Gridding with earth pipes

Gridding with earth pipes

A few months ago I talked about being under a lot of pressure, and it was revealed that this was due local influence.
Since then I’ve been very busy gridding my extended area with earth pipes. It has been quite intense, and after pondering it
I’ve decided to post about it as a tool in letting go of the influences I’ve been dealing with and not feeling isolated.
Hopefully it is an interesting read, too. :)

I’ve found that my intuitive abilities have improved since a few years ago when last time I was busy with orgonite.
This I think due to sleeping over an 108 with 19 kg of field orgonite that has lapis in it. This 108 has since been dissasembled
and I’ve used the orgonite pieces to make earth pipes. When I’ve used up the orgonite pieces I will make the EPs the standard way, for now
I’ve thought I’d use the orgonite I have. I’m in the process of making a more permanent 108, but haven’t finished it yet
because been doing field work.

I’ve stopped reading about conspiracies, but during these past few months my every day sense of reality has been very
challenged. I guess this was the year for me to have these things incorporated as something that is part of my world
view and not simply concepts. Around here (Norway) we are heavily programmed to think not much is going on of anything,
and it has taken me years to shed that sheep(ish) mentality. That kind of mentality breeds passivity, I think. At least for me.
So these past few months have been quite upsetting, but also very interesting and good exercise in reclaming my personal space.
And I’m very grateful to be the feet on the ground for the operators (the unseen help that is always available).
It’s a good job, even though I have to pay the expenses myself. :)(well, what we give out is rewarded in return, so it’ll be ok)

Any impressions detailed below, make of it what you will. There’s a lot of weird stuff going on that’s for sure, in the
end all that matters is getting the orgonite to the location and the rest will take care of itself. By far the most
important way of tracking my progress has been how peace has been restored in my own life. That has not been a linear
progression, but it is gradually getting better and I’m still working on it.

Ok, so I started outside my home and gradually extended outwards with EPs, pretty much following the
continoues clues I have been given, like following the dots or paint by numbers. I don’t feel like ‘outing’ any suspected
infrastructure or mentioned places for the most part, having been under a lot of pressure here. And I don’t think they
deserve the attention anyway. I’d like to see the bad vibes go away like a fart in the wind.

So jumping ahead, getting to around 25 different locations, I felt it was time to take care of something I considered a
hot spot. I decided to put an EP in the ground half-way to that location. Well, that turned out to be the actual spot I
needed to take care of, nothing much signifying anything going on the surface. Wooden houses, field, trees and roads,
which decribes a lot of places around here. Didn’t sense much at first, but when back at the train station I could feel
the energy that was underground. It’s the worst energy I’ve ever come across. It was like thick, black tar rolling
around with cracks of glowing redness (anger). It was so intense. Within a few days the big earth pipe I put in the
ground, working in conjunction my grid, took care of that spot. I had to ask the psychics about that one, and apparently
it was a portal in different timelines. Also after taking care of that, the impression was all the other orgonite in the
area doubled and perhaps even tripled in strength. My own impressions was this had something to do with what is called
the law of Jante, the programming that is pressing on people hearts here in Scandinavia. Here’s a good article on that.
After that trip, I wondered, was that the actual stronghold? It certainly felt like that to me, like lancing the worst
boil. It was a big relief on my own heart to have taken care of that, and I got rid of a lot of the pressure I was

After that I planned on strengthening the wider area related to that portal with more earth pipes, and I was clued in on
one location. While planning this, I could feel some stale, stagnant energy being directed at me and wondered about
that. What I heard in my mind then very clearly was ‘the Thule Society’. That sounded familiar but I didn’t know much
about it, so I did a search on the net. Ok, so basically nazis and I picked up that one of the interpretations of thule
is a reference to Norway.

But one more significant thing happened the day before going to that location, I heard totally different place in my
mind repeated several times, which is much further away from where I live. A place I found had been in the back of my mind
that past week. I was highly reluctant to consider this, might be a distraction and also I was tired from all the activity so far.
This happened while I was on the bus, and seconds later the name of the place was repeated on the radio of the bus driver,
some news regarding an upcoming court case regarding sexual misconduct. I don’t ever listen to the radio and I avoid the
news like the plague, it can only happen by chance. So that made me pay attention to this strong synchronicity, and take it seriously.

What followed then was very strong impressions this was related to a sacrifical site, and there was a sense of urgency
to take care of it before Christmas. So already in the evening the day after I was packing my gear, and I got some clear
ideas that this revolved around the youngest and most defenseless (babies and 12-13 year old girls). That was awful, but
I took the signal there was no dilly-dallying around, I just had to get there and get the earth pipes in the ground.

