Exact Trail Of Fukushima Radiation Debris


I think it’s worth repeating, here, that some, much, most or all of the media’s Fukushima scenario may be a scam. As with the US Government’s blatant demolition of the World Trade Center and their subsequent slaughter of 3,000 innocents the vast majority of Americans assume that swarthy terrorists did it simply because that’s what gets repeated incessantly in the corporate media. We are hopefully more discerning and it’s been said that most people will assume that the voice of authority (media) is the truth but the voice of truth is the only real authority [Image Can Not Be Found]

I don’t know whether there is nuclear fallout from the Fukushima situation but I think that we mustnt’ assume that any incessant claim in the corporate media is truthful or reliable. There is or was a fellow in Japan who claimed to live directly downwind of Fukushima and not faraway who offered or offers a streaming video showing a radiation-measuring device and the readings on the device remain ‘average’ for anywhere in the world.

If I didn’t offer these thoughts our readers might assume that EW endorses media reporting of exaggerated and/or false flag events like the alleged Fukushima disaster.

Mark, when you post a link I hope you’ll do us the courtesy of supplying some text, explaining why you think it’s significant. Whenever we post disinformation websites it inevitably serves the interest of the corporate world order, even when we mean well.


Everything online is subjective Don unless one has first hand experience. From all sources.

‎"Question everything, even the questions themselves and the institutions that taught you how to ask the questions" – Mark Bennett

I am with Don, in that the Miscreants would certainly spin this 311 Act of State Sponsored Terror for every bit of Fear and Panic that they can. After all, if it is perceived that the Radiation Danger is Real, then they would–of course–provide the solution that enhances their control over all of us….

However, I am as personally convinced that the 311 Fukushima Event was NOT a natural disaster as I am of 911 NOT being an act perpetrated by al-Qaeda, and executed by dastardly, Islamic, instantly competent, take-off-only, Saudi Pilot Trainees…. In fact, it is my strong belief that the events are cousins….

From data that I have seen, the Earthquake was NOT a 9.0 it was more like 6.5. The damage to buildings, not caused by water, was minimal to non-existent, the location of the epicenter of the quakes not consistent with well known seismic patterns of the local geology, there was a clear motive for punishing Japan by Israel, there was an Israeli contracting company employed and a great number of anomalies as regards their equipment and disposition, and much more….

There is a LOT being spun regarding this incident. However, the clearest, and most serious study that I have found is Jim Stone’s


Nowhere in the article does Mr. Stone claim ANYTHING regarding released radiation. The entire article, however, demolishes a number of claims made in the Media to spin us. His conclusions point to this being anything but an accident. The reactor was exceedingly well engineered. I also heard that claim personally from a friend and colleague who knows the people who designed and built that facility. The failure COULD NOT have happened, as it did, without significant tampering and outright sabotage:

Each reactor has 8 separate emergency backup systems, each capable of saving the reactor on it’s own. Three are designed to function perfectly if all power is lost and even the generators fail. Fukushima did not need any electrical systems operating AT ALL to keep itself from blowing up, when power is lost steam from the reactors is automatically diverted from the generator turbines to two totally separate steam turbines connected to totally separate water pumps needing only reactor steam to power them. Even that backup system has dual redundancy, only one of the two is needed for the job. But the valves which have to activate to re-divert the steam, all 6 valves on a total of 3 fueled reactors, eventually failed to. At reactors 1 and 3 these systems worked, but switched off at reactor 1 within an hour and off at reactor 3 after running for more than two days. No one has been able to explain why these systems switched off all by themselves, when they need a powered command to switch off. At reactor 2 they were never allowed to activate. This can only happen if the control system tells them to shut off or stay off, absent intervention from the controller they automatically and seamlessly switch cooling modes to passive rather than electrical.

Some readers may remember that the real issue at Fukushima was malfunctioning valves, and the need to get someone past the radiation to open them. These are the valves that were spoken of. Because Stuxnet kept the readouts normal, no one knew this system did not function until major problems happened as a result flooding the area where the valves are with radiation. This prevented last ditch efforts (running and cutting the wires). One automatic valve jamming and mechanically failing would be a surprise,6 failing can only be sabotage.[/quote:ghma8f2d]

From what I have heard (from personal sources) is that Stuxnet was an Israeli worm design. Again, the Internet is rife with speculation and finger pointing regarding the origin of the worm; however, the following article is one of the best I have read and it clearly points at the Zionists:

In any case, the evidence continues to mount against the Zionist/Satanist/Cabal in this instance, as in the previous…


Regarding the Alleged Radiation hitting North America…. I have found very little that even appears to be definitive, and I hope fervently that these allegations are, in fact, the propaganda that they appear to be; but, then again, without definitive proof who is to say.

Some reports are interesting and potentially (AND APPARENTLY) worrisome, such as this one:

EXCEPT THAT WAS OVER A YEAR AGO and nothing has gone “Critical” as yet. Also, in the comments for the above video and article, a very good cogent set of questions casting doubt on the assertions made in the video, are provided by a Jim Hardy. However, the video and article are then demolished by the following article:

Seems like a concerted effort to ALARM….

A lot of the Alarmist Honking seem to be from an Arnie Gunderson, who was responsible for the above Telerium 129 claims… Quite interesting, however, that our old friend Ken Adachi takes Gunderson to task here:


It would be good to find out who pays Arnie….


My thoughts on the Radiation Claims?…. I believe they are overblown but not a complete fabrication. Its clear that the Reactor WAS BLOWN UP. And anything like that is going to release radiation. Its almost certainly going to be pretty bad in the general vicinity of Fukushima. However, whether that gets us in “HOT” water, all the way out here, remains to be seen and is not likely to be anywhere near as bad as they would have us believe. It looks to me to be shapping up to be another Major Installment of FEAR PORN, just like the GOM (Gulf of Mexico) was in the last installment….

Then again, until one of US (a trusted member of this informal bunch) can set up a well conceived experiment that instruments the Pacific North West, the matter remains unclear….

Best Regards,