Whale Slaughter In Madagascar

Don Croft
12 Jun 2008 10:26
Subject: Whale Slaughter in Madagascar
I got the following from Rebecca in Canada–Didier is the nearest gifter, if he’s now at home (Reunion Island, near which the psychics found a major distorted vortex, perhaps related to this event). If he will see this and can manage to drop a lot of orgonite in the sea, I think the dolphins will take some of it to stop the murderers. I’ll also ask the psyhchics to help us deal with the corporate/military murderers, meanwhile.


Hi Don,

Don’t know if you’ve heard this already but there’s over 100 whales stranded in Madagascar right now, 30 have already died. It seems ExxonMobil was at work trying to murder them with their seismic garbage. Whale experts from around the world are hurrying their butts over there.
