Chopping at the Root of Misogyny

Carol and I have been working to expand our own interests beyond the main focus of this forum, which is and will remain about what can be done with simple orgonite devices to improve the lot of our species and the health of our planet.

The other potentials for simple orgonite are too vast for one forum to encompass it all, of course, but Carol and I are particularly fond of the way absolutely anyone can empower him/herself by making and distributing simple orgonite so I think EW is going to continue to thrive and to set some standards by example, thanks to a lot of reliable contributors to the site.

Something that has always rankled me, though, is the way so many people are inclined to push women aside in most cultures in the world. Carol has been subjected to this and I’m going to focus, from now on, on ways to draw attention to the fact that she and I are equal partners in this global movement and that in some very important ways, I’m the junior partner.

Her trip to France was profoundly productive last summer and there’s so much more that she needs to do, there, that I’m committed to go there to support her efforts as soon as feasible. That will do the trick: placing us side by side instead of allowing the innate misogyny of the ancient world order’s perverted social conditioning to put the main focus on me.
When she was over there, I was overwhelmed with the realization that the key to undermining the sickness of patriarchy may be hidden in Southern France. We don’t expect to find it, for ourselves and hopefully also for some of our readers, except by staying there, learning French and really getting to know people.

Western history took a nasty detour during a short period in the thirteenth century when the Vatican arranged the wholesale slaughter of the population of Languedoc, a large district in Southern France. Most of them were Cathars, an exemplary culture that we believe grew up around the Christianity taught by Mary Magdalene and her descendents.
This was toward the close of the clergy-imposed Dark Ages and no doubt the Pope and crew were already terrified by the advance of Islam and its civilizing influence. The Templars, whose ‘Acre’ castle on the coast of Palestine was named for Languedoc, were intimimately connected to the Cathars and defended them at Montsegur, their last stronghold. Most of the Templars were rounded up and slaughtered a century after the Vatican initiated the slaughter of the Cathars. Survivors established Roslyn Chapel in Scotland, which is where Carol started her Magdalene gifting campaign last summer.

We hope to pick up some historic information about the Templars. I had always assumed they were dirty, since freemasons have claimed the Templar legacy as their own but it may be that they had integrity and a genuine mission related to the bloodline of Mary Magdalene, which has been called Merovingian. Perhaps similarly, the royalty of Europe have always done their best to parasite onto this lineage. It will take some hard convincing for me to see the bulk of European royalty and aristocracy as more than just Illuminati parasites [Image Can Not Be Found] , especially now.

I realize this is controversial (so I’m posting it in the Miscellaneus section [Image Can Not Be Found] ) but I’m only presenting our personal convictions, here.

But I became convinced of the truth of the basic claims of Mary Magdalene’s marriage to Jesus by reading HOLY BLOOD; HOLY GRAIL in 1997. The evidence is all circumstantial but there’s a whole lot of it. Carol and I believe that the more solid evidences are about to be revealed, discovered and/or exposed and we’d like to be there when it happens. We’re all living in an exciting time, when all of the important hidden things are being revealed, which is to say that this is the end of an ancient tyranny which is based on secrecy and exploitation.

The specialized orgonite that she and Katya depsited at sacred sites around the Rose Line, from Northern Scotland to Southern France, that are closely associated with the life of Mary Magdalene seems to have moved this process along quite aggressively.

I don’t have a US passport or driver license and can’t get them because I refused to pay the State of Washington for the welfare of my kids after a horrendous divorce, in which home and family were wrenched from me by the anti-lawful court. In those days, I was still a sap and refused to stand up for myself, otherwise I could have kept the house and the kids after X-1 cuckolded me and cast me out.

For several years, I was unable to pay because I was nearly insane with grief and wandered constantly, eking out an existence by painting signs while living in a broken down old car. So the child support tab really ran up [Image Can Not Be Found] . I was close to suicide at one point but decided not to do it because I knew it would scar those kids for life. I was introduced to the zapper a few days after that–my reward for making the right decision? Within a couple of years I was able to settle down enough to start helping my kids, finally, and Carol and I found each other, which really put my life on track. During my early recovery period my 11-year-old psychic daughter, Nora, lived with me and eventually helped me figure out what orgonite does (1998). She now lives and works nearby, in Spokane, and posts photos for me in forum reports.

My kids are all grown and the State of Washington is still running up that old unlawful tab each month.
Their ma made a good living, of course, and even was married to a guy, for a few years, who owned a nuclear power plant but my temporary inability to help my kids ate at me like a cancer. On the road, I met scores of fellows in my predicament. Most of them never recovered from losing their homes, businesses and families to the satanic court system in America and Canada. There are millions of men in that condition–a sort of quiet holocaust, if you will. I’ve always believed that the intended victims are the children.

‘Deadbeat Dad’ is designed to illicit the same loathing as ‘Terrorist,’ or ‘Pedophile,’ f course, so there’s not a lot of sympathy for dispossessed men.

I’m one of the lucky ones wh broke the cycle and got my life back but I’m an outlaw, obviously. How absurd is that? The US government is genuinely a rebellious, parasitic corporate regime, so going against their anti-constitutinal mandates can’t be considered breaking the law, of course. Real law is simple to comprehend and easy to follow. It feels right to do that but it doesn’t feel right to obey this frightful regime.

When my older daughter went off to college (full scholarship, but I started sending her a thousand dollars per month in her second year) the mom left the two younger kids in the care of our older son and I paid all their expenses after that, visiting when I was able. Visiting them was a little risky, since I’d already spent two weeks in jail for non-payment of child support. As each kid, except the youngest, got out on his/her own I bought that one a reliable car. LIfe in America kind of stinks without a car. The youngest didn’t want one but I paid his expenses and tuition when he was in college.

