Waterbury gift 2015 may

Hello, this is Nena. Alexander and I went on a mother’s day gifting trip Sunday to Waterbury and I thought I’d give an account of my experience. We have been having a lot of hot weather here recently, after our long winter and cool April it’s been nice to get some warmth. However it’s been 80 for the last couple of weeks and we haven’t had any rain. To bring the rain we decided we would go to Waterbury and gift two large water tower that we had seen from about 20 miles north. We have gifted Waterbury once before about a two years ago but we knew that there was more work to be done.
The first place we gifted was Black Rock State Park in Watertown. When we go gifting we like to follow our intuitions and we both felt strong spirits when we drove through this place. I dropped Alexander off and he ran up into the woods and found a cat’s den. He left a beautiful large disc shaped orgonite “shield” we made near it. From there we found the first water tower pretty quickly, it was a huge white beastly thing covered with cell phone panels. It was located in front of the Crystal Rock plant and hard to miss. It was located at the front of a large industrial complex so we were able to hit it from all angles pretty well. We put an earth pipe on one side of it and an hhg on the other.
From the plant we could see the other water tower that we had intended to gift. As we headed for it we weren’t sure if it was located in an area we had already gifted but as we got closer we realized it was just on the other side of an area of towers we had gifted in our previous trip to Waterbury. We were looking at the area from a different perspective this time and were able to clearly see the water tower. We tossed a few more tbs around the area for good measure and I dropped Alexander off again to hammer in our second ep. While we were back in that area we ended up finding the driveway that lead down to a death tower. The mailbox at the end of the driveway said something like odtv and when we went down it there was building that looked sort of like a business with a huge death tower next to it. There was a car parked outside the building and when we drove back further we saw that the back of it was set up like a fancy patio with a jacuzzi and fountains. There was also a large work garage with trucks and vans. We hid a large hhg in the woods near by and got out of there. We believe maybe it is used as a set for tv shows or movies.
I have been reading a book called Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards. My grandmother had recommended to book to me when I was younger and I recently picked up a copy of it at the library. It is a wonderful fascinating and helpful book to read not just for an artist but anyone interested in being more aware of what is going on around them. It helps you to see what is really there rather than just what we think is there. It talks about how our left brain is responsible for verbal analytical and symbolic part of how we think and that the right brain is more visual, imaginative and sees things in terms of how they are related to other things. By looking at the negative space of things or the things around a figure rather than the figure itself is a method of getting a better look. When we look at things from different perspectives I have found we can learn a lot. I believe this to be true not only of seeing but thinking and feeling as well. This book is a great example.
After gifting this area we headed for this huge cross located up on the mountain in Waterbury you can see from the mall and where the highways cross and we felt it was some sort of generator and that we should go up there and place some orgonite. When we got up to the top it was nothing like I had anticipated. It is called the holyland and it is beautiful. Like an old village of tiny shrines and ancient buildings made of sand and concrete. It is a unique place you can tell someone created it with passion, spirit, and love. It seemed to be closed to the public now and like the big mirrored cross that brought us up there in the first place had been added after the little village was created. We gifted it with tbs and headed back into the city. Through our day we tossed tbs in places we felt needed it. We gifted a few more water towers we came across and some cell towers as well. As we finished up dropping the last of our tbs we were heading out of waterbury and drove by the waterbury court house. It had a bunch of cell phone panels on the top of the building and we noticed the building also had a sign for Frontier on it, Frontier is our internet provider. I also noticed in Winsted a city nearer to where we live the Frontier company is located right next to the police station. This is important for us to notice and be aware of.
Sometimes driving and gifting in a city like Waterbury can be a little overwhelming. I’m from a small town and always avoided driving in a place like that. Gifting has helped me to come out of my shell and face my fears. We look forward to the day that we have our own flying craft and can gift a city like waterbury no problem. Without having to deal with traffic and gates keeping us from reaching our targets. We do the best we can with our trusty subaru, and it felt like we helped put a dent in the gunk they have been pumping out of there.
It is amazing how almost always we seem to go unnoticed when gifting. People really seem to pay no attention. I realize now there really are a lot of “PJ” people hanging out around us and I used to be one. I’m thankful to be waking up the the truth and getting to be a part of spreading goodness and love with orgonite as one of my best tools.

