Nyamira used to be a star in witchcraft and superstitions. It is a place well known for all manner of ill deeds. The news that used to come from Nyamira, streaming in the media had been very negative. In fact, it is out such bad news that the Kikundi ventured into gifting the place so that the situation could be changed.
As you could follow this update through various posts by the kikundi, the Uchawi (sorcery) had tremendously gone down due to several orgonite that we applied in various places of Nyamira. In Nyakeore specifically, photographs of wachawi eating human flesh in a church at night were painted miraculously, and among them was the church pastor. Whenever the wall is painted to do away with the images, they would emerge overnight and they become brighter and sharper. When we took Orgonite there for the first time, The situation was reversed and the Wachawi stopped doing all their wrong deeds.
The latest news from Nyamira now is quite shocking. The Wachawi (sorcerers) are running away as they cannot find it easy living in an environment where Orgonite has done miraculous deeds. They have therefore resorted to going to the neighboring county, Kericho, so that they may find a place to put their heads. This is a very great achievement and we are very happy.
One fact that I would like to state is the fact that whenever Orgonite is applied in a particular region as a mission with a long term aim/purpose, such as improving the climatic condition of a place, it is always advisable that you don’t give up or stop the gifting job, simply because you have seen some bi of improvement. One needs to continuously gift the region, so that the situation is changed permanently. This is what we have done in Nyamira.
I would therefore recommend that we establish an Orgonite factory in Nyamira, since it is a living example, and the fact that the demand has risen beyond the seas over there. Many many people now are craving for every piece of Orgonite in that region, since they have seen a very positive result from the ground. Initially, we used to give all our Orgonite pieces for free. However, we now sell each and every piece, though at a very low cost, not for profit making. I therefore appeal to to anybody who gets this interesting to come in by supporting us so that we may establish ourselves in Nyamira accordingly.
I want to start by thanking Billy my son, so specially for posting this. I had just got the message through a local radio station, noting a mass migration of the wachawi from the villages of Nyamira, and going to the neighboring places, like in Kisii and Kericho counties. So I do confirm that this information is right. It is truly what is happening on the ground.
In fact, Nyamira is the place we have realized the most encouraging result of all the places that we have gifted. it was the place from where we had our first mission since the time we got ourselves established. This was because we learnt about the daring situation and the encouragement that we received from Don Croft, who had visited the place at one time back i early 2000.
It was Benedict Omollo, Dacan’s whom I first sent to introduce the idea to the people there. Everyone was fearful by then, and none of us had the courage to go there. He met several people and the idea was taken home. Several other missions followed and Billy had bee the most recent person left with that job. The wachawi had stopped their evil deeds several moths ago. That was not enough and we decided to continue with the mission so that we could achieve more than that. Finally they have to run away, since the place is not favorable for them at all.
To honor our effort and achievement, and to achieve much ,more than what we have, we are of the opinion that we should establish an Orgonite production center there i Nyamira. We need support, ad we are also not going to spare any effort within our power to make this establishment go through.
Much achievement have been marked in the areas of Nyamira where i did gifting sometimes back, after that much work now the rainfall is now sufficient till the rivers are over flooded. Farmers are really having easy work on their farmings because in the presence of rainfall the growth of tea, beans and maize plantation of quite admirable.
On the environmental security since our gftings controls the wide spread of witchcraft in the place, now working and living conditions is very much favorable. what i can now say is that quite a number of people have resorted to shift and make the place their own and good homes. from this better out come the number of people who now use the orgonite their numbers have gone up and they are very much happy with us. In this my mission i had some of my fellow colleague mates who also came to help me do the work and this is even double achievement for very soon i am going to have many personnel to help in the work
The people who had used the zappers before also appreciate the effectiveness of the zappers especially in their health maintenance, and very soon will add them some more. Thanks for the zappers which Don and Carol sent, they really help my colleague in Maseno University, from this now the Maseno university student do read the Etherric Warriors. We also appreciate Frode and Laurent for the good heart of support that they had been giving the kikunidi now they made the kikundi to be where they are. Now i have the desire to train the Nyamira community to start making their own orgonite for that one will help them even much better
Right now we have allot of improvement in Nyamira , for some of the guys from Nyamira come to Kisumu to take the zappers by themselves a sign that proves that they have seen the impact of the zappers. Right now as the rain starts big snakes and the pythons do move from the coldness of the forest to search for warmth and consequently they can easily affect people. So zappers can easily help them against that hazard.
Also they come so that we can continue teaching them on how to make the orgonite locally for their own local use. We also got the zapper which Don Croft had send us and now in fact we have enough zappers to give them.
Area in Nyamira which we had earlier clear by eradicating the wizards and the night runners, of late they found some of two who had maneuver their ways to come to back with the intention to re-settle but the burned their houses and send them away because they are bar people.
Now in Nyanza Kenya areas where the orgonite had been largely distributed there is much rainfall.