Fundamentalism/Humanism: Joined at the Hip

Just flinging this out for your consideration because the majority of people handicap themselves with one or another prescribed, ‘brain police,’ fake ideology. I won’t win a popularity contest, since I’m now confronting almost everyone I know:

In the late 80s I read about the origins of all the current, popular fake ideologies in London, mainly, and the fun part is to see how it meshes with religious fundamentalism–same level of awarenes/unawareness. That got a big start in Switzerland in the 1500s–offshoot of Luther’s whatever, then London militarized it, which is what was behind the slaughter of Indians, beginning in New England right after that alleged Thanksgiving feast. Cromwell’s iron fist was the other part of that, also the witch hunts. The ‘protestant’ witch hunts paralleled the Vatican’s own witch hunts and general Inquisition. Somebody, someday, may show how these two interfaced in those days. Masonry might be the common ground.

Masonry meets bornagain chumpism in the case of ideological genocide in more recent days, hence the curious proliferation of satanist covens in the Bible Belt and the cheerleading by zionists and bornagain chumps of the destruction of Muslim countries from inside and out (all the top dogs in those Muslim countries are Scottish Rite masons). People who cleave to fundamentalism and humanism hate to look at the evidence of their being joined at the hip.

Westerners who listen to intuitive promptings (in the better case) and to idle imaginings (in the worse case) often assume God is speaking directly to them. It’s only a semantic pitfall unless ego gets in the mix, I think. Theosophy (irriationalism) et al is entirely based in semantic gymnastics, using regurgitated Hindu phraseology and hiding true intentions; even relies on hiding their involvement. They’ll always drop little symbols or phrases, though–like someone farting in a crowded elevator, so you always know when they’re involved That’s another large demographic that shares the same shallow awareness paradigm with fundamentalism and materialism/humanism. Marxism, also created in London, is humanism applied more directly to politics. I don’t know how anyone can get his head screwed on straight if he subscribes to any of this.

I take swipes at this garbage from time to time because it evidently sparks some folks to start examining reality a little more independently instead of reflexively gorging themselves on proferred, packaged answers. You might know, by now, that a signal that some packaged paradigm that explains everything but answers nothing is not genuine is that it leaves you feeling unsatisfied. It’s like eating MacDonalds food: filling but not satisfying. But even the smallest new awareness, gained by direct observation, an active imagination and rational thinking is fully satisfying and makes us feel like we’re making solid progress. This is what pulls so many people into committing to distributing orgonite in the environment and in society after they get a taste of it.

Theosophy was being pimped as ‘irrationalism’ for some decades in the late 1800s. I think it’s a sign of progress that the term is laughable, now. The Old Farts want us to assume that imagination is the enemy of rationality but they can’t say that directly because it sounds silly, so they do it with semantics and a large cadre of clever copy writers. I’m betting those copy writers aren’t paid well. The same families in London hired Marx and Darwin to push pens and Marx was so close to starvation in those days that he opted to let one of his kids starve to death, instead. He was true to his belief in the dialectic of materialism. What a chump. His employer, Lord Thomas Huxley, never missed a meal, you can bet, and his buddy, Friedrich Engels, managed factories in England that employed children. I guess Engels also demonstrated ‘survival of the fittest.’ [Image Can Not Be Found]

The materialism we were all raised with in the West caused us to distrust and even spurn imagination as a function of examining reality. We’re just now figuring out that the profered ideology choices are all spurious. Real religion is not suiperstition; materialism is not adequate to explain the larger realizations; theosophy is a collection of pretty (addictive for some) mind shackles or spiritual/egoistic nose candy.

I suppose the Greenboots are demonstrating an amalgam of all of the above that was introduced, fully developed and managed, on the heels of the war protest movement in 1975. Notice how the anti-war cadre then became the Greenboots cadre. You’re not suipposed to notice things like that, of course, but if you will move past the initial discomfort you might find this realization liberating in a curious way.


People who promote the various fake ideologies are incapable of defending them rationally because the ideologies’ basis is irrational, so when they answer back to my answering back, they can only offer, ‘I just KNOW it, that’s all.’ This is supposed to be a statement of authority but anyone who actually knows something doesn’t feel inclined to do battle over it in the first place, and he/she never wears that awareness on the sleeve.

Is there anyone at all who can defend even one of these profered belief paradigms in a balanced way?

