Black-ops And CIA In Bocas Del Toro, Panama

As I reported previously in another thread, I did some gifting in Bocas del Toro, Panama, prior to my temporary return to Canada, a month ago.

My partner, Martin, stayed behind aboard our sailboat, s/v Aquasoul, a beautiful CS36 yacht. Martin is a techy and a down-to-earth, somewhat skeptical character. But he observes.

A week ago, I caught a news report that 20 tons of cocaine were seized on a nearby island, Bastimentos. I didn’t pay too much attention, but I remember thinking this was quite a large amount of drugs for a small tropical island filled with surfers, backpackers, expats and tourists.

I’ve been having a really hard time getting a hold of Martin lately. These past days, our communication attempts were interfered with, and our schedule never coincided.

Tonight, we were attempting to have a chat and we couldn’t read each other. Typical interference and hacking, of course. I picked up my succor punch and started boosting. We were finally able to get ahold of each other, in real time.

Latest local news are that the entire Bocas del Toro area is infested (in Martin’s words), with black helicopters and para-military teams patrolling the area. The official story is that the 20 tons of cocaine were lost and they are attempting to find it.

Yeah right. So you guys lost 20 tons of coke? You should have come up with a better cover story than that.

Obviously, they are out there to measure my new grid, the gifting work I did, and trying to mess/interfere with the development of the new radionic protocol I’ve been working on. Good luck figuring it out.

As this is now in the public record, I expect them to quickly “find” the drug and leave.

Please direct your attention and boosting towards these shitbirds.


Good work Cassandria, you managed to get them running around in circles!

I am not so sure they are there to mess with your gifting. I would guess they are frantically trying to understand its dynamics, first. The size of the operation is probably equivalent to their failure at this.

Cassandria, would you like to explain a little bit what a radionic protocol is? Me and I think some of our readers would appreaciate it, thanks [Image Can Not Be Found]


Thanks Carlos, right on! I was just pointing out to Martin how much effort and resources had to be deployed to try and counteract a couple dollars worth of resin and metal shavings.

I always, even after 10 years, get a kick out of this.

Regarding radionics… Everything in the universe vibrates at a specific frequency, as you probably know.

Radionics is essentially making use of these frequencies, and frequencies of objects, ideas, thoughts, people, souls, whatever, that are vibrating within the same range (and/or interconnecting frequencies that are normally not in the same range through some kind of interface – a radionic machine or device) to achieve a specific result or objective.

I understand that this is a very broad definition. Most people, when talking about radionics, refer to an actual device full of knobs, buttons, wires and plates used to modulate the etheric medium, and an energy healing approach that originally used the blood, hair, a signature, or other substances unique to the person (called a witness) as a focus to heal the patient from afar. Even though it is strongly debunked (not to say bashed on) by traditional science – more so than many other “alternative” healing modalities – it has evolved tremendously beyond its original scope of healing through a witness.

My own definition and understanding of radionics is quite a bit wider as well.

In a sense, orgonite might be seen as a type of radionic application. But so is the human mind, and particularly so as demonstrated by boosting and blasting. The human body is perhaps the most advanced radionic machine so far.

A radionic protocol then, is a set of “rules” and guidelines to modulate the ether in a certain way. Sorta like computer code, in the etheric plane…


Thanks Cassandria!

I would like to continue discussing about what radionics are but I don’t want to derail the thread or become speculative [Image Can Not Be Found]
Regardless, I think you gave a good, if unconventional explanation of it.

Back to “radionic protocol”: you already related it with boosting; is it also akin to programming a Succour Punch?
I think most people who come here are familiar with those things.

What is very unfamiliar is the use of protocols (or programming) together with gifting. We should probably stress that doing protocols with one’s gifting is absolutely not necessary to obtain consistent, positive results as has been exemplified countless times here.

