Zapper and orgonite transport to ethiopia

I took some Zappers and Orgonites to Ethiopia but to my suprise they warmly welcome the idea, and from the previous experience they had with the Orgonite. Right now we are in I’m in Sudan, waiting for the voting day,We hope Southern Sudan will be able to get their indipendent soon.
I’ll be able to return to Ethiopia after the referendum, to teach some people on use of Zappers and Orgonite.
With the Indipendency of the southern Sudan we expect to ready market for our Orgonite and Zappers due expected peace.

Otherwise we’re optimistic that the Zappers sent by Don will play abig role in lives Ethiopians.

**That is great news Christine **

After watching Ian trekking through Ethiopia and seeing what an amazing country it is, I began to think that it would be great to see Orgonite bring some rain and help with improving farming conditions to such a beautiful country.

If you can use a box of aluminum shavings I will send them to you as a way to help you with making Orgonite .

Please e-mail or post your address and I’ll send a box out to you soon.


In Ethiopia those who have started using the orgonite have started to texperience an increase in crop production and i m sure soon Ethiopia will be agood place.Right now im back in Sudan for the referendum.All my details you are going to get in the mails