What's been happening in the EW chat sessions?


Are you planning to write about what the EW psychics have been up to the past few months ? Very few details about the sessions in the EW Forum lately. You mentioned that you did not want to go into details about the most “unusual” topics for fear of alienating new readers and the general public who are visiting the forum.

I would personally love to know more of the details, as I feel the whole planet is fast coming to some powerful new realizations or new beginnings. I am not a psychic or terribly energy sensitive, but I am hopefully further along than the pajama person I was just 5 years ago.

Thank you to All,




I’ll post your request on EW so teh psychics can figure out if they want to share what they’re doing in the chats, thx! The main function of EW is to have gifting reports, by reputable people, on the record, of course. It’s the only credible record in English, sad to tell. The psychics are not grandstanders so they’re a little shy about posting material that might be seen by readers as ‘arcane’ or mystical.