Hello Alexander here,
Nena and I went gifting in Waterbury and it was a rich experience. We
were able to place orgonite around many water towers and weather
balls. The shape of the weather balls and water towers are very
powerful. We made earth pipes and large pieces with coils and points.
We were given the green light to make a million bucks off of the
metal shavings from our metal guy so its nice. I live in a liberal
little cow town and people are very protective of their land, things,
and guns. The state police along with the crooked death worshipers
clothed in robes who think they have the power to make a million off
of selling drugs and other related morals and dogma, think they can
take away the rights that were ordained by creator. Think they can
protect their children and exempt the others. The sad truth is many of
the state workers children are the most invested in the drugged up
system and mixed up in addiction. as we know medical has not helped but hindered and murdered countless people. The court system is adjacent to the internet thugs, go
figure. Since we are dealing with bullys the only way is to fight back
with a punch in the fascist face with orgonite on the etheric. It
takes time to see certain things then its as plane as day. I really
enjoyed the etheric radio show where people were interviewed and
enjoyed especially the part where Cassandria talks about the mentality
of you only live once and how crock o dung that is. It was a shock at
first because I was taught initially that this was it then the fire
everlasting or heaven if you did exactly as your told. So its been
interesting reflecting. Upon reflecting I realize this strange thing.
My whole pursuit for drinking and consuming was to really get in touch
with my creator and it was a ill fated attempt. I realize I can
literally let go of old habits and its a time thing I feel. We ripen
with age like vessels of some fermented spirit. Its quite beautiful.
I have come to see that my life will end as the being I am and thats
fine I want a nice death. SO I gota earn it. This last gift affirmed
the need to fly and I realize thats where I am headed to the sky like
I always wanted. The planes freak me out so do the damn helicopters
so thats gona be something. Im thinking tesla stove style or some
other solid state thing. I hate moving parts. A cup that catches
ether. The playscape would really open up. And since 95 % of the
ships are of terrestial origin according the “THE brotherhood of the
bell” It makes sense that this one thing will turn the tides for
orgoniteers everywhere. I don’t really care if I get murdered in this
war because its part of the sacredness of this thing. I am dealing
with the boogey men. Its like the self control problem but when you
have thugs beaming your mind it kinda makes you feel like you are
crazy. Boosts they cannot handle. Nice heart boosts literally can push
them away. ANd thats what im learning. Baby steps. I feel like a big
hairy baby sometimes. Its interesting how things change and yet the
perspective is quite similar to the time when I was young and I could
see but just not the words to explain it in intelligble phrases but
inside I know. A friend said why is everything shrinking? haha. THis
book by Betty Edwards Drawing with the right side of the brain is a
great book that affirms that IM not crazy just an artist. There are
two sides of the brain yet how i really didnt understand it. THats the
phunny thing how the school systems want to stamp the damn curiousity
and divine intelligence out of everyone and thing. But its not funny
Its ritualized sick and evil. All you have to do is inject a kid with
a smathering of unique elements and run some beams through him and you
got a workchuck. They are failing fast. Orgonite and the internet are
prooof. ANd since we are dealing with the timely ness of it we can use
it for utterance is indeed one of the most effective tools. When I
want to research certain terms my internet company Frontier (frontear)
blocks it. Sending nice centered heart boosts at my sick brother or
sister in national uniform OR UN uniform. They have some hangers ons
that dictate how they live and I can feel the same way too sometimes.
I feel I have to get to the sky and whip a bunch of pucks out at the
towers. I could get the whole connecticut in one day. I realize we
have some places of importance to hit for example a nuke plant in
hudson point blew up saturday and New Britain where I was born needs
it but since I had so much trauma their I avoid it but It wont be bad
it will be good and healing for myself and community. Its not like im
doing anything wrong. Im not in nazi germany or am I??? They are all
actors like how one of my clients for gardening is “dating” the
billionaire Jerome mars and hes the candide mogul I mean candy mogul.
I am realizing to detox Im gonna have to cut back on all sugar. Thats
where my alcholism ties and and why your loved one who is a drunk is
so baffiling. Just like the atom can be a wave and a particle, candide
can be a sphere or a twisty worm so its the devil so to speack. Dr
Jeckle and Mr hyde is a great analogy to any booze hound. I am not the
sharpest toool in the shed or the shinisest bulb in the bunch and I
failed my college biology class 3 times, but I do remember the first
part and its how the body breaks food down into ethl alcohol in
usuable form. I felt that he science was squewed so I always fought
with the teacher and left in a huff. WHY WASTE MY TIME WITH NONSENSE.
The alcoholism is a pack of little worms and they hurt. With
good food I feel good. I like the idea of raw but if you have ever
been out in the woods starving you know after weeks that the little
grass aint cutting. If you bushwack I dont know how someone does it. I
think the whole organic craze is bs im not sold on it. poisons is
poisons. IF people saw how their “ORGANIC” food looked before they bought it how it was grown. Im not knocking your special thing but im not paying into it anymore. EVERy year there is more of everything except in the
places where the net of evil reighnss supreme. More gifters in america
is great because it still has alot to go in my opinion. EVeryday I
realize how much i dislike this town and state and people. loud
obnoxious stinky. I want some place to be out in the moutains playing
guitar and living in a cob house without any jerk trying to be heir
hitler. Children of hitler live in my area ANd thats another thing I
realze these basterds drink blood. THEY DRANK MY BLOOOD. I realize it
now. Through cathloic radio… hmmm… Must go to catholic radio
station must go to catholic radio station and gift. Whatever they are
they are terrified of me now. And they should be because im on fire.
We have located a strange column of dark energy in the middle of the
great forest. We will be taking very little in provisions and lots of
orgonite and I feel a bunch of earth pipes. Any boosts are appreciated. We want to be able to
move. We tried it with a bunch of stuff and it do not work. The wild
foods are in abundance and we will see what its like without
galactophage and meat. I feel its an important target. Gonna have a
nice fire and get naked and sing and dance. CALL TO THE THUNDER PEOPLE

Nena posted and I encourage her and other women to post I love the dynamic. Nena is special to me and I never was able to see things or I was but it was pushed not to talk about it. If you follow your heart and your dreams you can do anything. A good friend Parker said all thoughts are prayers and I have a heart I have a mind together they shine.