In effect it seems what you did in Bocas del Toro was quite experimental. I don’t see anything wrong with it, on the contrary, but I think it’s good to make that clear [Image Can Not Be Found]


I think perhaps I wasn’t too clear on some points Carlos, namely the “gifting and protocol” you mention.

The gifting I did in Bocas was far from experimental. The only “protocol” I follow for gifting is resin-metal-crystal as a simple and time-proven formula for tactical devices. No fancy ingredients, no radionics, no programming, and no cherry on top. These (the cherries) are too costly to toss in the water. I’d rather eat them [Image Can Not Be Found]

The original gifting report is here:……php?t=4496

I only used the simple basic TB formula, and a couple small HHG’s. Ok, ok… I did add a couple heart-based gemstones for good measure, even though I understand they are not essential… [Image Can Not Be Found]

I am, in parallel with my gifting, working on developing a new radionic approach for personal growth and development, as you know, and getting quite a bit of interference lately even though I haven’t made anything public yet. I’m thinking the term “radionics” is a bit too hot and loaded with unjust assumptions, so perhaps I should think about a completely new term to describe my work.

I keep telling people to stick to proven methods for gifting , because they work. If doing research and investigating new territory – which, after all, is essential to keep growing at some level – then one should be very careful before openly promoting and making public claims about such research. The drama-loaded history of this informal network has demonstrated many times what happens when chest-ponders and ego-maniacs try to make bold claims without validation and/or proper research to back such claims.

I am threading really carefully here with my research, as I know full well that some shitbirds are only waiting for a faux-pas to get the wheel spinning against me. It’s not gonna happen.

So yes, Carlos, it is important to stress that "doing protocols with one’s gifting is absolutely not necessary to obtain consistent, positive results as has been exemplified countless times here. "

In fact, I would even go so far as to completely discourage against fancy approaches like this for gifting, and keep the “advanced” research in the domain of personal, interactive devices . Which is what I’ve been doing, successfully as demonstrated by the shitbirds buzzing around my sailboat anchored in Bocas [Image Can Not Be Found]

Hope this helps clear up any potential confusion and dissipate any idea that I might be promoting radionics and fancy techniques for gifting, which I am not.


Good thread, thanks Cassandria and Carlos.

Panama is a CIA playground/abbatoir and one of their major hubs for cocaine distribution and this is also one of the countries where the US experiments on the populace with new mass murder weaponry. If American Pajama People knew the extent of this they’d fail to remain complacent about allowing these corporate parasites to govern them. The Bush family set that up after WWII. So any gifting done there is going to upset that applecart. Imagine how it’s going to be after you do a large scale campaign, Cassandria [Image Can Not Be Found] but because orgonite and EW have a high enough public profile I think you’ll both remain safe from murder and mayhem, there, at the hands of these monsters.

The Sylph photos you shared indicate how little orgonite is required to restore balance in the atmosphere and congratulations for that!

Radionics is something that Carol and I have experimented with but haven’t explored deeply, though Carol has always had an active interest in sympathetic magic, which is similar enough to be considered the same thing, I think. Magic, which I might say includes radionics, is technology so of course it’s neither good nor evil by itself. People who fear magic look the same to me as people who fear the concepts of electricity and fire.

This forum isn’t a suitable environment for developing and promoting a radionics program because of what Carlos suggests and also because it’s too easy to derail this forum from its essential purpose of exploiting the potential and promoting the use of simple orgonite but I think there’s a need for a forum for such subjects and I’ve asked Cassandria to set that up. I think she’d keep it on an even keel and would encourage constructive consultation and creativity. Right now she’s asked some reputable psychics to test her prototype, which I think looks terrific and can help a lot of us sharpen our nascent abilities to do this work effectively. This radionics program has been in development for a long time.

