“chipped”? I jokingly refer to myself as a etheric pincushion I’ve had so many of these – 3d, etheric, other dimensional – anything and everything the bad guys have tried to contain me and none of it has worked, including a murder attempt or two. I wear this as a badge of honor. I’ve got several permanent scars from this kind of crap. And even though it doesn’t work anymore, they STILL keep trying. They really are one trick ponies. Don, Carol, Dooney, Stevo and LOTS of others who frequent EW all belong to the same “club”. We all just deal with it and don’t let it bother us or get us down.
The ear ringing is ONLY the left ear, its there all the time. The pitch and complexity changes from time to time and I’ve yet to find the main source but with help from friends, we’re getting closer to figuring this one out. I’m hoping that once we do its going to help a lot of others and if so, the information as to how to deal with it will be reported here.
I do not consider this good. Its a form of attack from the bad guys. If I drive about 3 miles from my home in any direction (OK one way I’d get wet driving into the Atlantic ocean but… hehe) the ringing stops so this seems to be a direct indication its some kind of electronic attack. Since I can see radionics energy in the air when they’re targeting me and I can’t with the ringing, it stands to reason they’re using a different technique. I’ll eventually figure it out and as I said, share the knowledge once I do.
I read that there is a hair in our inner ear associated with every nerve in our body. It follows that if you can play the correct tonal sequence into someone, you can get the body to do all sorts of things. I have a suspicion this is what they’re doing. I don’t yet know how they’re doing it. It has to be some form of radionics but something different as it seems undetectable. For me its obviously targeting the area around my home.
Don’t play too much into numerology. Though certain number sequences that repeat have particular “general” meanings associated with them, you need to pass them through your heart several times to ascertain their meaning to you. This stuff is, in fact, somewhat subjective.
911 simply means, if you choose to believe it, that something significant is going to happen. It could be anything. It could be good or bad.
The appearance of 11:11 is a powerful confirmation that you are on the right track, aligned with the highest Truth, again, yielding to your own personal interpretation.
Never give a number or anything (power wand, SP, etc) or anyone (bad guy for sure) power over you. Remain in total control at all times and never relinquish that control to anyone. Its yours to keep and command and yours alone. Remain in charge of your own life. Do not pass control to anyone else. The bad guys would LOVE for you to give them control over your life. Don’t!
Look upon etheric tools (power wands, SP’s and the like) simply as that. TOOLS! Thats all they are. Sure they are unlike regular tools in that they can do one or two things on their own without any programming and they excel at the “built in” functionality but they can do MUCH more. Use them like you’d use a shovel. It is a powerful tool for digging holes, however, without a controller and power provided by that controller (that’d be you) all it is, is a useless piece of steel and wood.
When you’re using a power wand or SP, IT isn’t doing something for you because you asked it to. You’re using it to impress your will on the ether. You are in control and the power and command are coming from you. The device is merely providing the access to the ether for you which is what its designed to do in a very powerful way. This may sound like a subtle difference compared to how you perceive things but its an important one. Command the tool to do what you want. Provide the power. Believe it is following your orders. NEVER give it control over you. Maintain your control over it. You don’t ask it to do something for you or hope it will. You command it to do so and provide the power for it to accomplish its task. The real power is within your heart, the tool is merely a conduit for it.
Rather than do without certain of life’s pleasures, better to ask the divine, the operators or whoever you’re most comfortable with to simply connect the energy signature of the stuff to divine energy so that eating it connects everyone more closely with the divine, drawing them farther from the dark side. Use the bad guys “weapons” against them. This world was not created for us to come here so we have to deprive ourselves of life’s pleasures just to get ahead. We all came here for a human experience to be able to learn something to allow us to grow spiritually. As part of that choice we also are afforded the ability to enjoy life and the divine would like nothing more that for each life to be pleasurable for all of us to whatever extent its possible given our life plan and life mission and life goals (and yup, whether you realize it or not, we all have these). Not abstinence because it could be bad for you but merely moderation. Learn to understand the difference and proceed accordingly.
Satisfying a craving if you exist in a state of moderation helps you to maintain your composure because it quickly eliminates a temptation for you which then won’t rear its ugly head for a goodly while. Better for you to get it over with and maintain your power than to expend that power trying to not indulge and exist at a disadvantage because of your choice of action. Think about it.