support, including intelligence reports [Image Can Not Be Found]

If the corporate world order wanted Somalia to stop being a ‘failed state’ they’d stop providing all that support to the ‘warlords’ and they’d stop putting up with the ‘pirates’ at sea on a moment’s notice. We saw how fast a similar condition of corporate-sponsored anarchy got resolved expeditiously in Southern Sudan after our friends started distributing orgonite, there. S Sudan is now a sovereign country and that was achieved peacefully.


Hi everybody,
The photo seen above is for the map that we are going to follow on our way to reach the success off spreading our Orgonite promotion in Somalia. The red dotted areas in the picture, 1 and 2 are the places that we have already visited for the purpose of promotion. Fatuma has today led me to one of the driest places in the region, and we have toasted a lot of Orgonite over there. Fortunately, we have today found willing souls who are willing to use Orgonite. We have given them just now some few after a very serious talk that made most of them convinced. Initially, they thought that we are among the Al Shabaab members who are using trick to give bombs to them, but they re now convinced on how important we are to their peace.
I have told them of various uses of Orgonite, the effects and importance. Considering their lives, some have started to see that the only solution to the long term wars in the region is only the application in the land. They also feel privileged to have RAINMAKERS as they call us in their midst. We have promised the Somalians that soon they will be living settled lives and they will as well be practicing agriculture, an appeal which has left most of them with their mouths wide open-Surprised.
We have promised to bring them more orgonite with time after our promotional campaign.
However, they have seriously warned us against the terrorist group, Al Shabab, whom they told us that can cause injury to us if they realize that we want to terminate their powers. Definitely, Zappers were not left behind and we promised to bring them some if we come back.


Could you explain to me how much orgonite you give for fields (how big orgonite pieces and how placed/didtributed on the field).
It is IMPORTANT since you have this knowledge already, and I’m trying to check it/verify in East Europe if it would work here.


Hi warriors,
Yesterday was a grate day for the first success of our campaign. Because of the nature of the land, which is unlike Kenya or Ethiopia or Tanzania, with little suspicion if any, there is always a serious suspicion if one decides to hold a public gathering. This is the reason why we launched a door to door campaign, which is quite tedious. We started the walk early in the morning, and by noon we had mobilized about thirteen families. It was a ground where Fatima acted as a translator of whatever I said. A lot of demonstration was involved, and in four instances, we had to go to one of their poor farms and physical apply the same.
Funny enough, at the evening hours when we were almost through, and in the last family we visited, a big crowd emerged in individual mode, one after the other. The house where we were was soon filled to capacity and so we got out. After the demonstrations, we had to give out what we had. That was the major cause of the small fight as they were struggling over the limited lumps. I compared the case to a market scene in Kenya, where fishermen were struggling for Orgonite physically. This is an optimism of the success, which is realized in Kenya.
We have a scheme where we think of training the local people to help us in the mobilization. We hope this will help us succeed faster and safely.
One of the most technical plan we have is to toast some Orgonite and put around the Al-Shabaab training ground to Chang their minds so that they can advocate for peace as well in the land, and that will be the greatest achievements that the UNO should reward, since they have been defeated to achieve this long yearned peace.

What do you warriors think about tarting

  • the Orgonhte around this place?


these orgonite that were suppose to be taken to Somali will be safe even the Ethiopians need it in large quantity
Mrs o and Benedict remember that Somali is a dangerous country so you should not walk at night when you need something you can send your neighbours

I think this will spread very fast in Somalia and Ethiopia and I’m glad you’re taking precautions along the way, Mrs O and Benedict. Thanks for your advice, Christine.

When Carol was in Kenya in late 2001, not far from Kisumu and Migori, she was also advised not to go out at night, on account of the ‘night runners’ who secretly committed atrocities while running, naked, through the villages, which are not lighted. The mother of Carol’s Kikuyu hostess, during one of those nights, needed to go outside and when she was accosted by a night runner, she cut him with her machete. The next day, his identity became known because of the bandage he was sporting [Image Can Not Be Found]

I bet the orgonite you folks have distributed has made it nearly impossible for these night runners to do their business, any more [Image Can Not Be Found]

The locals were calling Carol’s orgonite, ‘rainmakers’ on account of all the rain they suddenly caused, ending a long drought.

During the past week, Carol paid attention to how our friends in Sudan are doing and she assured me that they were completely safe, for now, but I had promised them that the international chat session on Sunday would be dedicated to helping them. I don’t normally post about our sessions but this one was particularly interesting:

The sewer rat agencies are evidently so understaffed and discouraged, by now, due to the constant ‘trouble’ they’re having on account of our species’ rising awareness and accountability. They had at least a week’s notice that Somalia was about to be introduced to orgonite but even though they arm, finance and direct Al Shabaab (the terrorists that were mentioned above) they were unable to track our friends or interfere with them.

