I had nearly finished reading THE RAPE OF JUSTICE, by Eustace Mullins, when the big book was stolen from our locked car by federal vermin on our way home from Los Angeles last spring. It has good evidence of J Edgar Hoover’s cordial connection to the top mafiosi and top communists in America throughout his infestation, er, I mean ‘tenure.’
The reason it’s so useful to read a wide variety of reputable authors is that more and more of the puzzle pieces will fall into place for you. This is true even though nearly all the authors I’ve read have deep personal biases, which is a way of saying that they have personal prejudices. Prejudice always blinds us from a wider view of reality. I think it’s our responsibility as readers to overcome our own prejudices so that we can see more deeply into this ancient disease that calls itself the New World Order. Without doing that work it’s probably impossible to end their parasitic rule because they literally own every human organization on the planet and their noisy, vindictive programmed and professional shills and sycophants will drown out the smaller, rational voices within those groups. Most of those Monarch/Tavistock drones will probably keep doing that until they expire, in which case one might say that they’ve finally made a positive contribution to our species’ common weal [Image Can Not Be Found]
What to do? History has always favored alpha personalities because these are more easily manipulated than the quiet sort are. Alpha people are more comfortable talking and less comfortable listening. Beta people are the opposite, so are particularly challenged, right now, to speak up and be persistent. I think the internet has enabled us (the latter demographic) to prevail, finally, because we can take our time, think about what we’re saying/writing without worrying about being bulldozed out of the way by noisy, often charismatic (read: distracting) alpha dogs [Image Can Not Be Found]
Knowing that Hoover had a reserved table at New York’s finest restaurant for forty years or so and that every week he hosted the top mafiosi and commies at his table, even during the McCarthy period, makes it easy to understand how Russia flipped instantly over from ‘communism’ to the rule of mafiosi. You might not have noticed that the bureaucracy in Russia and the other ‘former’ commie countries didn’t budge and are as oppressive and intrusive as ever, even though Comintern are no longer footing the bill–I think all the paychecks for the past 90 years were coming from the International Monetary Fund and its predecessor in London, anyway. Lenin signed over all of Russia’s natural resources and infrastructure to The Corporation (London), of course. That’s old news–Armand Hammer was one of the corporate gophers for those deals in the 20s. Lenin and Trotsky were financed with gold from New York and London, directly, and through Zurich. I think they set Lenin against Trotsky and bet on one or another to win [Image Can Not Be Found] and then STalin, a Leninist, was simply told to erase Trotsky during Roosevelt’s Socialist Revolution.
When will some courageous research journalist publish a book about China’s very quiet but irresistable rise to the top of the corporate world order dung heap? Then we won’t have to glean all the evidence for this from newspaper backpages, reading between the lines, etc.
Meanwhile, even the Chicoms are sweating as peaceful public protests continue to grow in that country for the first time, ever. I don’t count Tienanmen Square’s demonstration and massacre because right after that, the Chinese people were hypnotized into believing these harmless, slaughtered kids were terrorists. It’s the growing prosperity in China that’s making people restless because they’re starting to see that prosperity (freedom) is a birthright, not something bequeathed by Big Brother. It’s fun to watch even that behemoth start to crumble.