What If Orgonite is Removed From a Death Tower?

I’ve been corresponding with this fellow (his email address has .edu on the end and I think he’s an academic), who is apparently poised to start flinging orgonite but wants to do it with confidence. It finally dawned on me to post his questions and my comments here, so here’s our latest exchange:

Hi Don!

Your emails are always great to read! Have you found that being around orgonite increases your feel for these things, or did you do something in particular, such as learning things from your wife?

Thank you for the information on how to place TB and what size they should be. I think you have been the only one who has been that specific in their instructions.

I guess once orgonite is placed somewhere, it takes 20 minutes to change the area to having more POR.

If orgonite is placed near a tower for 20 minutes, it becomes a healing tower. I realize that if the orgonite remains there, the tower continues to be a healing tower. But what if… what if the orgonite is removed. Does is it still function as a healing tower if the orgonite is removed from the area?

Some people talk about gifting a whole city. I think I read that some people will gift hospitals, haunted houses, retirement centers, malls, etc. What are your thoughts on that?

One person even talked about putting a TB in the reservior of his toilet. That way, every flush would send POR water to the city. Does that seem like a reasonable idea?

Again, thank you for your input.

Best wishes for a great weekend!



Thanks for the toilet tip & I’ll pass that along, %%%%%%%. You definitely will get a feel for this once you start doing the work and it’s good to be thorough and put orgonite at all the locations where sick energy is felt. These are usually institutions but also a lot of graveyards, for instance, where occult organizations like the Jesuits or masons have deposited a lot of bodies. Look for creepy monuments in that case. We did the Civil War cemetery in Atlanta and that produced a lot of positive energy, for instance. We tracked it while eating breakfast across the street after doing the deed.

Being around orgonite seems to steadily increase our awareness and general balance. It also seems to enable us to get through our problems and challenges more efficiently and with less trauma. I think that healthy orgone is an essential balancer and vitalizer. Being around poisonous orgone has the opposite effect, obviously, and this is the currency of the old organization that has lately been calling itself the New World Order, just like contrived debt and usury is their ‘livlihood.’ Carol and I were thrilled when a Chinese was appointed to head the International Monetary Fund, last week, because this is the best evidence, so far, that the ruinous old Europoid (Babylonian) usury parasite is now under China’s control. China’s vastly superior wealth is productivity-based.

Being around psychics a lot is probably going to bring out one’s own latent ability and that’s sure happened in my case. My impression is that each of us have these abilities in some capacity, like anyone has a certain capacity for music, painting, athletics, etc., but genuinely gifted psychics are kind of rare, as are gifted artists and athletes. Most of the psychics I know are loathe to consider this for some reason and they seem to feel that their gifts are shared by everyone. I haven’t wrapped my brain around that, yet Wink and I’m happy not to have the gift because I don’t want the migraines and background noise that they deal with too often. They, on the other hand would rather cut off their right arms than lose their gift. People who don’t have the gift but crave to have it are usually chumps, in my experience. I always assume that we’ll all be world class psychics as soon as we abandon the physical garment, so what’s the rush? I can tell you that without the psychics we couldn’t have made so much progress in such a short time in this movement. Dr Reich was apparently very energy sensitive and perhaps psychic, also Tesla and maybe all the other truly great science pioneers. I don’t think Einstein was but on the other hand I don’t think Einstein ever actually produced anything worthwhile, either. Edison often exploited people like Tesla, whose work was ‘99% inspiration and 1% perspiration.’

If you get wind of a place where the sewer rats regularly conduct human sacrifices (the CIA runs all of the satanist organizations, which are most widespread in the Bible Belt) put some orgonite around there, too. We did a couple of those locations were human bodies were apparently buried. In one case, a cave near Mt Shasta, the sandy floor of the cave was ‘springy’ and the smell of rotting human flesh was kind of strong. There were a lot of rats there, too. When we returned there a year later the place had evidently been abandoned by the killers, who Carol feels are the local theosophy organization that hosts the ‘pageants’ in the city. We did a lot of surgical gifting in the case of that organization and they lost most of their power. A city official who is a gifter kept track of that for us.

I know some people who were followed around on their gifting sorties by agents who simply removed most of the orgonite immediately. I was unable to persuade one of them to look around and avoid being seen and he wasted whole lot of orgonite in Phoenix, mahy years ago. Another one was being used like a walking (telepathic) video cam and he later figured out how to turn the camera off, then regifted the entire large city successfully. When we’re in an a big city where we lack time and resources to do all the death towesr we mainly hit the high points, flipping the weather weaponry.

We’ve known teachers who say that having orgonite in the classroom causes the students to be more interested in education. We worked with one in Florida, Jeff McKinley, who had dramatically lowered the crime rate in his West Palm Beach high school by putting orgonite all around the campus. The school was notorious as a focal point for gangs. The principal of another high school asked Jeff to do his school after that. I imagine the school board didn’t share their enthusiasm.

