Zapper Experience - Wearing the zapper and pendant 24/7

I’ve had my zapper and Mary Magdalene pendant for 4 days now. I’ve not taken either off except for showering. Prior to receiving them I was always very rundown, filled with pain and depression, and always had very dark thoughts lurking in the recesses of my mind. I was told I had cancer “all over my body” in 2005 and had a total hysterectomy. Chemo and radiation were pushed and I refused. So that’s when they said “Get your affairs in order as you have very little time left.” And that’s when I fired the lot of them. Not been back at all and won’t be going back.

I could feel some of the tumours, there WERE quite a lot of them. So I asked my guides and God for help in helping to cure myself. I was shown that the chemicals in the foods were killing everyone around the planet and that organic foods only were all that was safe. So I went organic in 2011. It took 6 whole years to find this out but I began organics and actually saw the tumours start to shrink. As of right now, there are only a handful that I can feel now and they have shrunk to tiny little lumps…one a large pea, the others baby peas.

The one thing that seemed to stay consistent was my fairly severe fatigue, pain, depression and fairly dark thoughts. So, that was as of 4 days ago. I began wearing the pendant and zapper 24/7. After 7 hours I noticed I felt more energetic. The next day I put in a 12 hour day of heavy lifting and packing. This is something I haven’t been able to do for over 7 years or more. I took 2 Ibuprofen before going to bed and woke up feeling great. I was a teensy bit stiff but that was it.

Days 2 and 3 I did the same thing. Keeping up the momentum. I was soaring! This was blowing my mind! My energy was just going, going, going! I felt like the Energizer bunny! lol And aside from being a bit stiff each morning, I had virtually no pain. That is truly unheard of for me as pain has become an expectancy. To not have it is a true blessing!

Today is day 4 and it is a true first for way more than 10 years! To still have such high energy after putting in 4 solid days of very hard work is just astounding for me! And I realized that I was no longer feeling or seeing those dark thoughts lurking at the back of my mind. It’s as though they have finally been purged after pretty much a lifetime of plaguing me on a constant basis! Songs and pictures that normally trigger severe depression, tears and, sometimes, suicidal thoughts, don’t seem to affect me at all like that now. Instead, I can sing the songs with a feeling of lightness and joy and look at the pictures and feel at peace!

I used to joke that I was born depressed. But seriously, maybe that chip inserted into the back of my neck by the medical military mafia when I was 5 months old had something to do with it? And it seems like the pendant and zapper have neutralized it! I can’t remember feeling this kind of energy pretty much ever in my life…not even as a child or teenager!

I’m excited to see what happens down the road!

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