So, our first effort was to run some interference and help ensure that the rest of the Somalia expedition will be conducted in safety.

As usual, when the psychics go out of body as a group and start hunting for related targets around and beyond the planet, this exercise produced some entirely new targets for them. The Statue of Liberty showed up prominently, which quickly led to a New York Bankster connection. Right before that, they saw British SIS (MI6) in Somalia, trying to cobble together some interference for our friends. So we interfered with that, of course; easy to do in the planning stage and not so easy once the bullets are flying. A hastily-organized ritual to ‘power it up’ was evidently in progress and of course the Brits, Jesuits, CIA and a few other terorist organizations employ local ‘subcontractors’ (filthy-magic tossers) in these scenarios. A group of those, I think Jesuit-directed, nearly killed Georg in South Africa about seven years ago but we caught it in time in the chatroom, fortunately, and Georg felt better immediately. We rarely see Jesuit predators in the etheric exercises any more, by the way. Igor and John in Italy were very thorough at finding and physically ‘blessing’ Jesuit real estate throughout Italy around six years ago then we noticed a speedy decline in their power. Some of the targets were found by psychics, by the way.

What most people still don’t recognize is that these sewer rat agencies are heavily dependent on masonic/theosophical occult practices in addition to their touted electronic mind control and scalar stuff. In our view, it’s like they’re standing on these two legs. It’s easy to interfere with their occult ugliness leg and some of us believe that a lot of folks around the world are also psychically doing, in informal groups, what we’re doing, now, which may help explain why all the corporate sewer rat agencies are so hogtied right now. Some of those folks are probably chest pounders but that doesn’t seem to matter in terms of getting results. This is just a job, after all, not something that only saints can accomplish. None of us are saints but we sure can kick butt in the etheric realm. Imagine how unfeasible even small scale tyranny will become when every village has people doing what we’re doing in the chats! I think it will happen sooner than later because it’s time for it to happen.

The psychics clearly saw that the New York bankster connection relates directly to a current campaign to loot Somalia’s resources with the assurance that there are no foreign witnesses to draw attention to it. The Brit banksters made NY their biggest piggy bank in 1913, as you probably know. I get a lot of feedback from readers and they generally already know how the world operates, under the media/academic/clergy lid . I’m really proud of EW for that. If I were a chest pounder on account of our role introducing orgonite to the internet, the only thing that might happen is that I’d fall off of this incredible wave of accountability. I just want to stay in the game with the rest of you guys and I want and expect a whole lot of people to surpass Carol and I, as many already have in various ways.

With their ‘state [read: corporate] sponsored terrorism’ as exemplified in Somalia, the corporate world order doesn’t actually have to pay for their raw materials, though of course financing a ruinous terror campaign can be described as a form of payment. Note that a similar campaign failed in Southern Sudan recently, probably largely due to our friends’ timely and thorough distribution of their orgonite. It’s how this ancient, patriarchal world order routinely raped and pillaged the entire planet until people finally started taking notice a bit in the 1800s and assumed some responsibility for stopping tyranny.


What Carol realized about the orgonites when she came to Kenya concerning the effective of Orgonites in controlling and minimizing the powers of the night runners we also realized we effectiveness of the Orgonites in another way ,to us we come to detect that when we have the Orgonites or put it in our homes thieves and robbers rarely come.And for this reason its vividly that orgonites is real and work without doubt
Right now i m in Lodwer in Dancan’s home.

Hi Don and Jane
We are doing so well in our promotion, and now we have reached a better phase. We have done wonderful good in the Darod community, and we still have ways ahead.
From the look of things, we shall be successful in our mission, and there is a lot of peace prevailling around the place where we stay. The only worry is the reaction of the terrorist group over here, following the death of their leader, Orama Bin Laden. We are very cautious in all our undertakings, and as well very keen in our movements.
I wish to confirm that the Orgonite toasted in the region has definitely changed many things! Just like in Kenya around Kisumu and Migori where the wizards stopped their bad activities after a lot of Orgonite was toasted around the place, we expect that there is going to be a lot of change.
Most remarkably is the effort of this young man with me over here, who is spending sleepless nights and works very selflessly to ensure that we final succeed. He has been making a serious move that I must actual recognize.
Mrs O

That is right we need to take some orgonites around those Al-Shabab camps and Bnedict through his remarkable courage he has volunteered to take the orgonites there.Fatuma is also a bit conversant with some of them those Al-Shabab and we gave her some of the orgonites that she will take to their training camps. Tomorrow we will explore their areas of operation together with Benedicts and Fatuma. Even though Christine instructed us not to go deep Somali for its not a good place but our experience now we are going to do all that is necessary to reach the important areas.
Fatuma is staying at the boarder of Kenya and Somalia Our brothers Chris and Nicholas did a good job in Moshi Tanzania where they went, they told me that they managed to toss orgonites on Mt. Kilimanjaro,farmers around there also benefited much through the orgonites that they introduced to them,they also told me that they conducted a work shop seminar where they enlightened farmers on the impact of orgonite to crop production.

