If you read books, none of this is new to you but I’m going with the flow by sharing it, since the vast majority of people no longer read books but prefer to learn things from videos.
It’s about zionism in Palestine/Israel but I’m hoping that you’ll see that it’s just a current example of how the corporate world order has always invaded native cultures in a parasitic way. I want you to see the parallel between what zionists have been doing to the Palestinians and what was similarly done by other tentacles of the corporate world order to the American Indians, the Southern Africans, the Baltic states, Bosnia, Albania, South America, Southeast Asia, etc.
Thx, Sherry, for sending this YouTube video. She told me to watch it, quick, because she felt it would be taken down, shortly, but I think the only censorship going on, now, is regarding people’s ability to force banks to forgive property loans. One of the fellows who was teaching people how to do this was executed ina parking lot by a bunch of cops outside of Memphis last summer, for instance, and others are routinely railroaded into prison. Meanwhile, the CIA/NSA have fielded a cadre of disinformants to distract people from this while pretending to be patriots–have you noticed?
Have we moved beyond the sponsored (partly by the Mossadomites, no doubt) Jew-hate disinformation assault of last year, yet? I don’t want my suggestion to watch this video to feed that frenzy. Please note the emphasis by the Israeli author that Jews and Muslims lived in harmony in Palestine for 1300 years before the corporate world order introduced zionism there in the late 1900s, okay? By the way, he didn’t mention that the British Parliament paved the way in 1844 by declaring that the Jews deserved to have Palestine as a homeland. It was part of the Turkish empire at the time and the Brits didn’t parasitically destroy that empire until 1907 and they didn’t occupy Palestine until 1918.
I hope that watching this interesting video will inspire you to read some BOOKS