Chembuster Remedy For Cats

Last Friday my cat was having diffuculties to urinate. He’s had it before, thanks to industrialized cat and dog food. Saturday was a holiday, the vet was on vacation. As I had little options like letting my cat suffer until Monday until I could take him to the vet or finding other options. The only option I had was making him take a few drops of Chembuster. By Sunday he was fine, and he’s still fine by now. I’ve cut industrialized cat food and dog food for now and maybe forever, even if that means sending 10 kilos of dog and cat food I bought for them to the trash bin.

The hazardous chemicals we take with industrialized food living in a big city far from the growers are bad for human beings health. Imagine the subproducts that feeds our pets! Sub from the sub from down under!

I’ll feed my cats and dogs with fresh food whenever possible from now on. It’s not easy, you know. I can hardly eat healtly from food bought at the supermarkets, you know what I mean.

20 years ago there was a lot of earth here and people growing vegetables, they were cheap for sale. Not now. 20 years ago my cats would eat raw chicken feet as their main source of food, but not now.

Things have changed, and the changes have not been for good.But big brother my a$$, I’ll do what I can to fight it.