When this orgonite forum effort started in the middle of 2001 there was a flood of ‘arrivals’ within a few months who spouted all of the above and drowned out creative discussions. It took three years of that to finally set up a forum where those folks could be screened out, then many more months before more than two or three people would post substantive reports. Look at how far we’ve come since then–not an accidental achievement and it’s due to the fact that there are enough people who will focus more on this phenomenal work we’re all doing than on personal ideologies.


Driving the newagers, bornagain chumps and secular humanists who had glommed onto the forum efforts were behavior modification specialists, of course. I learned that some of the behavior modifiers had also conducted international backbiting campaigns with email, hence the low level of participation in the new (this) forum in those early days. Thank grid for new blood. I keep inviting new, dynamic orgonite-flingers to post, here, because I don’t want any closed-culture dynamics to get established. Caveat emptor to anyone who will subscribe to the character assaults of my sleepless detractors. That’s not my loss.

We call our conscience and intuitive process ‘the small voice;’ the counterpart of that for the corporate world order is the behavior modification specialists throughout recorded history–hiding behind the noisemakers which include politicians, bottom-rung clergymen, insitutionalized academics (including ‘historians’) media personalities, institutionalized ‘philosophers,’ psychiatrists in general and other malleable sociopaths.

If you’ve been through four years of college, especially if you’ve been through any graduate programs, and are not marinated in secular humanism then it’s because you identified this poison and made successful efforts to clear it out of your head and heart. It might help you to read about the origins of all that. Most of the better books are no longer publ;ished, of course, and if I weren’t in vagabondage for so many years I’d have kept mine and could share the titles and authors. I can say that there’s an awful lot of corroboration from a variety of authors, at least, to support what I’m saying.

Secular humanism sucked in almost all of the thinking people of my generation; the hippie generation. Theosophy piggybacked on all that as ‘the dangerous alternative,’ secretive, ‘underground,’ belief system but they’re the same thing. Someone I know runs the computers for a large city’s police/courts and gets stoned $#!+less every Saturday night–that’s the kind of schizphrenia that characterizes most of the people in my generation.

Secular humanism is also the ideological basis for the most murderous regimes in human history: Russia and China. So it’s not just a silly, infantile, lockstep belief paradigm; it enables the quiet behavior modifiers to manipulate these folks to believe that the molestation of Iraq and Afghanistan is ‘for the greater good,’ for instance.

That’s starting to break down, by the way. Secular humanism is not as durable as religious fundamentalism, which drives gratuitous foreign aggression through the ages. I think the latter is more durable because it piggybacks onto a genuine, workable system of beliefs, brought by a succession of prophets through recorded history. The behavior modifiers are capable, or were more capable, of getting their flocks to ignore the prophets’ explicit prohibition of waging offensive war in God’s name.

Behavior modifiers work through ideologies to discourage personal empowerment, closely similar to the way the NSA/MI6 works through Microsoft to actively discourage people from examining reality on the internet. Do you know anyone who is genuinely curious who has not sacrificed at least one computer in his/her effort to explore reality independently? [Image Can Not Be Found] It used to be worse than it is, now. I remember going to a website about time travel, in 1998, and my PC’s hard drive was wiped out in about three minutes. Meanwhile, I was trying to figure out why the non-sequitur gobbledygook that appeared on the screen had nothing to do with the subject of time travel [Image Can Not Be Found] The CIA/NSA/MI6 are not as overt as that, any more, becuase they can no longer get away with it. They’re not as smug as they used to be–have you noticed?

The Greenboots might have an even better stranglehold on otherwise intelligent people than either secular humanism/theosophy or religious fundamentalism. That one piggybacks on people’s natural desire to want a healthy world but you probably know that if the Greenboots’ wishes were granted, there would be genocide in short order because they believe that humanity is a virus; a skin cancer on lovely Gaia. I think that’s more frightful than any of the other ideologies., every one of which is also set up to promote the survival of excessively centralized control of everything. Younger people are quicker to recognize that ‘liberation ideologies’ are dogmatic and require conformity, so all of these horrific belief systems might fall before another generation shows up. The typical Greenboot doesn’t care that the Rockefellers set up their paradigm and still pay the top cadre. That’s because it’s not a rational ideology in the first place. It might have something to do with the manipulation of ego, too: there are some folks who will believe and promote anything if it gives them an advantage over others. There’s obviously no heart in the environmental movement.