The same way you said in your post about the effectiveness of orgonite by minimizing the severe operation of the night runner as what happened to Carol when she come to Kisumu and Migori Kenya its true that those characters are many in Africa but now the introduction of orgonites has really helped us in a great deal

Mrs O.

Hi everybody,
We are deep in the Southern Somalia where we are now doing a lot. We launched the other day a door to door campaign in our promotion. At this moment, I can understand quite well some information in the Somali language. This achievement has been enhanced by Fatuma who has seriously took her time to teach me. My little knowledge in Somali has granted me some good advantage.
Due to the serious insecurity situation in the country caused by the AL-Shabaab, the government in cooperation with the local community has stated a community policing. This is a method of tracking the few community members in coordination with the police officers, those who are threat to the communal security.
When it was heard that somebody was around spreading the gospel of peace through the use of what seems to have magic powers, a message was sent to me to attend a community Baraza, (meeting) in the Darod community. I was given a chance address the people after a serious welcoming with several applause. Having known little language that I could use as a start of my speech, every eye sat very expectantly, learning forward not to loose even a single word in my talk and demonstration.
What appealed most to the Darod people was the fact that we could toss Orgonite around the place to give them peace. The major problem in Somalia in history had been the search for peace in the land.
This is the ground under which we have a very strong support. Just like Jesus who was gaining followers day by day, we are gaining daily support from the local people increasingly, day by day. Sincerely, the they had proposed to us that we may go to their homes for accommodation.
Because of this hope, we incline to go and toss a lot of Orgonite in the Al-Shabaab training ground, the ground which has proved to produce individuals who are the threat to their security. This will give a serious ground to the promoters who will take turn after that. The first person now is Fatuma.
Generally, we see a lot of success in this place, since the outcome is quite promising.
Thanks once again to those who had been of great support to us, both morally and financially. We have planned to go to the camp next week. You know how dangerous it is, and so we request that something might be done once more for our security, something which I don’t doubt will work, and has always worked.

Thanks very much for the updates and your observations, Mrs Odondi and Benedict–very encouraging. Falling crime rate is a common result after orgonite has been distributed in an area and we’re very glad to know that you achieved that in your areas and, now, are also seeing it begin in Somalia. I expect that you are quickly changing the balance of power to the positive side in Southern Somalia, now. I’m glad we’ll have a chance to work for you both, again, in next Sunday’s chat session and I’ll also ask for help in the days before that, for you. No doubt, peace will go in front of you as you advance farther into the country. I’ve had the impression that the ‘unseen host’ are actively helping you, now, and this is certainly what the psychics were seeing around you both during an international chat session, recently.

Fatuma is an absolute gem and we’re fortunate that she’s provided her assistance and guidance to you. I’m sure we’re going to hear much much more about her and also from her, hopefully. Benedict told me in an email that he has the impression that she’ll become an important leader in Somalia in coming years.


As we observe the changed mood of the Somalians who had received the orgonite its really encouraging for they now developed much interest in the product and in return peace is being realized for even areas which had resistance and hostile to the foreigners like us, we have seen them being calm and friendly to us.This clearly proved to us that as we continue distributing the orgonite further peaceful environment will soon be realized.

Benedicts and Fatuma today they took the orgonites to the areas where the Al shabab normally operates ie next to their camps.And even the photos of those Al Shabab they have taken them
and i m sure by tomorrow or Wednesday you will have an opportunity to view the photos.Me i never went for i was busy training some women on the important of the orgonite and how to use it for better result.Those Islamic women whom i was training were related to Fatuma one of her sister was among the group and they all yield to orgonite such that nearly all of them had the desire to at least have some to use.

Zapper which i took from Kisumu 10 in number i took with me to Somalia and that terminator zapper i gave to Fatuma while the rest i distributed and they like them.Those Islamic when they saw Zappers for the first time they thought that they can be dangerous weapon but after a thorough teaching they come to like them for in Somali getting drugs when one is ill is not very easy so zapper will be useful to them.

Chris and Nicholas told me that they were supposed to travel from Tanzania today but i was proposing for one of them to remain there and continue teaching those people some other important things as concern the rgonites for Billy had packed for them some orgonite that they may collect at Namanga which is at the boarder of Tanzania and Kenya.But only that they told me that Nicholas had been affected by malaria and typhoid the told me that he had use the zapper and he will be well.

Mrs O.