My 20 year old son who has been on a few gifting runs with me wants to build a free energy motor with neo magnets. He is quite psychic and also very talented at building things and putting things together (he definitely didn’t get those skills from me…Dad). He has been on some websites and is sorting through the “angles and geometry” of the neo magnets and how to build such a device. It has been more or less his “mission” in some ways to be a part of bringing free energy to the planet ever since he was a young lad.
So, if any of you could point me in the direction of websites and videos that you feel has a “LOW PROBABILITY” of being disinformation on this topic I would appreciate it. The reason I say “low probability” is that we have no way of knowing for certain what is pure info, but the nice thing about posts on EW is they have a “high probability” of being solid info, because the members themselves are solid.
Thanks in advance…all the best…Hong Kong John