They’re all already failing, of course, but they’re still a pain in the butt in terms of the ‘brain police’ dynamic: blocking creative thinking in nearly everyone, still. I count on the younger folks to recognize that tossing orgonite in the environment does all the things that the Greenboots want to prevail on Big Brother to force us to do through self-flagellation and penury and that’s only if they can’t prevail on Big Brother to erase everyone who doesn’t Goosestep for Gaia. As long as enough people still think that Greenboots are inherently noble, we’re going to have to endure their self-righteous, hideous protestations.


Historically, it’s tough to find anyone who is outspoken who criticises popular paradigms without offering another fake-ideology substitute. I’m encouraging people to step back and look more objectively at all of them, now, because we honestly don’t need any of that refuse, any more than we need strong centralized control of anything at all.

We’d be stupid not to voluntarily adopt standardization of technology, of course, but that’s already been happening for a century or so. This is one of the many liberating trends in recent history that go unmentioned but it’s a clear signal that humanity is ready to discard tyranny in government, education, economy and thought.

When more people notice what orgonite’s been quietly doing for the world’s environment the rug will start to get pulled out from under the Greenboots, finally. Carol and I might have seen a precedent for that in 2002, soon after we set up a simple orgonite cloudbuster in Lewiston, Idaho. The palable, brownish yellow smog being generated by the Potlatch pulp mill, there, filled the valley for 20 or 30 miles and visibility was as bad as it was in Los Angeles before Don Bradley almost singlehandedly sort of smacked the smog down, there, a short time later by flipping thousands of new death towers and setting up a few orgonite cloudbusters in the LA Basin.

Before we did that simple deed there were almost constant ptotests at the pulp mill, some sporadic ecoterrorism and strident ‘lobbying’ in the state capital. These chumps couldn’t get the corporation to budge in terms of cleaning up the atmospheric muck but after the cloudbuster immedieatly erased all that smog and kept the atmosphere clear the protests gradually stopped, as probably also did the ‘lobbying.’
The Greenboots were getting a lot of juice from all that smog, in other words, and when it went away, so did they.

Do you reckon it’s more noble to scream and shout at heartless corporations or to fling orgonite in a way that removes the corporations’ ability to survive? The Greenboots have only caused tyranny to increase, as you hopefully know. When a sane person performs work that has diminishing returns or causes a problem to only get worse, he stops and takes another course of action. Someone who does otherwise is technically not sane and that describes the Greenboots’ approach to environmental healing,

Carol and I once met a ‘recycler’ who told us that all of the recycled material in that big city, which the brain police dutifully separate out, all gets tossed in with the rest of the refuse at the end of the day


Having a pretty fair amount of experience in the ‘born-again’ mindset I would like to chime-in with my two cents worth of opinion.

Most born-again adherents understand that we are all fundamentally accountable for our OWN actions and attitudes. But yet in those circles there is a strong encouragement to let those ‘in-authority’ (Read: They are in authority because God let them be there, right?), anyway there is a certain laziness to let those ‘in-authority’ tell those in the pews what ‘God’ thinks, ergo , what the adherents MUST think! To disagree is to argue with God after all, discussion over.

This insulates those in church authority from too many questions as no sincere believer wants to be seen as questioning ‘God’s anointed’ minister (Always nice to have Divine immunity from questions…LOL).

Bottom line is that we are probably accountable for our own actions and attitudes so it is only natural that adherents SHOULD ask questions and not follow spiritual leaders ‘blindly’.

My experience is that those in the born-again circles crave the ‘safety’ of believing they have answers and that their answers are right (For this example safety = ‘Go to heaven and not to hell’).

When questioning begins to erode the followers sense of safety in their ‘right-ness’, the questioner can find vigorous and irrational rebuttal as adherents ‘defend-the-faith’ that is buttressing this personal sense of safety and right-ness. I speak from first-hand experience.

What is interesting though, is that by losing the knee-jerk judgmentalism and ignoring the vulnerability that comes with learning something new, the born-again adherent can begin to see the value of the information on this forum and how it is congruent with many ideals they hold close.

Make no mistake, many of these folks are still my family members, friends, and acquaintances but are nonetheless closed off to ANY challenge of so-called ‘core beliefs’, at this time.

This is dangerous in my opinion, as the emotions associated with challenging these ‘core beliefs’ can be stoked-up and manipulated to the point of making these folks predictable pawns to be ‘activated’ at will.

