Don Croft was interested in this map, it includes pretty much the repertoire of the gifting.
I was going to post it later, but today a woman that was checking the price of toys of trucks and train perhaps influenced me. So the spot with the large black dot groups various sensible elements, 4 artificial lakes system with dams, of which 1 is the nuclear reasearch site the ENEA Brasimone, 3 long tunnel under the mountains for cars and train. And a sequence of seismic events, because it is on the seismic fault line.
By the way the train tunnel was the place where 2 terroristic events took place on the trains, during 1974 and 1984 which costed lives and only by sheer grace something occoured to prevent this disasters to reach the maximun of their effect.
Baragazza, Brasimone, Camugnano, San Benedetto Val di Sambro, Castiglione Pepoli, are approximately the municipalities closer to the latest quakes.
The key to the map below, A for antennas arrays on hills, W for battle field some point in history, Rad for weather ball radar, N for nuclear power plant, REF is for oil Refinery.
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