Zapper Effects On Old Injuries & Toxins

Hanh mitakuyapi / hello my relatives. I had one of Don’s zappers for awhile; then lost it… He sent me another one. When I used the first one, I was suffering from a wide variety of toxins built up in my system. Worse I think was from ethylene glycol antifreeze I was soaked in for at least an hour & a half after my heater core exploded when I was 90 miles from home on a zero-degree day w no clothes to change into. The headliner in the pickup cab was dripping! I knew what to do to detox, so called a friend, told her what happened, left the door unlocked & asked her to come by daily & check on me & let WaSka out. Put 6 5-gal buckets by the bed w lots of paper towels & 5 gallons of water, a big bottle of activated charcoal & another of bentonite clay, & some grape juice; then laid down & spent 6 days sicker than can be described. I had taken a dose in thru the skin that would have been fatal if I didn’t know what to do.
But even after detoxing & numerous detoxing juice fasts, I still had symptoms. The spirits connected me with Don, he sent a zapper, & I used it. The copper discs turned black in minutes.
I’d clean then & reapply & they’d turn black in minutes again. I did this for several days but the improvement in how I felt was amazing after the first day.
I’m an Indigenous Traditional Healer & was not only delighted in the improvement, I told everyone I knew about it. The majority culture medical sorts patted me & told me it was just an appearance, of course. But we all know how arrogant they are… [Image Can Not Be Found]
Several people asked to borrow my zapper “to see if they could prove it worked”. (No, get your own. This one is mine & I need it.) [Image Can Not Be Found]
so recently, I got another zapper from Don & started using it on an old injury to the left leg. It’s a compound injury, from a terrible groin tear, having been kicked in the thigh by an excited horse (the whole leg turned black – one huge hematoma), & having been kicked in the left butt cheek by a bigot long a go (turned the whole thing black – try sitting in school on that!). It has bothered me for decades, but more this last year. I’ve spent a lot of time on crutches, in fact. Phooey!
I put the zapper on these 3 areas for ‘however long’ each time – usually until I got a bothersome sensation – & have been finding a purple discoloration on the discs every time. I remove it & reapply ‘later’. but in the meantime, I have little or no pain. Given the age of these injuries, I figure there’s a lot of leftover toxins from the original injuries bound in the intercellular spaces & maybe inside some cells themselves.
The other place I use the zapper is on the 3rd eye & I’m sleeping better, feeling less depression, & generally feeling stronger. Given my training, I don’t believe this is the placebo effect.
Just thought someone might want to know these things. Hope it helps someone.