… available on:
That’s very interesting! I wonder if they appeared in crop circles yet? Translation: Start gifting water! Great research.
This feels really really awesome. Gotta build one of these! Geez…the fat little controllers have been using these patterns in their architecture and symbols to keep us asleep for a long time…my feeling is if we use these NATURAL patterns in some of our orgonite we’ll have some profound results. This town (Hong Kong) like most modern cities around the planet are FILLED with all kinds symbolic hanky panky designed to extended the fat controllers tenure of control and along come us feisty little gifters with our simple TB’s and we gift these locations and totally FLIP the energy. IMAGINE if we use the natural symbols and architecture of the building blocks of the Universe in our creations…extremely exciting. Thanks loads for sharing…hkj
I went to a local lecture with a friend about earth mysteries and not too far from here I believe in the north of Worhing area there’s a series of churches that line up to something damned similar.
Friend kept the hand out, so don’t have it to hand to compare.
His research was akin to the one does in the Renne Le Chateau are of France although local to me.
…No comment
The difference between an inspired design and something that just tickles the imagination is that there is a practical, discernible application for the former.
I’m going to assume that this is an inspired design but I’m waiting for the ‘other shoe to drop’ which is some intelligent application of the design with the view of obtaining consistent results.
This is what Carol and I started doing with the first 18 design, then the 108, both designed by Cesco. In fact, when Cesco was last here we did a good field experiment putting a large 18, from a boat, into a vortex at the confluence of two rivers. The confirmation, for us, was that before we did that single act the sky over that vortex was the only patch of sky within view for a hundred miles where chemtrails always lingered longer. Since we did that, two years ago, the sky over that vortex has remained pristine.
This design is more complicated, I see. The first 18 is pretty easy to make and gets good results, so in order support the promotion of Braikar’s version on this forum I’m going to need to see some pretty impressive difference. In the past, there were a lot of efforts to discredit basic devices, which we all use productively, by substituting more arcane, complex or expensive items and vigorously promoting them.
In a forum, whatever takes up the most space is what will get the most attention. I"m posting scads of reports about our African associates’ successes right now, for instance, because I absolutely want to draw public attention to that. I want the East AFricans who have sacrificed dearly for this success to get the credit for starting this revolution in Africa, for instance, and I want our readers in the West to see what orgonite does for agriculture and fishing–very practical applications.
I’m sure that Reich would agree that productive work has to be the primary focus, here. I don’t denigrate the value of inspiration but without application it’s not really much use here.
I’m really not a curmudgeon but I need to remind that if a whole lot of attention is drawn in postings to something for which no worth has yet been demonstrated, then we all will look like flippertygibbets to our readers and since EW’s good reputation has been very, very hard won I want us to stay focused on the work, more than on speculation. I get inspired designs almost weekly in emails and I always respond this way. I usually give the idea the benefit of the doubt, even assuming that just because the person who got the idea might be too lazy to go gather the observable evidence, it doesn’t mean that the idea, itself, has no value.
When someone presents a design or invention, here on this forum, one really should follow through and do the field research in a way that lines up with intellectual integrity. I’m quite sure that if one is genuinely inspired, then one will surely find the use of his/her inspiration. This is just the opposite of how newagers approach this stuff: they’re progframmed to disdain confirmation and questioning and to confuse that with ‘lack of faith.’ Hence, they don’t produce anything worthwhile and they don’t improve the world. I’d cut my own throat if EW ever developed that reputation
I totally agree!
I prefer the simple of the simplest things, like basic tower busters, I can’t get enough of them and never will
Since now I can post on ethericresearch, I removed all from here because I don’t think it belongs here!
It’s now there: [http://www.8ung.at/mhotwagner/researchf
where I believe it is in a more appropriate location
My main interest was to get the impressions of sensitive and psychics peoples (since I’m neither of those) and not to promote this new drawing.
I just wanted to publish it because most of the best things I’ve found out were always straight out from a mix of coincidences and intuition
By the way, my intuition and related events have been colliding quite fast these days for another really useful, practical and easy to test ‘something else’ I’ll soon post here!
…How to get electricity almost straight out of orgonite! I’ve been working on that since many many months even more than a year when it finally all ticked yesterday evening to be frank, I’ll post it soon.
I absolutely don’t want to put your noses out of joint by insisting on substantive postings! In the past, several of my friends have been disheartened by this insistence, also my wife.
In the interest of honesty I want to assure our readers that this unorganized movement could NOT go forward without the timely and substantive, inspired contributions of psychics and energy sensitives. I think their participation indicates how the new science paradigm is being established. Others of us have had bright ideas that have panned out, too. I came up with the basic idea of the orgonite cloudbuster (based on Reich’s work and the addition of orgonite) and the Succor Punch (based on Wilhelm Muller’s suggestion about surveillance-blocking, James Hughes’ personal instructions about crystals, also the inventor of the Mobius Coil’s plans), for instance.