Cassandria set up EW for me in August 2004, by the way, and has done a massive amount of gifting over the years, starting in Montreal. We can never have enough people like her in this unorganized global effort. I think one of the tests of a product’s viability is that it doesn’t attract noisy sycophants. Reich detested sycophants and for several good reasons. I’d be surprised if Cassandria’s program would attract sycophants because it seems to require one to sharpen discernment and to demonstrate more personal accountability–these are essential components in the technology of personal development and sycophants run away from both of these and always prefer blind acceptance and conformity.

The sewer rats use sycophants to destroy progressive movements.

I’m sending boosts to Martin every time I think of these two. Martin’s probably a target for psi assault (manipulation) since he’s not yet committed to this ‘war’ effort.


I can help setup and host Cassandrias blog/forum

I think we’ve moved beyond the stage of our own development as a forum in which any promotion of a new idea will cause a sort of sycophant response within the forum itself. I think it’s impossible to have any group effort in which there aren’t a few sycophants or potential sycophants and my challenge has always been to invite enough people into this forum to demonstrate the diversity within the unorganized movement, itself. Diversity is the antidote for conformity, which is a potentially fatal cancer for any group effort.

I adopted a simple formula to help prevent sycophants from ruling this effort and it basically involves discouraging aggressive promotion of personal ideologies (mainly theosophy/masonry and religious fundamentalisms–the most favored mind control protocols by the corporate order; atheism, which is their other one, has become passé so I don’t mention it) and discouraging the notion that this effort relies on personalities to succeed. I don’t promote my own religion here but I encourage people to consider the historic and social importance of genuine religions, in general.

When I was in the middle of the corporate order’s divorce mill (the destruction of my life as I knew it) in 1994 I attended a Landmark Education course and it was really helpful. I was so impressed with what I gained from the presenter that I paid for a friend’s course after that and the presenter was a different man who really crapped in the punchbowl–my friend walked out of it in the middle and got nothing from it. I forgot the name of the German who developed the framework for that course but I think he was one of the SS scientists who came into the US with Operation Paperclip.

All technology is neutral, even when it has been developed at a concentration camp. A lot of genuinely helpful surgical procedures were developed that way and in those camps by the SS, of course.

Some of the worst assaults on a few of us have been conducted with radionics. The late Steven J Smith ( author of ‘NSA: Citadel of Evil’ available on was evidently murdered by the NSA a few years ago with a form of radionics that resembles voodoo. Ruth Drown was a radionics pioneer in the early part of the 1900s who developed powerful healing protocols and was able to do things for the environment that we’re accomplishing with orgonite. Dr Hugh Lovel, who has been making and selling orgonite cloudbusters in Australia, had developed a radionics program that successfully restores dead soil and he was even able to also grow abundant, vital crops on this previously dead soil with less water with this program. I met him in Georgia before he moved to Oz and I saw what he had done on a small farm where generations of cotton growing had destroyed the soil. I handed him a small orgonite cloudbuster, then [Image Can Not Be Found] . He’s written up in Tompkins and Bird’s Secrets of the Soil --a terrific read.

This is a pretty extreme illustration of my point that technology is neutral. People like Carol and Cassandria are constrained by conscience and ‘paratge’ to avoid doing harm. They’d rather cut their own throats than harm another individual. We know, by now, that orgonite can’t cause any harm. Cassandria’s new program involves the use of an orgonite device but its value is going to be determined by others, experimenting objectively with it. The fakers who promote new products are afraid of evaluation and they make broad claims that are only based on their own fantasies.

What if we had to arbitrate about who is ‘worthy’ of turning on an electric light or lighting a fire? Religious clergy, who control their ‘flocks’ with old magic, claim that anyone who practices magic is ‘evil,’ of course and this is the same as calling electricians or chefs, ‘evil.’ Fortunately for us, most of the people in the world who use their brains and hearts now recognize that the institution of clergy is obsolete. We need preachers like we need tails or a sixth toe.

This is one of my favorite subjects [Image Can Not Be Found]

Carlos shared ‘paratge’ with me last week and I’ve been thinking about it ever since–Carol loves this website he shared with me:……aratge.htm
