Atlanta Gifter Under Attack

Don, Atlanta has a new assortment of highly juiced Death Towers. they are paying anyone almost individual or business 750 to 4k per month to host one of these suckers. i should host of bunch of them on my property and have them overly gifted!! lol…[Image Can Not Be Found]
and take some money from the wankers! [Image Can Not Be Found]

the psi corps are so busy 100-200 following me around for whatever…i guess either trying to harrass or pick up orgonite…or scare….they can’t do any of that except pick up orgonite…[Image Can Not Be Found]
and they have taken up residence in both neighborhoods i live in…rt down street and around the corner.

they want to see me everywhere i go….still have the 24 or 18 hour survellience thing going on…although the smart ones don’t follow too closely…because of the lemurians Leroy Leslie and Lisa who will boost them or lemurian Dodec them.

those towers are so heavily watched and fortified and used it seems primarily to beam folks including me…but i just send it right back to them as Stevo taught us…i let it make a u turn and add some lemurian energy to it hitting the person right back in the same area, head, heart etc with the same or more force than
they hit me with…This is a psychic trick…

yesterday i went to the grocery store and they had the stored (sevanandas and whole foods so full of their people and agents. i could barely get into one of them. so we went to the other and at least 50 of them came in and out …about 5 voodoo witches…and some agents. which i quickly Dodeced them all…

they would then leave very rapidly!>…what’s wrong? don’t like the Heart Energy?

So Don i am asking that you solicit the help of some other gifters to covertly gift some of these nasty towers…i will explain more when we talk today…

they are putting up towers whenever and where ever they can…over stores, houses etc. Atlanta needs a gifting team from all the gifters here or encourage gifters from around the world to join in gifiting….it’s too much for one person to do under the 24 hour survelleince…so while they follow me around and watch me others can go and take care of business……no what i mean?

…these folks are determined to try and hurt people and control things…and the sad thing is that most of them that they have on these missions…don’t really know what or why they are doing what they are asked by their bosses to do….they just blindly follow orders….

but i must have really tesla helmeted at least 5-7 agents and witches yesterday….guess they were trying to get close to me for energy signatures etc….or try some spell…but they more than they want when they get close to me. lots of heart boosts.

let them keep coming and will keep sending love energy to them……maybe they will change and come back to the light!

Some of us who are closer to Klaus are going to work on his problem again, this morning. One of the psychics who has been working on this during the week told us that she’s been seeing ‘unprecedented reptilian madness’ around this challenge [Image Can Not Be Found] so it’s going to be a fun, insightful and productive session, I’m sure. The session a couple of nights ago took a lot of the pressure off of Klaus and associates, evidently. If you’re one of us who have been heavily assaulted by the #!+birds you know that at the worst it seems like we’re about to be overwhelmed. Thank God we’ve got helpers in the unseen realms in addition to what we can do for each other.


HI Klaus,
just want to thank you for sharing those reports and the work you are doing in Atlanta. You muct be hitting some very important nerve to get all this thrown out you. It is inspiring to see your courage and most of all your ability to join the people in your comunity into the cause.


To All Etheric Warriors and positive Psychics, Boosters etc.
Please give your all out boosts to Omnitech, we are still under covert and overt attacks
and at every turn these bad guys are trying to sabotage, harm and if possible shut down the school.

We are winning by still being here and still having positive students. a very heavily gifted building. Powerful unseen Angelic Entities
that are turning the tide. But we can still lose if we are not prayerful, boosting, careful, savvy
They are still though trying to beam me and my key staff at every turn.
We are being proactive, we are being very prayerful, and very faithful,
We need daily and hourly boosts from everyone…
the enemy is losing some ground and being exposed at their every effort…but we must get over this hump to
move forward….
I am asking for everyone’s all out boosts to be sent to the building at 4319 covington hwy, Decatur Ga. 30035.
wWe need the boosts…we need the positive psychic intel, we need the creator vortexes, we need grace and favor of the Operators.
Please remember us daily. This is a war. And we need reinforcements Etherically and any boosting to our location and my staff that are under attack.

We have profesionals investigating the poisoning attempt on me and my staff and may have actions to take once our results come back.

Thanks to all EW for your boosting and support we need this in order to win and progress with each battle.

boosting and directing all devices and Etheric Friends your way…hang in there and have Faith.