Reich insisted that we understand mystical processes without, ourselves, being mystics. Mystics don’t have good reputations because they don’t really DO anything worthwhile. They gather followings and say pretty things but this is just a distraction.
Carol and some others get ideas regularly but some of that is kept proprietary and some of the rest they don’t talk about publicly until they’ve done a lot of testing, often sharing data with each other during the evaluation process. I think that publicizing new ideas before testing them often short circuits the process, somehow, then when I try to bring that conversation from the clouds, back down to the ground I ruffle some feathers and people may feel insulted. I can’t reiterate, enough, that this is a work-oriented forum, though.
There’s a new gifter in South Texas who has been sending me substantive reports. He told me that after he started doing this work he started seeing energy, so I encouraged him to keep going and to use that gift (here’s our email thread in reverse order, so read from bottom to top):
You’re very fortunate to have that ability! When we went to Florida
to stop the HAARPicanes in 05, Jeff had already gifted all the death towers
and weather weaponry in the local area. He had been seeing the dark
outline delineating the DOR field by the gifted tower from the positive
energy field beyond it but he told Carol he figured they were just guy
After she assured him that he was seeing subtle energy he got more
confident. He and I later took the boat 40 miles out into the Gulf
from a place north of Tampa to gift a bioweaponry dump site that had
poisoned the coastal waters all the way to Venice. Carol marked it on
my GPS and when we got within ten miles, Jeff saw the dark energy over
the site and guided us directly to the spot Carol marked. We gifted
around there, then down along the coast to Venice and within a few
days the water had been transformed. Confirmation was seeing people
fishing and swimming along those beaches a few weeks later. Before,
all those beaches were abandoned and there were no boats out in the
Gulf along there. Nice, dramatic confirmation that’s par for the
course, as you’re finding out.
Are you interested in posting reports on EW? I watch for energy
sensitives who can write good reports because the new science
paradigm, which Reich and others pioneered and were murdered for, is
probably marked by the observations of intelligent sensitives.
On Thu, Apr 29, 2010
Thanks for the reply, I couldn’t see it until about 6-8 months ago, but I
could feel it. When I first saw it, it went away after a second if I stared
at it. I’m getting the “feel” for seeing it for longer moments though.
On 4/29/2010 7:44 PM, Don Croft wrote:
Good work! You’re fortunate to see the energy. I don’t want to be
psychic but I’d at least like to be able to do that
No matter how much gifting is done, the shitbirds will do their best
to reverse the enery balance, even from a distance, as happened for
years over Toronto (whiteouts) but I imagine it takes them a huge
amount of resources and effort to do that little bit. A nice aspect
of it may be that this is energy/resources they’re not able to use to
do real harm somewhere else. They seem to do it for a psych
advantage, same as chemtrails, which they surely know are not doing
any harm.
On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 4:21 PM
The water behaved as if normal brackish–it was tan/sandy stirred up by
wind and waves, but green in the far distance seaward, then the wind died
down during the night and yesterday the green was closer to shore–yes I
would say the water is very clean. I did not feel compelled to drop my 1
gal. Ben and Jerry’s Treats unit into the Bay, which I had planned. The
Rollover Pass water on Bolivar peninsula was teeming with shrimp and
The bait shop lady told me we missed the most clear green water and best
fishing for clear-water species by 2 days when there was no wind.
Yes, I can tell if towers have been busted–I did not see any dark black
lines and did note slight blackish energy zephyrs at some structures.
telling was the sky–the chemtrails hung in a paste seemingly coming from
the Houston direction. After gifting, the the spraying seemed to
but did not “stick” around the Island. Great sylphic action this morning.
Also got some confirmations in the form of bird call excitement and
congregating around the departing car after gifting. One more thing,
was a large. wide-wing prop plane doing very, very slow circles in the
of the spraying–it seemed motionless even, out of the ordinary, on a
banking turn. I only saw it from 2-3 miles away though. While on the
a chopper came up the beach at no more than 50-75 ft. above us as we
in the surf. That was not a beach patrol as the beach patrol was a
Coast Guard chopper. This was smaller, non-descript and very fast with a
tall rotor main shaft, traveling along the surf line. I did not hear it
until it was a hundred yards away. I waved and boosted but I did not see
pilot wave back-my HP was ON. He did wave to other members of our party
further up the beach.
In town, there were towers right on the fencelines of 2 cemetaries. A
was situated right next to one of these.
I believe this weekend’s gifts may have a been a tipping point for
work…judging from your account.
