A Solid Texas Step Toward Secession

Liz in Colorado sent me this link, which I think you’ll see shows significant progress toward state secessions; the end of parasitic tyranny:



As a resident in Texas for a few years now, I can tell you that the mood for talk of succession is becoming more interesting.

I have been trying to do my part by dropping hundreds and hundreds of TB’s in my area (Houston) and various places around the state. (This state is HUGE…)

Texans seem to have bitten their lips as the prosperity boomed, but as the economy is grinding down you are starting to see more of that southern feisty-ness that I expected when we first moved here.

While I am not much of an out-front kind of guy, it is fun to keep dropping as many TB’s as I can get my hands on, and sit back and watch the show.

I could go on and on about all of the corruption that has been exposed in my area in the last year, but instead of boring you with that let me encourage every reader to keep dropping orgonite by the hundreds and just watch what happens in your community.

Now is the time for those that crave freedom from tyranny to help push the old paradigm into the scrap-heap of history. Our prayer is that the transition will be as peaceful as possible. Orgonite should surely help.

FYI, obtain some small lapis lazulli pieces to place in your TB’s if possible. the energy signature makes it that much harder for the elected liars to practice their craft…


Thanks, Toby–and the plug for lapis in orgonite for the institutional targets is helpful. It’s hard to tell a lie around lapis when it’s in orgonite and the effective range seems pretty good.

I was a little taken aback by the writer’s comment about excluding the practice of the Muslim legal code in Texas, since that seems to have nothing at all to do with the subject of federal tyranny but the nice thing about secession is that the voters can count on the NSA/CIA no longer erasing their votes with that software program that every polling booth in America is constrained to use, right now. I don’t personally know any patriots who think Islam threatens them in any way.

When votes start counting we’re going to see some interesting changes in these state legislatures, too. Each politician is controlled by the corporate world order pretty thoroughly, but only because the infrastructure is in place in the form of a repressive federal regime that’s easily capable of extorting every single allegedly elected official on the continent. The Rockefeller hive set that up in the late 1800s.some o ONE state secession will cause that old house of cards to topple pretty soon afterward. As I see it, some of these state legislators, perhaps opportunists with their finger on the pulse of the growing Tea Party groundswell, are betting on the imminent failure of the federal gov’t in hope of grabbing a bigger piece of the pie for themselves. I think they’re in for a rude surprise when votes start counting [Image Can Not Be Found]

Nobody is thinking of this revolution in terms of shooting the sewer rats, of course. I think we’ve grown beyond that as a species and the violent alleged revolutions in the Mideast are simply more of the same managed conflict. They won’t improve their lot. I’m watching for more information about China’s Jasmine Revolution, which I think corresponds to our own approach. Our friend, Christine Anyango, was a delegate from her region to the successful, peaceful secession talks for Southern Sudan. These organic movements are part of a general positive trend.

People whom I talk to around the country who are in business are saying that the economy is improving. I think the people getting the short end of the stick are employees of big corporations–the slave class. I think anyone can start his own business, right now, and survive. I was less likely than most to do that when I was fired from my last job in 1990 but the curious thing about self-reliance is that it sharpens our instincts and makes us appreciate the amazing forces that are at work in creation to help us succeed. This is the essence of freedom, to me.

This was the first mention I’ve seen or heard about Shariyah law, by the way–was that inserted by the writer as homage to the fake terrorism threat? [Image Can Not Be Found] I doubt anyone can introduce his own code of laws in a community.

I think that it’s more useful to openly discuss solutions to problems like tyranny rather than just hide in the background and hope for the best but tossing orgonite is sort of like voting with our feet and that might be essential for ensuring that when the federal government falls, the CIA’s bornagain chumps and other sponsored little-league predators, waiting in the wings, won’t try to seize power for themselves. In that case, public debate will be necessary. For instance, if all the more venomous bornagain chumps in Texas determine to burn Muslim Texans at the stake it will be the responsibility of people of conscience to speak up and oppose it instead of hiding and hoping for the best. We nice people can effectively oppose organized hatemongers if we speak up publicly, especially with the help of the internet. A long time ago, ‘nice’ became synonymous with ‘avoiding politics.’ That left a way clear for every predator and parasite within hailing distance to assume the reigns of power, of course.

