That’s right. CBS says there hasn’t been any hurricanes in the Alley in five years. Guess when Don & Carol gifted that area? Right after Katrina, five years ago.
If the Croft’s were properly rewarded for their efforts they’d be billionaires. All the property and lives saved.
amazing isn’t it. Looks like ‘global warming’ was the plan from weather engineering. Since I put up some CBs it has snowed every year, when it used to be very rare, now they have had 14 inches up north and it has snowed here on and off for a week! Still only autumn. Same last year, xmas day was perfect, snow on ground, brilliant sunshine etc.
summers are cooler overall from the past, 30 years ago, we used to make 14 fields of hay, no problem. Now you have to be a weather psychic to make one field, and without silage it would be hell. And my old nan said it was hotter in her childhood, when it was all done mostly by hand.
nice to read newspaper folk taking the piss, and not too good for the propaganda when winters are getting worse.