Your Photo's Of Orgonite Wanted For Public Slideshow

Hi Everyone

I’m doing a lecture in Liverpool next saturday the 23rd and launching a new gardening trial there.

I’m after any images of orgonite you have made for a rolling slideshow in the background while I talk.

You can email them to me a [email protected]. Prefered size is 800x600 -ish.

To spice it up a bit you could also include a one or two line quote/statement about its effects.

I’ll be scanning in the images from Lakowsky’s Secret of Life too and the entire presentation will last 90 min or so.



PS: Greenpeace had a stall in the Brighton Laines so I sent them over to the shop to get them involved in the trial too

Thanks everyone for the images.

Talk isn’t written yet but all the images and vid are in place.

It maybe recorded and stuck on the web. Not sure yet. Been so busy I’ve not had time for a haircut.

Wish me luck.


Hi Everyone

Just a note that the lecture on the 23rd in Liverpool was short but went well even if not video’d. It turns out that Seaforth in Liverpool is one of the most deprived and rough areas in the city and possibly the country. Not that I was told that of course. I could see an empty towerblock with transmitters on the top from the dead strip mall it was held in.

Audience was half men, half women with kids. About 20 or so in total. Went down well except for one older guy who just wanted argue all the time even when I agreed with him. Audience was on my side and were getting angry at him for interupting. Curiously he kept going on about his dog would dig it up and eat it and alunimum is posionious. Someone pointed out soft drink cans.

So all the orgonite had gone and the cameras. Think people were grabbing as many as they could ‘as if starved’. Back that way in sept to review the results and a follow up lecture. Hoping the people will pass it all around too. Or it maybe just hoarded.

The Liverpool organiser is way more behind this than I knew or she even let on. She’s been very coy. Her plants had greatly benefited from the one tb I gave her back in Oct. A friend of hers brought back a plant from the brink of death. And curiously of the 50 sent over by John, 5 or so were nabbed by staff – some for their desks and others leave them elsewhere. Think more of the staff there was after more.

Seems she’s very behind it all but never let me on her position until after the lecture. She now has Johns website and plans on ordering loads more for more gifting, the staff as well as canal gifting which are pretty thick brown and toxic. She made postcards which are scattered around Liverpool and Seaforth with the pepper photo and she’ll get more TB’s to people as they enquire, call etc.

No psi attacts before then however sunday or monday morning i awoke in a lucid dream state to feel what felt like i giant’s hands fingers pressing on the crown of my head. Immediately the word boosting came to mind and it stopped and woke up shortly there after.

Still have a quality here so will make up some small posters and put in the various cafe’s in town.
