What is the difference between tower busters and hand grenades?

Hi Mr Adam
at first I must say, I don’t know exactly which one is male or female and their title like Mr,Ms or…, so please put it base on your knowledge.
I want speak about positive and negative energy.
First Magnet
north pole of magnet base on science and eastern thinking is yin.
south pole again base on science and eastern thinking is yang.
we know yin is negative.
we know yang is positive.
again we know magnetic line’s direction for earth is from south pole ( Antarctica)
to north pole (Arctic).
then why magnetic line for magnet is from north to south? this is against above information. (the direction must be from positive to negative)
and second part
base on this link (Laozu Kelly, a gifted energy sensitive who advanced our understanding of orgone and orgonite - #7 by laozu) from dear Laozu Kelly
Reichenbach found that POR, or negative od, is associated with the north pole of a magnet - and that DOR, or positive od, is associated with the south pole of a magnet.
In the sequel we shall usually refer to Reich’s POR and Reichenbach’s negative od as yang and Reich’s DOR and Reichenbach’s positive od as yin.
It relates yang to north pole of magnet.
again from the link:
That with the sha qi is stronger. But if the south pole of a strong magnet is placed on the sha qi spot, the sheng qi spot becomes stronger.
it relate sheng qi (yang) to south pole of magnet.
I am at the same time confused and not confused.