Personally, it seems like I am consolidating the number of influences that I am letting into my ‘wheelhouse’ so to speak.

The disinformation and control of news sources, teachings, etc. is so obvious that I am weening off of these sources and beginning to be much more selective and actually looking INSIDE. If we are truly made in the ‘image of God’ (whatever that means to you), then it stands to reason that we have a great capability for personal discernment.

Maybe personal development requires the courage AND humility to launch out before someone has to tell me it is OK, and to admit mistakes without letting it devastate my self-confidence.

I personally feel less and less inclined to feed off of an abundance of ‘confirming opinions’ and more likely to keep my attention fixed on creating the world I crave.

The tools I have directly and indirectly acquired from this forum have helped me to understand that one person can make a big difference! I am influencing my environment for good all the time now, and without too much confrontation or hostile argument.

Every event that unexpectedly takes me out of town I look at now as opportunity for gifting THAT environment. An exciting adventure that has sure exceeded my “gaming-days”, because, wait for it…this is real life!

Maybe one day soon the need for such aggressive gifting will not be needed and we can settle into the business of living for the benefit of all, but until that time I hope more former ‘born-again’ folks like me take up their orgonite and ‘gift-the-hell’ out of their local environment.

Thanks for sharing all of this. I really do feel for people when it comes to sorting all of the manipulation out. It’s a tricky walk in my experience and one where most of who you surround yourself with are individual heart-warriors…and they are indeed rare on the planet. beings who have popped out of the control-matrix in one way or another.

It gets hard to sort out at times. I’m grateful that we have EW to share with one another.

A friend of mine sent me a a link to a recent Drunvalo Melichizidek interview/video where he talks about the “Plasma Beings”. It’s all very very TRICKY. In the video i feel he uses his experiences to give credibility and credence to the governments and the VatiCON and a host of other parasitic organizations. But i must hand it to the guy he is GOOD…he mixes a LOT of truth in there to draw people in. It’s the same principle in all religions being like rat poison…if you are going to poison a rat you can’t just give him the poison straight…it must be sugar coated. maybe if we are smart rats we can take the good stuff and put the poison down the toilet.

Here is the Drunvalo video…he really is a master at getting you sucked in. The reason i share this video is so you can see how well crafted this guy can be. I think he would draw in a lot of New Age people looking for alternatives and looking for hope. That said, the Plasma Beings could and probably are quite real. i kind of wondered if he was shape-shifting a little bit at the start of the video and the French woman adjusts some stuff…hard to say. Like always i could be completely wrong.

Enjoy the ride with great discernment and genuine joy…may the angel of a million heart-orgasms be with you! hkj

Hong Kong John

Here is the Drunvalo video…he really is a master at getting you sucked in. The reason i share this video is so you can see how well crafted this guy can be. I think he would draw in a lot of New Age people looking for alternatives and looking for hope. That said, the Plasma Beings could and probably are quite real. i kind of wondered if he was shape-shifting a little bit at the start of the video and the French woman adjusts some stuff…hard to say. Like always i could be completely wrong.

Interesting. People looking for more information about non-homo sapien intelligent lifeforms getting sucked into an agenda put out by one of the non-homo sapien factions. So many times it goes truth, truth, truth, half-truth, truth, truth, truth with weird angle, truth, sudden total rubbish about some ascended master or faction of some sort.

I very much enjoy low quality digital recordings and broadcasts experiencing some kind of signal transmission problem. Many times there is a bleedthrough of what is usually unseen, particularly during technical problems when the digital info seems to go into a flux before readjustment. There was a lot of talk about how digital broadcasts can have a lot of other information encoded into it that could be used for subliminal influence. Hence the government mandate to have all TV in digital by a certain date. Well, a lot of stuff gets picked up with the digital, including people’s true faces. Several times I’ve seen this where there was “technical difficulty”. It looked like the signal was breaking up and some person’s visage was going all wonky on them. Sometimes their skin turns a lovely new colour of green or greyish-mauve. Funny eyes, new bone structure. Then something gets adjusted and the picture goes back to normal or the person on screen suddenly ducks out of camera view or the production crew cuts away from the shot. Lots of fun.

Anyway, people can make their own decision on this particular video.