Hi everyone, it’s been an eventful week. lots of things happening. we first discovered that our building has probably been purchased (behind the scenes) by the cia/psi corps…
this is why in building harrassment, full building and just about all tenants cooperation in the poison Omnitech Personnell (which is going to soon come back and bite them hard!) everyone will hear about this.
the 2nd largest tenant in the building turns out to be an agent …(our Green Dragon Energy took care of that). Thanks Puff.

so all they have left…which several people will be posting in this thread photos of soon. is the 100 + man follow Klaus everywhere entourage. LOL! Don’t bother me …[Image Can Not Be Found]

They are parked everywhere i go…they standing on street corners ( you will see photos soon)

every store i go into they are there…how do i know…(well i know intuitively firstly) but also just boost them and dodec them. mostly they don’t like the loving Heart Energy…e.g. i went to Lowes this morning. i have photos of many of them…

and dodeced several them. they were very uncomfortable and started to leave quickly……once again picking up no items! once in a while these wankers will buy something… mostly though, they are too busy watching or trying to keep up with me.

at least 20 – 30 came in the store…you think they would be more subtle. i always ask the store workers. Yall been busy today? has business picked up in the last 10 mins…resounding answer is " hmmm interesting you ask…" we have just sort of got a little surge.

so they are on each exit ramp of I -285, they seem to move in bunches of about 4 or 8 to up to 20…so they can look like normal traffic. NOPE…it’s very obvious to me and anyone riding with me what they are doing…

i guess to find orgonite if some is thrown or whatever…to me they are wasting their energy…i know how avoid their poison patrol cars…and their radionics vans need intellectual upgrades on the signage. e.g. some have company names with NO phone numbers…duhh…

they must have at least 65 plus different Radionics Vans…trying to get my energy signature or beam me from store to store…i got something for that ! thanks to our generous friends the Lemurians. They tried to run my sister off the Road after sabotaging her tire. it blew on I285 while she was right near one of their tractor trailors. (yea they have those too…trying to harm me on the highway…)…but she was protected (with my 8 year old niece in the car) and no harm came to her nor my neice ….

so this is why i ask you to ultra boost the wankers with me. They know My sister is one of my right hands at the school…they also poisoned last year my school director. She is recovering nicely…hindsight told us they did that to her while in her car.

and i mentioned before tried to run my asst off Road with one of their Vans…White Van with Handicapped sticker…(handicapped alright:)…heart handicapped. so we need to send some heart energy hjs way….

All of this and the many many many photos to come…i have at least 3 people endeavoring to upload these photos in due time….so you all can have some people to BOOST! SOME PHOTOS TO BOOST AND DODEC etc. to help us out…

we are keeping great spirits and making progress and laughing at these jokers as they throw all this our way…too bad they are heavily funded…to keep this madness up…but i think when they see our invisible protectors at work…they are getting rather discouraged.

They are only inventing new boosters, new believers, new gifters….so keep it up….the meek are inheriting the earth. EW warriors thanks for your boosts and concerns…

….photos already on the way…in just a few days….

they still have a about 450 cars or so…attempting to track, harass or see orgonite if its gifted.
they are tracking my staff members at times with these cars….probably to take another whack at poisoning them.

so i am forced to educate them on their tactics and how to fight back with boosting and dodecing the enemy.
The enemy seems to be getting less and less coordinated due to powerful Chat Sessions where Stevo and some others work on the upline and the positive vortex energies within the building

they sprayed me (sneakily) at the gas station yesterday with poison’s so i had to detox most of the night with footbaths, homeopathics etc. they use a very toxic mix that includes berlium…but we have stuff to remove that
as well as bacteria, parasites, viruses, fungus etc.

thankfully i am energy aware enough to know when this has occurred and have the tools to clean it up quickly.

seems they are worried about gifting, then i think gifters from around the world should pay visits here that would really cause them ruckus….

so they know they don’t have to just worry about me. …there is actually a couple visiting right now from overseas…who are out gifting….(while they watch me [Image Can Not Be Found]…

just a daily update….thanks for the continued boosts and etheric assistance.

i have to repost again.

i just had one of the most healing and enlightening visit with **&&&&&&…. (someone) in this visit i learned how to reach the highest and best vibrational frequency through simply going deeper into my heart
and finding and spreading the unconditional love vibration. i tell you no joke that all surveillance and cars ceased to follow me. almost immediately. some tried to stay nearby as long as they could…
but the worse the entity was the less they could handle the vibration. i feel this is the only and most potent weapon an etheric warrior needs. Everything else is useful…but based solely on unconditional love.
the same love we have for our parents or children we must have for our enemies…and ask our entitiies, to help maintain that with them. this person has also received training from Dooney and her writings.
i had heard of the person but they are quite amazing in person…it was like meeting Don, Carol, Stevo and Dooney again. but this person has never met them…but was so similar and so healing and so loving and hence powerful.
i will no longer worry about my enemies, where they are nor what they are doing or if they are watching or listening in fact if they are reading this now i will send them the same love i sent to the 500 or so cars that scattered today and ask the Entities, Green Dragons, Angels, Host and Host of enourmous amount of helpers to help maintain that love to all of our readers. This love disempowers entities, those who have hurt us, poisoned us, surveillanced us, gossiped about us, written about us and slandered us and falsely accused us, etc, etc.
i cannot explain my experience. they have been beating up on me so to speak for about 3 mos…. this healing regimen which more detail will follow about….removed a cord….removed a couple curses and other things that they were trying to put on me.
*&^&^%%^&… is powerful healer gifter and psychic self taught all, and does many other things. i will try to figure out how to say the rest…
but spread the heart energy, the love…if you gift, gift in love, if you fight, fight in love, let everything be done in and through unconditional love….i have found this to be powerful.
thanks for your boosting and support, i know there are many many of you out there who have felt my challenges and are involved even though i don’t know who you are so to speak personally. i sense you and am aware of the boosts and feel them and see their effect.
THANK YOU. We are entering into a new era of success, and healing.

