Eddie-san, you’re the best! Thanks for that priceless account about Gramps and the Gestapo.
I regularly get single emails from one or another gifter or traveller in those regions who report blue holes in the chemsoup, vastly improved ambience, etc. This has apparently really caught on in some of those countries but the activists don’t speak English and/or still feel a little stung by previous fascist/commie conditions so that they’re not comfortable to freely commuicate over the internet, yet. There’s a well-visited Polish site that describes the work we’re doing, by the way/
This lack of internet freedom is apparently doubly true in Russia and China, where the secet police still haul people like you and me away in the middle of the night. I’ve never heard directly from gifters in either country (except from Didier in HOng Kong, if that counts) but I’ve gotten email reports from travellers who tell me about characteristic evidence that there are cloudbusters and field orgonite, at least in Russia and Ukraine.
Lauzu Kelly’s and Doc von Peters’ reports indicate that China’s atmosphere, at least, is as receptive to orgonite as Africa’s is. I wish to God the Chinese people and Russian people would finally stop enabling the vast armies of sewer rats to censure and bully them into not communicating with the rest of the world in private email, though.
Meta in Slovenia is demonsrating how receptive Eastern European people are to this new information, I think. The pschics say that the KGB types are so chastised by rising awareness in Slovenia, at least, that they won’t overtly interfere with Meta the way the new Homeland Security Abominations routinely do against some of us in North America. I think it would be delicious to see the PJ folks. here, realize that most Eastern Europeans have more freedom than we Americans do at the moment.
Japan is another case in point, probably due to language barrier: a whole lot of gifting and cloudbusting has been done there wihtout us ever having heard from teh gifters and CBers before Big Larry and Ed came along/ Years ago, Larry told me that he saw the blue holes in South Korea, too, where he regularly went for business. I’ve never heard from a Korean gifter but we sell plenty of stuff to customers in Korea who apparently read EW and our business site.
My impression that the barrier is more political than verbal might be confirmed by the fact that Georg’s networking friends in Western Europe are also not in touch with gifters in those regions.
Our Finnish friends recently gifted the enormous reptilian hive portal on Finland’s coast, which is something Carol and I have been hoping would happen for the past four years or so. Maybe Russia will soon slip through the grasp of the world odor on account of that. The other end of that huge underground hive is apparently in the Ural Mountains.
When the European gifters gifted the Malta portal I noticed that Britain’s hegemony over the globe’s sleepyheads becan to rapidly deteriorate and when Gert Botha, Karstin Roloff and I gifted the hive portal in Namibia in Dec '01, this stuff really started to spread in Southern Africa, mainly through Georg’s efforts.
To me, the most marvellous part of gifting is how it affects the physical and etheric realm, together, but produces phenomenal atmospheric confirmations for those of us who aren’t psychic enough to see the dynamics of the unseen realm, which is arguably more substantial than the physical one. This morning’s chat session underscored that for me. I thank God for our psychics!