I don´t think Drunvalo even deserves a mention, but after his saying that the “nephilim” and “sirians” were going to save humanity I turned off the video :open_mouth:

I just found this: “Debunking David Icke” great video and conclusive evidence that Icke is a theosophist, hurray! Very nice to see this guy finally outed in such a comprehensive way. Its kind of long, but I think 30 min is enough to get the idea clearly. If you ever wondered what was wrong with this guy , now you know, Icke is a closet newager, Alice Bailey devotee extraordinaire. As Don expressed, this theosophy garbage is the nucleus of the enviro-nazis dogma.



Ok. So let me get this straight. With all of the work that David Icke has done with Credo Mutwa, videos, interviews and the respect I detect that Credo has for David…then Credo himself has been duped, is a bad reader of energy and can’t see the fake that David is. That’s possible, anything is possible. I’m open to that. i think the main thing here is “THINK and FEEL for YOURSELF”. Looking for a new mummy to hold your hand in developing discernment is falling into another form of the same old trap. Actually even trusting others to tell you what is and what is not disinfo is just another form of the same old trap. I like what Don says about following your true genuine inner promtings…not easy but i think that is mastery. i find i do it best when i am in a state of multiple orgasm and with a woman i love and respect…that works for me…it’s my way…and it could easily NOT be the way for a huge majority of people on the planet. Laughter too is an extension of orgasm…letting go…feeling the joy…seeing how ridiculous life can be…then again i could be wrong…i could very well simply be a fool hooked on naked pleasure.

i think the controllers are like betters at the horse races at the Hong kong Jockey club. None of the controllers have a true clue about what the heck will really happen in the coming times of the shift, BUT they want to bet on enough horses so they get perhaps the next POPE or the next Queen of England or next big guru…so they back a whole bunch at the horse race, they even back just in case that is the next big winner in the coming times. they want to control the next big winner that people will folow blindly like the Saudi king, the sheiks of the UAE, the Li family in Asia. BUT and its a very BIG BUT there ain’t gonna BE the next BIG LEADER for muppets to grovel in front of….THATS what the controllers don’t GET. We people ARe going to GROW UP. We people ARE going to develop REAL DISCERNMENT and stop being so infantile. Probably the most discerning person on the planet is an orgonite-gifting farmer who has conscious sex with his loving wife 3 times a day…but do you think that guy is gonna make a video…nope he has better things to do.

Speaking of videos…i laughed when I watched this…love him or hate him…call him disinfo or a fake guru or a nutcase…the guy had powerful courage and didn’t hold back…no wonder he was kidnapped and poisoned by the CIA:

love love and still more love…and plenty of giggles too…hkj

Good point hjk, discernment is a personal chore. I´ve known (or discerned) that David Icke was up to no good for a while, I was just happy to see some good research that evidenced his theosophical leanings, which in Icke´s own (conspiracy world) turf pretty much completely discredits him. Maybe thats the whole point, to have people who are easy to discredit associated with certain information. His knowing about orgonite for years but never, ever mentioning it says alot to me. The guy that produced that video is a born again christian and I don´t share many of his views on many things, you implying he´s “my new mommy” of discernment is kind of insulting actually.

I think this from Georg´s blog answers your question about Credo Mutwa:

Credo is now 87 years old and in poor health. Many of the things he hoped to achieve have been blocked by the powers that be and there is a lot of bitterness and disappointed trust, especially in his relations with white people. Credo, like nobody else, has made a great and largely successful effort to form a bridge between the ancient spiritual tradition of Africa and a worldwide audience. For this he has been accused of being a traitor by some of his own people.

People involved in publishing his books have made nasty legal arrangements in such a way that he has never seen a cent of royalties, not even from his widely read book “Indaba my children”. Apparently several books that he has written were suppressed or even the manuscripts stolen. The list of disappointments is too long to list all of them here.

No one is immune from being fooled by cleaver fakers, including Credo Mutwa, of course. Besides Credo wanted to get his message to a worldwide audience and maybe Icke was just a vehicle for that, an necessary evil if you will.

Thats an interesting video on Osho, i´ve never really looked into him since the only people I know who talk about him are newagers. He manages to completely disrespect Judaism, Christianity (and Islam for that matter) also all families and marriages in one breath, thats quite a feat. Calls God a rapist, Christ a bastard and the role of parenting solely that of the “commune” (a hippie commune like the one he created I assume). “Freedom is the ultimate value, there is nothing higher than freedom” I thought I was listening to a Crowley devotee for a minute “Do as thou wilt” indeed I think that there are many values higher than freedom, many which are obvious like “doing no harm” for instance. The CIA can kill one of their own assets if they are no longer of use or out of their control, that doesn´t validate them at all IMO.