Love to know more and how too.



yes Mark, one of the key things that i was taught last night is that we need to be careful of our language and/or thought processes…they are using psychics to hit us and or track our thought processes.

for example. if we say “flip that tower”…or 'hit that tower"……that is not necessarily in the vibration of love it’s within their realm of tracking. Anything that is love is off the chart so to speak of what they can track.
So the thought could be more like i am going to give a love gift to that tower to help heal people and the world. its subtle but in the etheric world its notable and significant for tracking. THEY CAN’T TRACK HEART ENERGY (LOVE ENERGY)
ITS NOT IN THEIR REALM. so we may want to be more loving in our language and more compassionate in our thought processes so that those thought processes cannot be picked up and tracked and hence attacks or tracking may become easier for them. NOT that we are the cause of our own attacks, but just another tool they may be using to track us and how we can counter it. JUST FYI. i will share stuff as it comes back to me from my session.

Hi Klaus,
never tought of it that way. i just knew that if i felt for any low emotion, doubt-fear, anger… i would get a quick response with bad consequences for me but when i stayed focus , happy, centered, loving they couldnt get to me, at least not as bad. what you are saying matches my experience too.


Thanks Klaus,

I learn a LOT from your endeavours and really appreciate your sharing. I fail often to come from a heart-space of real and honest and true love, but more and more it’s just coming more natural for me. Coming from a place that is not of love now seems quite silly. I feel there is no other place to go anyway…but into love…so I may as well just go there…

My boosting partner and I did a very love centred boosting session last night. We anchored the frequency of a lot of golden delightful energy that had the sylphs appearing in the sky. We call sylphs “orgasms in the sky”. But I want to clarify that word orgasm that is so misunderstood and misinterpreted. Most people have explosive orgasms during their merging where they contract and explode like a thunderstorm. This is NOT what I am referring to. Higher states of orgasm is like viewing beautiful sylphs in the sky, floating in a very high and loving vibration. They can last for hours and hours and the energy is pure and soft and alive and quite angelic. I find that during these long and sustained heart-loving and angelic states of orgasm that the darker forces simply can’t even pick up on your existence. I find as well that if they approach this beautiful vortex of love, then they are spun off into a healing crisis.

I have a theory that the reason chemtrails can’t stick when they are sprayed through a sylph is that the vibration of love is so strong in a sylph that the reality of a chemtrail can’t exist in a sylph. Thats just my feeling and based on observation. But others need to confirm that reality for themselves. So possibly if we anchor the love of sylphs in our lives on a regular basis then the agents will have a tough time existing in our reality.

I would guess too, that last night during our boosting session with my partners high state of orgasmic delight that any dark energy in the close vicinity would have been wiped off the map of our reality completely. The golden light of love was very very powerful…

Just some thoughts and I do hope they are intepreted in the highest light and understood so as to empower us to shine love from our hearts…


Thank HKJ and Fran And Toby (via email) for the positive response and comments. i have to give credit where credit is due for much of my post our anonymous gifter and psychic and healer is to be credited. They are on EW…but they don’t post much because of the intensity of the work they do and need for anonymity.
i just realize that there are so many more gifted loving gifters and psychics than I ever realized who are positive and fighting tyranny at ALL levels.
we are not alone and everyone can’t be as vocal as i am and i wouldn’t have been either if it weren’t for Don’s urging me to post EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS…this helps expose them and weaken their effect….they always hope to make us feel isolated or alone and that’s just NOT true at all…

the power of this unorganized group is effective everywhere.

so thanks for the comments. i am still learning this art of using love energy to heal with and help others and nuetralize evil.

but i have great coaches who love sharing and i want to continue to do the same as i learn.

thanks for the positive comments.