A black fellow we know who has an urban tech college has put one of Carol’s orgonite pyramids in every classroom and he’s quite psychic and has worked with us to counter the sewer rat agencies’ concerted attempts to destroy his school. To our great but pleasant surprise, he is now making headway against them and rarely asks for help any more. Carol and Dooney helped him develop his gift.

When one does a search on ‘orgonite’ he’s referred to poseurs, some of whom are kind of charismatic. The search engines are NSA property, after all. For some reason there are still enough people who manage to reach ethericwarriors.com and get the proper information.

Carol and I experimented for several months before I felt confident to offer basic parameters for towerbusters. The final phase involved going to all the cities along the Snake River in Southern Idaho, east of Boise, and gauging the atmospheric and ambience effects at each location. The Mortons had already done all of Boise and west to Oregon, then. My route was out of range of anyone’s orgonite cloudbuster and the entire region was in a severe drought, so it was a good testbed. I usually generated a thunderstorm after flipping all the death towers and weather weaponry in and around each community. These short but heay downpours were usually violent, too, on account of no cloudbusters, which mollify storms. I took that trip without Carol so that I could confidently say that one doesn’t need to be a psychic or to have a psychic’s help to get these results. That was in August, 2002.

I had taken a similar approach in my zapper business in the mid-90s. I wouldn’t make any claims about zappers until I’d seen consistent results. I also discovered that the higher profile people who had made a lot of claims for zappers were off base in a lot of cases and also not even aware of zappers’ full potential.

Thanks for your good questions! This has become an opportunity for me to post them (your name and location are left out) on our forum with my comments.


Read the gifting compendium:


and also:


There is no way to do it wrong after you read it all Wink ! You may also like the compilations available at the whale.to site:


A TB will continuously convert any near DOR (Deadly ORgone, negative, stagnant and decaying energy) into POR (Positive ORgone, dynamic and vitalizing energy) in it’s vicinity. Death towers are continuous DOR generators, so what happens is that the TB will continuously convert the DOR to POR so that end result, after about 20 minutes, is transformation of an accumulated DOR field into a vibrant POR field. If the TB is removed, the DOR output of the tower will no longer be converted and it’s negative field will be reestablished. This dynamic is also why larger and more numerous tower arrays will need a bigger amount of orgonite to flip the net result from DOR to POR. What counts for the atmosphere in the end result, if it is DOR or POR that accumulates around the area. Paying attention to the sky after the gifting will tell you if more orgonite is needed for a target. Are the clouds hazy or dirty with ripple wave patterns? Them you have remaining DOR. Are the clouds white and puffy, sometimes with Sylphs around? Them you have excess of POR. Chemtrails are also a source of, a bulk load, of DOR, and may temporally turn a beautiful sky into a chemcrud but this much less efficient than the towers and costs the shitbirds much more in terms of resources, so don’t let this shock you when they attempt to close your new blue holes with a momentous load of chemical crap.

Place orgonite wherever you FEEL it might be good. Some places almost scream for a TB! THERE IS NO IMPROPER PLACE TO PUT ORGONITE AND THERE IS NEVER TOO MUCH ORGONE IN ONE PLACE. The gifting instructions are more like general guidelines to assure beginners that there is no need to spend a fortune to neutralize a death tower and that the work can be done in a cost and time efficient manner with simple orgonite made of any kind of metal shavings/bits, polyester resin, and small quartz breakages. But don’t be constricted by them!

The key here to pay attention to your hunches as well as to your conscious mind. This is the single most important way for being in touch with the more subtle aspects of orgone gifting and is also the one which is mostly damaged by the materialistic oriented way of thinking that is taught in academia. In other words, your subjective perceptions do count for finding the gifting target during a gifting run as well as your objective understanding of the mater. Of course, discernment is still to made be use of, as our genuine hunches will never ask us to make anything absurd. You will get a feeling for this in time.

This is not just superstition, but the ability to be in touch with information that the conscious mind fails to grasp but that is made available through our FEELINGS if ones pay attention. Unlike what mechanistic science teaches, our feelings are more than bio chemical process within our physiology, and do have an underlying objective reality OUTSIDE the physical reality of our bodies.

I’m a academy student and it’s good to know that more academics are getting in touch with reality. Our current natural sciences are to the real natural sciences like a corpse is to a living human being. Science will only fully grasp reality once it acknowledges that the material reality is only a (small) part of the spiritual reality, that there is truly no physical phenomenon without a spiritual component, and that there is no way to physical reality to be self contained and fully explain all that belongs to the natural world and human experience.

By the way, I also have a TB in my toilet!

Good luck!