I’ve got a World Service Authority passport, which is only usable after it’s gotten a visa stamp in it. I intend to get that done by sailing from Texas or Florida to Central America next year–Carol advises getting several countries’ stamps before flying to France from Central America. If I can’t get into the country, that way, I’ll surely find another, grid willing [Image Can Not Be Found]

I adore a challenge. I’m 61, an age when a lot of people crave retirement, and I feel like my life is just starting. I think I’ll live to see the day when passports are no longer needed or wanted. The whole world is essentially one country by now, after all, and criminals easily get fake passports, so it’s not a protection. The US Fake Government wants to make us stop at state lines and show our papers, like is done in Mexico. Not long ago, someone in Russia had to apply for a permit to travel to the next town. Until sometime in the 1800s I don’t think there was such a thing as passports. I need to research that, sometime.

World Service Authority (there’s no organization or authority connected to this, of course, but it’s a service) started in France after WWII so we feel hopeful that this scheme will work. It’s worth a try [Image Can Not Be Found] and I love sailing on the open ocean in a small, open boat. We’re going to meet the builder in Seattle, tomorrow. I was going to build it myself, like I did last time, but I just don’t have the time due to business demands. The design is Iain Oughtred’s 19’-6" Caledonia Yawl.

This is Carol’s time to shine and her blogsite will chronicle her work. I’ll have a supportive role and I think she’s going to make history in coming years.

Last Sunday we went to Spokane to a psychic fair. We each had four readings: visited a tea reader, a palm reader, a numerologist and a Russian card reader. Nora showed up after work and visited the numerologist, Martha, who was very impressed with her. I’m proud of all my kids.

At the event was a booth with dire material about chemtrails. I confess that I told the more strident one at the booth that she was a fearmonger [Image Can Not Be Found] . That really lit her fuse but I didn’t say it in anger–just offered it as an observation. I explained myself for a few minutes and the gal calmed down a bit, then it was time for one of my scheduled readings and I left the conversation in Carol’s hands. Carol was a little miffed at me but managed to calm that terrorized woman down and convince her to receive some orgonite to experiment with. The other woman at the booth reads EW but is afraid to even consider that the chemtrails are essentially harmless. Once someone starts subscribing to any of the CIA’s various disinformation campaigns it’s not an easy matter to get clear of all that terrorism and trust one’s own discernment, of course. Disempowerment is the name of that game and caveat emptor.

Lots of folks email me to ask for Carol’s psychic advice and I tell them that there are lots and lots of skilled, mature and reputable psychics available just about anywhere and remote readings are not likely going to be as complete as readings in 3D are. It’s easier for her to read people around the world who are our cohorts–the ones who have sacrificed something to do this work.

I remember when it was hard to find a reliable psychic and it wasn’t that long ago. Even so, I’ve felt so compelled to closely associate with those folks who keep one foot in the etheric realm that it was worth kissing a few frogs to find my princess.

Most of the psychics I found were so uptight that it was just about impossible for them to separate their own psi impressions from their fears and prejudices. I reckon it’s because most of them were locked into the Theosophy paradigm, which is a form of mind control that deadens the heart.

Fortunately, the satanic core of Theosophy is weakening as the corporate world order continues to decline, and a whole lot
of these psychics have a new lease on life, probably without even questioning how it’s happening. Pajama People never really want the important answers, after all, but as long as they’re not in the process of being manipulated they’re generally nice people, capable of conversation to a certain, practical depth.

Carol was proud of me for not answering back whenever the psychics at the fair expounded on my past lives [Image Can Not Be Found] and all of them gave me news that I can use, otherwise.

There were a few exceptions back in the day, fortunately, including Carol. She’s the most reliable, heart-centered psychic I’ve ever known and I think it’s partly because she’s mortally terrified of misleading someone or exercising her will over another. That’s not a bad problem to have but in our distorted society many people are distracted by charisma and aggression and overlook the more quiet but substantive people, like my wife. I’m still puzzling over why anyone takes me seriously, since for the first half of my life (?) I was scorned whenever I opened my mouth. I suppose this makes me immune to the poison of flattery, though, which is a trait I share with Carol.

I’m starting to pity the alpha dogs, actually. History is getting bored with them as our species continue to awaken and to become more accountable. I suppose this means that women will be heard, more. I campaign to find more orgonite-tossing women who are willing to post on my board, by the way. I figure half of the gifters are women, after all.

I didn’t realize how poisonous patriarchy is until after my first kid was born in 1979 and we attempted to start a parent support group among other young parents that we knew. I was shocked that the other young men did nothing but engage in testosterone contests, each one vying to make empty pronouncements. It didn’t go beyond two meetings.

I’d been to third world countries where social engagements were quiet, informal and productive. I used to live in constant culture shock in those days, craving to return to those pleasant other places but not being able to afford it [Image Can Not Be Found] but American culture has improved a lot, since then, and I feel okay about being here. Granted, Carol and I don’t have to associate with Pajama People, much. You might assume we’re just lucky but it took us a lot of years to create this life for ourselves.


I see Sleeping Beauty as The metaphore of Life. The tree that keeps growing 2 chips for every 1 chopped out by the prince & the endemic mysogeny of the majority culture have a lot in common, in my view. You’re not the only one chopping, Don… although for my own self, I prefer a saw. or occasionally, a fire-breath from a dragon… This is not something I have a lot of patience with – not that anyone who knows me will be surprised at…