[quote:1mddvunu]the guy had powerful courage and didn’t hold back[/quote:1mddvunu] So did many infamous characters. Charisma and outspokenness says nothing of someones character or message (or discernment). You said it yourself:

Probably the most discerning person on the planet is an orgonite-gifting farmer who has conscious sex with his loving wife 3 times a day…but do you think that guy is gonna make a video…nope he has better things to do.


Good, thoughtful stuff in this thread and a real delight for me, since frank discussion usually produces unexpected treasures, thanks.

Toby, I’m probably out on a limb, using the term, ‘bornagain chump’ which I borrowed from a Zappa song, and I might stop doing that but if it draws attention to religious fundamentalists (Christian and Jewish, mainly) as the primary factor in enabling war and genocide, then it’s been useful. I’m as creeped out as anyone when a disinformant insults God and his Prophets, directly, but I don’t mind if someone disbelieves in religion, either. Belief should never be institutionalized, in my opinion, and it’s absolutely NOT the realm of government.

I think that nobody can dictate a proper course of personal exploration, so of course it’s appropriate to dive into Drunvalo’s and Icke’s material if one is attracted to it. How else can you put it into a personal perspective? I’d hesitate to promote something on EW that has disinfo in it, though, because many or most of our readers might not have committed to distinguishing the real from the false, so in that case a recommendation from us is an open endorsement for the disinformant’s entire presentation, regardless of our good intentions. I get a lot of email from readers who tell me that they appreciate getting a break from disinformation, here, and mainly find empowering material, instead.

Tino, who is throwing and burying a whole lot of orognite in Botswana, visited Credo and Virginia a couple of months ago and has another perspective than Georg’s, based on his own African heritage. I didn’t realize that Virginia is an accomplished psychic and medicine woman, for instance, until Tino told me and she wears an orgonite pendant, by the way. We in the West expect a pioneer like Credo to be perfect for some reason, and when we’re disappointed by their human-ness and may even feel betrayed. Credo never tries to give that impression about himself, of course.

The ‘noble savage’ programming might be the source of this oddity among Westerners. One of LaRouches’ published Jewish authors did an exhaustive study of the Smithsonian Institution’s history and purpose. That was helpful to get me to move past my noble-savage programming. The masons had infiltrated the Western tribes in the mid-1800s, displaying some magical mummery to get their confidence and appearing to adopt and honor native culture. They then reported back to a guy, named Smithson, who was compiling all their data with the intention of infiltrating the various tribes with agents saboteurs. One of those apparently popularized the ‘bullet proof shirt’ notion among some Western tribes that enabled the US Army to slaughter countless thousands of warriors in those days.

We’re programmed to weep for the demise of the noble savage (brought about by the people/institutions who want us to weep) and to pine for a simplistic existence like they allegedly had. See how it works?

By the way, if you want the best, hardest hitting, deepest digging and most balanced expose of Zionism, read some reputable Jewish research journalists. If I were a Jew I’d be doing what they’ve done. It sucks to be a scapegoat. The waves of Jew-hate material that gets thrown at us periodically on the internet no doubt originate with the Mossadomites–go figure.

I’m reading a biography of Mao Tse Tung, written by an expat Chinese woman who had spent years researching the available material in China and meeting with Mao’s surviving associates. When he was in his late teens he had adopted Aleister Crowley’s worldview and personal attitude. This probably couldn’t happen accidentally in China in those days and he was brought up in a conservative, rural setting and had never even been to Shanghai, yet. I mention this in the context of Crowley having been mentioned earlier in the thread and he came out of the Theosophy sewer, of course. Bertrand Russell was said by Eustance Mullins to have trained Mao in China so I immediately went to the index when I got the book–found a Russell reference on page ten. He’d commented on having been to Changsha, Hunan, and that the town seemed medieval/primitive to him. He visited during the early 1920s whe Mao was developing his intellect, there.

Russell later said that he hated all people who weren’t white (wanted to nuke Africa) and that dainty aristocrat didn’t like to travel, so why else would he go to Changsha, Hunan? I’d never heard of that place, before.

