Big Pharma dealt a severe blow in UK:
This appears to be the FIRST major reversal where Truth and Well Documented Research trumps the Pharma Cabal in a Major Legal Battle.
In my opinion, Big Pharma has been a particularly effective two edged sword in the arsenal of the Miscreant Elite Cabal. On the one edge of their sword, the obscene profits possible via the grossly inflated ROI on Drug sales (especially mandated vaccination programs) has provided a steady and reliable stream of income that has been instrumental in perpetuating the Elite’s economic power for over 100 years.
On the other edge, is the insidious (and suppressed) damage that the vaccines themselves cause to destroy the health of the global population and ready the population for their planned “Kill Shot” when the average health, and resistance to gross poisons, and infectious agents was deemed sufficiently degraded such that their “Coupe de Grace” would be successful in the death of a sufficient percentage of the population to avoid any possible violent uprising against their pan-homicidal actions. Thankfully, this Gifting movement has crushed their ability to deliver their “Kill Shots”, regardless, as without a pervasive DOR environment, even their use of vaccine poison vectors, into the populace, has been insufficient to weaken us enough for them to succeed with a much more virulent delivery of poisons and pathogens (Their “Kill Shot”).
It does look to me, increasingly, that the tide has turned, and Grudgingly Surrendered Victories, by the Elite’s own Courts (At least in this instance in UK) is showing the beginning of the significant (and I believe accelerating) erosion in the Elite’s capacity to sustain their monopolies in both Pharma and Energy (witness the recent LENR/Cold Fusion disclosures). If the Elite begin to lose both Pharma and Energy, they are toast…
Following is an excerpt from the above link, that goes to the heart of the matter:
The truth apparently (see other article this issue) is that NO credible evidence exists that even proves vaccines perform as CLAIMED. The vaunted double-blind tests do not exist. The statistics were fudged. Polio – supposedly alleviated – was confused (on purpose?) with numerous other diseases that still take their toll today. The beneficiary: Big Pharma, of course, and the elites that control the top companies.
THIS is no doubt the REAL secret that Big Pharma has been desperate to hide. It explains the almost inexplicable rage against Wakefield. They’ve used nuclear weapons on a gnat. Why? They feared the gnat’s bite would lead to blood poisoning of the entire, rotten corpus.
I believe their empire is crumbling and we will soon be engaged in rebuilding….
Pray that the falling masonry, from their corrupt Ivory Towers, causes the minimum of “Collateral” damage….