Banking In The Middle Ages, Mirrors Today Actions

I found this fascinating article describing the banking and trading activities of the venitians. This was quite an eye opener, especially the part linking the Mongols and the venitians, never seen that documented before, and makes alot of sense.
More topical, the fact that they used essentially the same techniques to take over as much as possible, via a type fractional reserve banking, credit, and importantly, manipulation of the gold and silver markets.

If you’ve read or listened to Eustace Mullins talking about his book, The Curse of Canaan: A Demonology of History, he explains how he was only able to find one source explaining who the venitians were.

I have been following the precious metals markets recently, and it appears they are pulling a similar scam with gold and silver today, where they are suppressing the price through the creation of multiple amounts of paper contracts per physical ounce, in order to drive down the price. This, just like fractional reserve banking, only works when people keep their money in the bank.

This matters, because it seems the chinese are hip to the game, and have decided to trade in their dollars for gold and silver and other real assets.
There are multiple sources for this, but this is a good one.
We could very well see the collapse of the Bankster run criminal countries in the west, without a shot fired.

Just have to hope they don’t pull off the one world currency trick.