Agent Caught

Hi all,

casually caught an agent the other day,

she was parked smack in front our place, got eyeballs on her and impulsively flipped my phone out to get her on cam.

Before my phone was out, she was on her feet, walking away from me and got in a car that was driving by.

No comms (cell calls or anything) that might indicate she communicated with said car, pretty weird.

We are having agents around, one of them tried to run me over by reversing her car in the port and doing 60mph

Still around, sorry


Thanks for posting this, Hyperion! Carol and I also came back under constant surveillance last month after a nice hiatus of a few years.

Posting photos of the sewer rats earns us a lot of points (credibility; ‘counting coup’) and it also gets the agents in trouble, which is always a public service. Without these chump enforcers/intimidators the corporate world order is dead in the water and we need to make them afraid of us in order to get some breathing room.

I occasionally post reports from people who don’t know that the corporate world order is a merely a parasite, so can be expelled or destroyed and these poor folks don’t fight back so the agents make their lives hell and sometimes kill them eventually. Parasites do the same in the human body and we know how to easily get rid of those smaller, anaerobic parasites, right?

Here’s a photos from one of Hyperion’s earlier sewer rat annoyances and it’s the finest example I’ve ever seen:

Now, there’s a face only a mother could love [Image Can Not Be Found]

Thanks for also posting about the vehicular homicide attempt on you, too. This is a good indicator of the quality and effectiveness of your gifting work, I think.

The’re all terrified of exposure, even on an obscure forum like this one. I like Dooney’s imagery of turning on the kitchen light to expose all the cockroaches. The world’s kitchen is absolutely crawling with corporate cockroaches and they’re only there because the PJ folks are able to deny it. Let’s do our duty to make it so that even the PJ folks can’t ignore them, okay? Then this ancient infestation will go away pretty fast.


When I told Carol about this she reminded me that the sewer rats in Europe are often a lot more aggressive than the ones in N America. The photo I posted was sent to me by Hyperion a couple of years ago. Notice that this KGB bitch didn’t even look away when his photo was taken but the fleeing KGB bitch (that’s Carol’s daughter’s term from when they were tailed by some pugnacious pavement artists in Paris in 2002) in his first photo shows that the sewer rats are no longer as confident around him as before, haha. Nice progress, Hyperion, congrats!

She also wants me to retell the story of the very severe poisoning that happened to them on her last day, or the preceding evening, in Hellas during her visit with Hyperion and Vasso in August, 2011. The zapper stopped it from doing any harm but it stopped a lot of their fun.


Fun times.

Should get down to locating the photos of those agents and will share.

Nothing could stop Carol though, next day we were up and gifted the living columns out of Delphi

For many reasons, the shitbirds have been paying particular attention to Hellas. Also Triads have quite a presence here to.

Call it Etheric Thermopylae…