A Candid Message To The Elite

As everyone knows, the elite does not like to play fair when it comes to people who gift orgonite and they like to make their own rules and love to shout check mate when they carry out their twisted little fetishes. Over the past 9 years I’ve been hit with atleast 1 lethal biological chemical attack, had my computer hacked into more times than I can count and been slandered by their pawns on the internet too but I’m still alive and well and refuse to back down under any circumstances.


here is a photo of what I looked like from a few years ago (some say I got a little uglier since, it seems the body is in constant flux)
[Image Can Not Be Found]

here is my address incase your adrenaline and/or spinal fluid increases

1274 county road 568
Albertville, AL 35951

P.S. “you wouldn’t believe how overwhelmed I was when I found out the ego was only an illusion.”


Dear Louis you have always great messages!!
Like italian I would be proud to have you living in my land, as I have been just blocked by cops…
Just fill new energy and soon start gifting again!

Would Louis like to be in Italy next to some gifters that are convicted criminals?
I was blocked by police in February this year after gifting Ealing Common in London, I buried a tb not far from a obelisk in the field.
But as I walked back there to add a second tb, I saw police coming they told me they where looking for someone that had just runawy from a taxi and not paid the fare. They weirdest question I was asked was why I was there taking walking in the middle of the Ealing Common Green at 1am? This was a countenace test shot by the Operators I think
Then they declared me under detention, I was smiling at the cop all the time savouring my chance to finally explain to the authorities what orgonite gifting is about (mistake), but soon after they received a call that it was not me they where looking for and to let me go.

Thank you for the nice comments, Italy is a most beautiful country! I have visited Napoli, Gaeta, and a few other small port cities during my stay in the Navy. As far as the elite go we know they are scared of us or they wouldn’t behave in the manner that they do and this is why they do their cowardly deeds. I choose to let them know how I feel about their behavior direct and personal right between their eyes! The best thing though is the more we learn about ourselves, we soon realize there is nothing at all to worry about. You see the elite strategy is to keep us scared so we do not progress to the understanding that they live on eggshells that are crumbling as we speak. They are losing ground more and more each day.
Are they gonna come and get me?
Watch this space and I’ll let you know how long it takes me to kick their A$$'s!
If I should lose ahh what the heck, tomorrow is another day!


I love this original post Louis!

If this was facebook, I would like it!

Me too Louis! Nice job! You were in the Navy? Wow! even with all those vaccinations you woke up! They failed again. ; I remember getting fluoride tablets as a kid and swallowing them. I guess it’s destiny huh?No doubt they are cowards. But clever deceivers. I give them credit for being intelligent (brain)but the heart always wins.