Thank you so much for everything.
On 4/27/2010 5:20 PM, Don Croft wrote:
Thx–I sort of assumed Dr Group and crew busted all the towers in
Galveston because they were giftting a lot from boats in the Gulf.
Did the water appear cleaner/clearer than it did, years ago? They did
most of it about 5 yrs ago. Ten yrs ago, when CArol and I were at the
Texas coast, the water was pretty bad. That was before it occurred to
us that one can clean it up with orgonite.
Are you able to tell if towers have been busted?
On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 2:36 PM
Hi Don,
There were dolphins in Galveston Bay, with young as well, when I
this weekend.
Now there are sylphs in the sky too! I’m surprised as it appears the
towers had not been gifted before…seems I read somewhere that they
were–must have been MIStaken INFO… Bolivar Peninsula also sylphic
Sorry-no picts.
Oops–I think you did that, Braikar, while I was writing my posts. I really don’t mind putting new ideas on EW as long as it’s done in the spirit of practical experimentation and not as a mystical exploration.
Cesco’s website, materiaetherica.com, is certainly relevant even though it’s more art-oriented because it’s about his work. I expect that he’ll continue to produce wonderfully inspired inventions like the Little Secret, the 18, the 108, etc. He developed a fine reputation over the years and you’re also doing very well, that way. The market ultimately determines what will be considered viable and timely and we sure honor that. Remember that Reich’s contributions were probably before their time. Otherwise the market probably could have protected him. Same with much of Tesla’s contributions. If the internet were around in those days and if people with money were inclined to talk to each other (and not generally be such fascist/stalinist buttheads) I bet those two could have realized all of their dreams for a better world.
ethericresearch.com will rise or fall according to its own merits (same as my forum) and I’m hoping and expecting that Manfred will succeed gloriously with the able help of the contributors.
Hehe, at first I wanted to post it on ethericresearch anyway, I just couldn’t and had written a very long text, so yeah I wanted to post it somewhere meanwhile
as you said:
so in order support the promotion of Braikar’s version on this forum I’m going to need to see some pretty impressive difference
That’s what I’d like to know also, if that design (eventhough it requires a bit more drawing) has some other properties than the other 18, or not and if it’s worth the complexity. So it’s research, it belongs in the research forum IMO, like other topics that I like to read about on that same forum. But if someone tests it and find good, neutral or bad results it’d be cool to see them posted here for the record.
I was looking at crop circles and found that one from: Stanton St. Bernard, Wiltshire, August 8, 2000
From what is on that one it seems right that I didn’t put any orgonite in the middle, that crop circle has a hole there! Exactly where I thought orgone was flowing through to get mixed with the physical world!
And today I just again by somewhat a mix of good coincidences (synchronicities is more appropriate here), I was searching for the atomic structure of quartz to answer a question of someone else and you wouldn’t believe what I ended upon!
That’s the structure of SiO2 or comonly known as quartz
see the shape it has in the middle! all orgonites we make are all based on some sort of quartz! just look at that list of quartz types:
Blue Quartz
Milky Quartz
Pink Quartz
Rose Quartz
Smoky Quartz
Tiger’s, Hawk’s, and Cat’s Eye
"Fibrous" Varieties: Agate
"Grainy" Varieties: Chert
That is too perfect, it can’t be a coincidence!!
So based on what I previously said, quartz seems also to be a perfect shape to conduct orgone
I still have no idea if that shape as practical uses in term of geometry for orgonite devices. I think the 18 I came up with might be totally pointless, but the hexagram with the ratio like on the quartz or on my image of the 18 shape seems more and more intersting to me!
That shape would be worth testing I think:
Btw the ratio of length: (blue line)/(red line) = golden ratio
ethericresearch.com was made for these purposes, which means exploring new etheric territory by gathering empiric data.
Threads like this were the reason for putting up a research forum, to have a place for new ideas and to have a closer look on them by conducting experiments.
Hopefully also this idea will be elaborated in the experimental way, in order to have useful results. An idea is only the first step, after all.
The most productive thread there at the moment is Laozu’ s thread on TB platonic solids, in which we can find also valuable contributions of other people.
The thread is, at the same time, a precious example of how etheric research should be done, starting from the first idea and then going on, step by step in conducting experiments.
The outcome of the experiments should lead to useful applications or to admit that we haven’t been successful in what we were expecting.
The thread on the “new 18?” can be found here on
[ethericresearch.com http://www.ethericresearch.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=66&sid=b4754868ba34ac994ddab3b4ed2269e8:m35sf98v
Any serious contributors in etheric research are welcome.
Thanks, Manfred. Dr Reich was also intent on staying focused on productive work.