Many Many Many Thanks Goes to Dooney and STevo for their selfless support of me and the school. Dooney especially has extended her self beyond human limits to assist me fighting back this assault.
We are making inroads and progress daily and weekly. But none of this progress would have been without Dooney’s knowledge, writings, teachings, coachings, supportiveness, availability to the point of selfless discomfort, in grooming
me as an effective Etheric Warrior.
My heartfelt appreciation goes to Dooney and strong endorsement for her work, business, products, knowledge, gifts, etc. i am in a stable place because of her….and her efforts to pull together the powerful selfless chat groups that
have helped in times of crisis and need to boost this situation to workable circumstances. it is definitely not over, however Dooney has helped to set me on path of constant progress no matter what obstacles the future may hold.

i wholeheartedly endorse her work, her spirit, her gifts and multiple multiple talents and cannot say THANK you enough to her and Dr. Stevo for their willingness to push themselves to the limit in helping me in this fight.

Please support their work and their business anyway that you can and continue to boost them with strength. They have been there for me whenever i 've needed them and know they are steadfast support and friends of Don and Carol who themselves have
personally given of their knowledge, selves and energy to assist me…without these people…success may not have been an option.

so i ask everyone to realize their value to EW. and to you personally if you have benefited etherically or otherwise from this work. The thanks and appreciation and Honor should go to them for their pioneering work that is helping the meek to inherit the earth.

More Harassment from our psych corps controlled building, now they want the “fired department” (their version and people) to come in and re inspect our fire extinguishers and put in a NEW SYSTEM for remote wireless notification….
oh another way to spy on my staff…or maybe poison…we have good timing we have company’s coming next week to test the our space for poison and excessive radiation. we think it’s for unlawful surveillance.

more to come……this is not over….and they are getting desperate and continuing to harass and attack me and the school without cause.
please send everyone associated with the building your loving boosts……Your boosting is needed and appreciated.

Today in the school building, my psych corp cia/nsa front businesses/people and phoney Att phone guy showed up to our building today. just to greet me…(by the way he was following me all day [Image Can Not Be Found] along with the other unorganized 100’s. of cars.

now that i came to the office today. they and their psychics are trying to once again disrupt our Institution. Stop our business transactions or distract us from doing the business of Educating. Unfortunately for them their efforts are not stopping us and seem to be lessening for reasons we know about.

they once again tried to poison me via some air vents. We stopped that because we know what they don’t know. (we have proof)

…i am seeing more and more people wake up to orgonite…in atlanta and start gifting.

today they are even deliberately disrupting our deliver of 400 tbs from Louis by interfering with my Fedex delivery. They are saying that the smell is causing them to hold the package (it’s glue! fiberglass in solid form and that the FAA has to come “inspect or investigate the package” Louis …just trying to slow down Louis’ business.

will go and visit them and clear up their questions about his package.

the entourage was out today following but,

not nearly with the precision nor discipline they had weeks ago…they seem loose and not in order.

i have demonstrated this to my staff and some students and they literally see it. (even their own students they have enrolled [Image Can Not Be Found] chuckle when i say “round up the entourage” ….

they know that i know they are following me with the intent to intimidate me…

that’s not working. [Image Can Not Be Found]

i went to court this morning on a minor issue and one of the agents came in behind me…and sprayed aerosol poison from his phone there was actually a hole on the top of the phone…where an antenna should have been….(: lol) and he pointed it right at me…then tried to move towards me ….i picked his energy up quickly and moved away…he also had in his mind (thanks to psychic intel) that to prick me with a phony ball point pen….[Image Can Not Be Found] not……he served no purpose in the building had no court room to go to…no ticket…etc. just there to harrass me. Guess he’ll have to be dodeced.

to try and prick me with something that could poison me, be untraceable and possibly cause a heart attack etc.

Interestingly a group of other gifters did some gifting yesterday.

i believe that the more orgonite spreads the more consciousness is rising and the more vibrations/calibrations rise. There are other quiet gifters in Atlanta…… who have a field day while they try and follow me everywhere.

i actually even ran into a family i’ve known for years….and they asked me a strange question… they said you know we have been reading about this stuff called orgonite…(caucasion family from very well to do North side of town) do you know what happens when you put it near a cell phone tower? i said yes i have heard of that.

interesting… on their own…they have become new secret gifters……lots of people to start following around. [Image Can Not Be Found]

please keep up the boosting….thanks for the support.

Very little access to me is frustrating the sewer rats.
so they staged an accident in front of my 6 acre home….(how coincidental) [Image Can Not Be Found] a man supposedly passed out or got hit by a car or something…

so i came out of my gate and would you know it…2 trucks …carrying intense poison spray just happened to come by…it had huge pipes coming out of the back of it.

they would me to pass out so they could take me away but they couldn’t get close enuff to me.

the energy felt so dark there, i stop looking and decided to go back in side. i clearly knew “they” were up to something.

another twist on their poison attempts. i saw it coming and came back in the house. soon as we started boosting them suddenly the incident was over. [Image Can Not Be Found]

in addition i have found out that they threatened my attorney very vividly and have asked him to stop helping me so much or they would hurt him.

we will be working energetically on the situation.

more info to follow.