When one wants to really dig into reality it’s a handicap to rely too much on disinformants and misinformants, I think. Looking at the world through others’ eyes becomes counterproductive once one has committed to a less shackled course and the beauty of independent search for truth is that we meet others along the path whom we can feel real kinship with. It’s refreshing not to be burdened with dogmae and regurgitated religious mummery, too. Nobody’s ever reached an awareness of a larger reality through any institution, after all.

This newfound ability to find genuine friends is especially reinforced since the internet sprang into existence. The world quietly turned into a country; a homeland.


In my own belated metaphysical formative years (late 1990s) I examined everything that crossed my path. I realyl dug into Drunvalo’s stuff, in particular and I had the impression that the Merkaba exercises might be like high-tech prayer, so I experimented with it. I knew since my teen years that prayer would always make me feel better and more focused during bad times, so when I was in the $#!+ (jailed for a crime against the state) I tried the Merkaba meditation. It only made me feel worse, so I eventually abandoned it [Image Can Not Be Found] but I did get a lot of juice from the hunger strike, at least–even left my body one day and visited my friend, James, who remembered it.

The Big Secret exceeded my expectations as high tech prayer, though. I still use it when I’m confronted with something particularly vexing and I get a consistently good, empowering feeling from doing it–the terrible problems seem to resolve themselves sometime after that, too. I don’t think it replaces other forms of prayer, though–just augments it for me. There are LOTS of good ways to accomplish anything that’s worthwhile, of course.


Yes this is a deepening and empowering thread. Ale, when I was refering to the “mummy to discern for us” I was referring 99% to my own path and i would add that i spent a lot of time looking for a new daddy to save me as well. A new daddy and new way, a new path and just the right meditation or elixir, or guru or technique to make it all right and for it to “work” most of the time. Perhaps even a new priest to replace the old Catholic version… a new daddy to give me the path to heaven…approval. I hope you understand that bro.

i had a sexual healing client tell me recently she saw the devil in me, horned being, red lips, eyes of fire. awesome i responded…Pan, Bacchus, satan, the devil…that energy is alive and well…part of all of us in my experience. to deny that is to lock it away and thus give it power and the energy of denial. But to invite it out and to partner with it and thus transform it…well i think we have whats called magic and beauty and passion and playfulness. whats really cool is that when she acknowledged this and embraced it a feeling of tremendous connection and heart-orgasm bliss was her experience. People all around her a re responding in a very different manner (that is an understatement).

Again…i really DON’T have a clue about any of this. i am just a little boy who likes to play with energy with LOVE and RESPECT. i had one guy approach me to coach him on being multi-orgasmic…he did not walk on the earth with LOVE and RESPECT so i refused. Being multi-orgasmic is NOT about technique and knowing what buttons to press…my god we have enough of that rubbish on the planet. it’s learning the techniques on a FOUNDATION of LOVE and RESPECT. to walk in the world with HONOR. to toss orgonite is to live with HONOR…

love hkj

PS – Pan,Bacchus, horned god…tells me he is really pissed off that the controllers have hijacked his image and people think that he is into control and manipulation and satanic ritual…hell no! Pan wants you to stand up to these control freaks these death merchants and send them packing…Pan is into freedom and beautiful forests and lovely goddesses and flowers and sylphs and HEALTH-LIFE! Pan says the controllers have tricked you…so they can live off the enrgy of your passion, the energy of your love and eagerness to merge with the divine by a man and woman joining togethter. They have tricked you into guilt and shame and fear, so they can live from your energy. Pan and the sylphs giggle when you merge together in orgasmic bliss. But hey don’t take my word for it…UNCOVER it for yourself … and if i am a madman then at least i’m an orgasmic madman…

What an interesting and cathartic thread.

Don, I apologize for not making it clear that my comments where NOT directed toward you or anyone in particular.

I was trying to take the opportunity to tag onto your topic and present a supplementing message back out to the readers who might relate to a born-again ‘insiders’ angle on the whole “think for yourself” topic.

My creative juices don’t always flow until I read a fellow contributors inspired prose. Sorry for any misunderstanding.

I understand the damage that brainwashed believers can level on innocent folks when they are sufficiently stoked up. I also understand how much of a big business most large ‘Charismatic’ churches are.

In most cases, it is against the church leadership’s self-interest ($$) to help liberate those in the pews, just like modern medicine wants to keep stringing patients along to keep the money flowing. So in that sense, many born-again adherents are chumps! They are reluctant to see things as they are because it is just easier to go along with the program.

