A New Facebook Page For Etheric Warriors

Etheric Warriors is expanding it’s online presence, with a Facebook page.

You can now catch quick updates and summaries of select forum threads, on the popular social media site.

The new facebook page is located at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Etheric-

Thanks, Cassandria.

We had this discussion a few days ago and a light went on for me, even though I don’t really understand facebook, yet.

When the internet came out in 95 that was a muddle to me, too, and I didn’t see its relevance until the end of 97, when a friend set up a product website for me and I started selling zappers online. He tried to tutor me with codework but that remains a mystery, sorry to say. I did take to the business part of the web completely and right away, though, and it’s been terrific.

When the Chinese gov’t made it unfeasible for Chinese to use the internet for free speech Ai Wei Wei, who is my age, was very smart and shifted his effort over to Twitter, which I think is like Facebook. That was several years ago and the gov’t can’t touch him, now. They even arrested him and interrogated him for a few months (last year?) but released him, unharmed, and he got back on Twitter like before after a month or so. The tax gestapo nailed him but the million dollars or so he had to pay is chump change for him. They had dramatically destroyed his huge studio, earlier.

The Russians brought down London’s bloodstained commie creature with fax machines, just a few years before some intrepid fellows stole the internet from the genocidists and shared it with the world… I see that success in Russia as similar to the brief freedom that Americans won from the London banksters in the 1700s. Sure, one form of tyranny was soon replaced by another but in each case it was a step ahead, so was a success. We have to keep moving forward and I bet facebook is going to become more important as London’s oppression becomes more and more overt and irrational on account of their continuing failure to start WWIII or demonize Muslims. The birth of the world wide webt probably signaled the imminent death of the old corporate world order. Slow death by exposure, like putting salt on a slug or pulling a tapeworm out of the intestines?

On this forum, the reports from around the world show very well that when we follow our hunches it pays off. Cassandria and I have a hunch that facebook is going to be an asset to this movement. She’s got a much clearer hunch about that and also has the skills to make it happen

I completely agree. Facebook is critically important. For at least two reasons.

  1. It is where the vast majority of the PJ folks interact online.
  2. Increasingly, it is a venue through which grass roots “Truth” Seekers, and Tellers (those who have decided that it is a virtue to be on the NSA watch list) post and read opposing views to the Mainstream Propaganda.

It is a “battleground” of ideas, memes, and facts where we can make a difference awakening people to the capabilities of Orgonite, Gifting, Boosting, Grounding, etc.

We really do need to get more Facebook <–> EW integration going. The main issue is this site’s dependence on old, obsolete, software…

I am going to look at this:

Which integrates PHPBB3 and Wordpress as a path towards porting EW to a new, supported and in active development, software platform. It is a LOT of work. My availability will be limited as I need to make some money… If any number of people with some $$$ want to help “Crowd Source” an effort I am quite receptive….