And ‘politics’ is exemplified by this discussion, which is not ‘partisan’ at all. In the emerging ‘paradigm’ politics is not only non-partisan but is anti-partisan, I think. It’s about public discussions guiding the course of human understanding through consultation. Without the hordes of sociopathic ‘change agents,’ employed and programmed by the CIA and NSA (I mean in America–other countries have their corporate counterparts) true consultation will be possible, again. If you’ve spent time in third world places you probably know what that feels like. Those countries lack the infrastructure for large-scale public disruption.

Around here, the ‘Tea Party’ is huge but it’s not organized at all. Some (federally-funded, no doubt) attempts were made to organize it a couple of years ago but those attempts fell flat [Image Can Not Be Found] . I suspect it’s the same way all over America, including Texas. I’m definitely just following ‘the new paradigm’ by staying away from formal organization of this orgonite effort. I don’t tell much about efforts that were made to organize us, years ago, but I will, someday [Image Can Not Be Found] . Meanwhile, I agree with Dr Reich’s assessement that ‘organization is death’ and that it has to be kept to an absolute minimum for the sake of the vitality of the world. I think this is the consensus because when some organizers showed up in our region a couple of years ago their stink was obvious to most. The federal stink of death.

I tell anyone who’s willing to listen, locally as well as on this international forum, that I think the federal government is obsolete and is an un-needed burden, so it needs to be discarded. A lot of people agree with me. Nobody has disagreed.


A friend who is Muslim told me a while ago something most people don’t realize. There are something like 300 million Muslims sprinkled around the globe. Those that serve to cause trouble are a very tiny fraction but as we all know, the news LOVES to sensationalize the rants of the very few. He also told me that Muslims deplore what those terrorists are doing. Yup, we have nothing to fear from Islam.

Lapis, definitely! Put the truth back where it belongs (cop shops, courts, state houses, etc.). You only need a little bit per TB.

Our founding fathers view of how things should go is that the power should rest with the states where the federal government was there to provide services where economy of scale made sense – things no single state would want to do on their own. Somehow over time, things got turned around and the fed thinks they control everything. They’re in for a rude awakening! This will start to change quickly as soon as the first state secedes from the union (its coming). That it’d be Texas wouldn’t surprise me in the least.

Thx, Gene. There’s plenty of documentation to show that the only alleged Muslim ‘terrorists’ are in the employ of the CIA and MI6. Even the prostituted press allows that these alleged Muslims are heavy drinkers and sexual deviants. There’s also documentation to show that the ‘suicide bombs,’ at least in Baghdad, were all compliments of the US Army Intelligence Corps, packing explosives in the vehicles of unwitting Arabs at roadblocks, then remotely triggering them at appropriate times and places for maximum effect. Who hasn’t heard that the alleged terrorists in WTC debacle were photographed in America and other countries some time after 9/11?

I found the ‘Shariah’ issue for Texans–relates to the CIA MKid’s mass murder on that army base a year or so ago. I wonder if ‘Jolly’ West was his shrink, too–he was the Columbine alleged murderers’ shrink and those kids were being programmed at the Air Force Academy, which is the CIA’s premier military brainwash facility. That’s well documented, too. A few years ago, a plot was exposed to force the entire student body to be bornagain chumps, presumably so that they could bomb Muslim cities without remorse. Nobody will deny that zionists committed near genocide in Palestine/Israel and are still persecuting the Muslim and Christian Arabs within those borders. Which religions really have ‘state-sponsored’ terrorists? Please read more history to see how this pattern has been repeated over the past 150 years at the behest of this parasitic, corporate world order, okay?

The president of NPR had to resign because she was maligning the Tea Party and was caught in a little unofficial sting operation [Image Can Not Be Found] which shows how far the (humanist–God-hating) western democratic liberalism paradigm has fallen. Public opinion no longer favors Big Brother. Now, the only brainwash obstacle to overcome is the programmed hatred of Islam, I think. In the past, constant repetition of the same lie in the media succeeded in creating the illusion of truth. Let’s hold all these media whores accountable! Let’s read the abundant evidence for all of this in books instead of on sponsored disinformation websites!