It was a frustrated attempt on my part to speak about these folks that I know very well.

And because they represent such a large block in this country, it is certainly fair-game for you to hold a mirror up to them.

I am personally NOT offended by your use of the term born-again chumps, so please don’t abandon it on account of me. Born-again adherents need more reality and less fantasy in my opinion. They may recoil initially but it may also be just what is needed to start the process of clear thinking.

Good stuff, great forum!


haven’t had time to read properly but re the word Fundamentalism

Religious fundamentalism is the same as authoritarian followers I think

“They (religious fundamentalists) are highly likely to be authoritarian followers. They are highly submissive to established authority aggressive in the name of that authority and conventional to the point of insisting everyone should behave as their authorities decide. They are fearful and self-righteous and have a lot of hostility in them that they readily direct toward various out-groups They are easily incited, easily led, rather un-inclined to think for themselves, largely impervious to facts and reason, and rely instead on social support to maintain their beliefs. They bring strong loyalty to their in-groups. have thick-walled, highly compartmentalized minds, use a lot of double standards in their judgments, are surprisingly unprincipled at times, and are often hypocrites.
…Probably about 20 to 25 percent of the adult American population is so right-wing authoritarian, so scared, so self-righteous, so ill-informed, and so dogmatic that nothing you can say or do will change their minds. They would march America into a dictatorship and probably feel that things had improved as a result. … And they are so submissive to their leaders that they will believe and do virtually anything they are told. They are not going to let up and they are not going away.” —Bob Altemeyer

so u can see the value of the Bible belt, but haven’t really looked into that, not sure what % in the us is that way, and what % of the vote they are. Presumably the more of them they can make the better for them.

and Humanism, only recall that being something to do with Maslow. My bro in law calls himself that, and surprise surprise, he is an atheist and devoted follower of authority, anything the doctor says is sacred. Idiot in that regard but used to be headmaster. So looks like Humanism is the atheist or secular branch of religious Fundamentalism.

I have a book by Osho, Freedom, and he does expose some of the mind control.

The trick is: First go on teaching that love is great, so people never think that the priests and the politicians are against love. Go on teaching that love is great, that love is the right thing, and then don’t allow any situation where love can happen. Don’t allow the opportunity. Don’t give any opportunity, and go on teaching that food is great, that eating is a great joy; “Eat as well as you can”—but don’t supply anything to eat. Keep people hungry and go on talking about love. So all the priests go on talking about love. Love is praised as highly as anything, just next to God, and denied every possibility of happening. Directly they encourage it; indirectly they cut its roots. This is the masterpiece. —-The Fundamental Slavery by Osho

can’t stand gurus myself but that is not to say they don’t have bits of the truth. He was pretty covertly hostil–buying all those cars was one example. I had heard he was reptilian.

“Pan,Bacchus, horned god…tells me he is really pissed off that the controllers have hijacked his image and people think that he is into control and manipulation and satanic ritual…hell no!”

wondered what was going on there, he must love all of those images of him having it off with goats

This is again…a very enriching thread. It’s refreshing to flush all this out. Building our discernment skills.

I spent time with a 75 year old man who spent decades around Osho. He claimed Osho was the most powerful person he had ever met, but stated that Osho was definitely NOT CLEAR. Also I would say that this 75 year old man was NOT CLEAR but was indeed the most free and genuinely spontaneous person I have ever met. I don’t think anyone is “lily white” on the planet. We all have our shadow.

I have been challenged by a couple people in the tantra/sacred sexuality arena when I bring up the name Wilhelm Reich and they point out his involvement with some of the dark projects involving the US government and little boys and sexuality. Again nobody is “lily white” but I think Dr. Reich navigated his way out of those circumstances. I think its unwise for me to throw out all that Dr Reich discovered just because he got sucked into some things that were nasty.

The other day I asked my friend who sends me the Drunvalo melchizidek videos to watch them with his heart and simply feel the frequency of them and then report his findings. He emailed yesterday and said he “felt sick to his stomach and had a rather deadening feeling watching that stuff.” Ahhh beautiful, another being wakes up to true discernment, wakes up to feeling the real frequency of the broadcast. He apologized for sending me the videos but I said…“no no no don’t apologize…celebrate…celebrate the fact that we are now listening to the frequency of the info and no longer hypnotised by some fancy jargon etc.”

May we all have some wonderful and beautiful experiences. Happy orgonite tossing…