So two days later I was on my way, was up at 5 am so I could be there around 9 am when daylight has arrived (the days a
short here this time of year, need to make use of it). On the train I could feel the satanic energies, and the etheric
harassment was strongly felt when I had gotten to the wooded area I wanted place the first earth pipe.
It was really good to get that EP in the ground, however 15 min later they were still fighting. Fighting an earth pipe
is futile, though. I then headed out to place the next EP further away, so a bigger area would be covered. Leaving the
first area, I looked up at the tress and could feel the energies there were hundreds of years old, it certainly felt old
to me. Those poor trees, but it is going better now I’m sure. Further away from the site, I looked back at that hill and
could feel new attacks being launched, but it all went like a whirlwind of dark, grey and brownish energy into the earth pipe.
The EP functioning like a lightning rod, sparing me from all that.

1-2 hours later I had the second earth pipe in the ground, and a short while after that I felt a sense of peace was
restored. I was overwhelmed with feeling of gratitude, for the souls of the victims was now able to move on to a genuine
sense of healing. I sat down to have a bite to eat out there in nature, in the winter sun, it was quite emotional and it
still is. More than anything I’ve been involved with in orgonite, it touched my heart so deeply.

So walking back to take the train home, I pondered a few things. One was something I’ve read about, called the law of
compensation. If someone has experienced an unfair thing, then they will at some point be compensated for it many times
over. Another thing, the concept of well of souls, that has been talked about here on EW. I looked over on that first hill
and could see a lot of souls leaving, and also from other places, which made my conclude this was like a central hub.
So the operators certainly know what needs to be done, in what order and the timing of it.

Back at the train station I got a picture in my mind of a baby that had its evening bath, if you will, all brand new,
handed from a nurse to its mother. Highly symbolic. Subjective impressions aside, just as I standing or was sitting at
the bench there and taking in all that had happened, two F-16 fighters flew in formation straight over the train station, over my head.
Not up in the stratosphere, but what is considered safe allowable distance to the ground, kinda like at an airshow. My
immediate reaction was to be careful not to draw any conclusions, but I sensed there maybe was something more to this.
However, I promptly forgot about it, because back where I live I happen to have an airstrip that is used occasionally as a middle station for
take-off. So I’m used to the roar of the engines. However I found afterwards that the nearest operational base is more
than 300 km away. So what are the odds the timing of this being a coincidence.

The reason I started considering taking this seriously is that two days after, I woke up feeling such a pressure on my
heart, they really wanted to get at me, all the activity with earth piping had come to a head. It escalated to feeling
that they wanted to drop a bomb on my building and make it look like an accident. But the operators and the good help I
have are way smarter, they dispersed those energies within a few hours.

The day after that I went to the Swedish border and took care of something I had a sensed all along needed to be done.
It is called the peace monument. Already in 2008/2009 Carol had said there was something at the border, and this year I
was clued in on what it was. So that got its prescribed dose of EPs. Along the route to the border I needed to change from train to
bus and planned to put an EP in a forested area, so that one could do the work ahead of my arrival. To my
astonishment, when I got there I could see a very tall mast up on that forested hill I had chosen. That’s amazing how
things come together sometimes.

Since then I’ve strengthened my local grid with a few more earth pipes. Yesterday I took care of a place related to witchcraft
and blood rituals and old Norse mythology. I don’t feel like talking about that one, I had no idea that existed and I
need time to recuperate from all that has happened. Focusing on continuing to heal my heart from all the bad vibes and
learning to reclaim my space. I’d like to continue this work without getting affected by all those things, reach a sense
of balance. And I will. And I have support of my earth pipe grid.

Up in all this I’ve done my best to do the daily things, which means my apartment has been a total mess due to the
turbulent energies here. I just couldn’t get my act together. But it is getting better, and my personal orgonite field at
home is reasserting itself. I’m so eager to have that 108 finished. Half of the pieces are cured and I have them set up
as 18’s. It helps very much, but it is not the same as the protective quality of the full configuration, I find.

Gridding with earth pipes is something I will continue with, I’ve decided to make it into an outdoor recreational
activity, get some fresh air and see the landscape. It hasn’t been a priority but I will bring my camera along. A few of
the trips I’ve taken, I’ve seen nature scenes that would fit right on a post card.

So here’s to next year, may it be an interesting one, in a good way. :)

thanks for the great report…very helpful!

Thank you hoodoolynn.

I’ve been away from this forum for a while, been directed to one thing after another, a ridiculous amount of stuff, some of it very hard on my poor mind.

Seems I’m finally getting some peace in my life, that’s the best confirmation all that stuff was for real. I’m still a bit leery about sharing details (a little bit of wisdom I suppose, playing it smart), but some of it falls in line with what I shared in that first post.

I will continue with gridding with earth pipes, very useful indeed. Reclaiming the bedrock. Wink

I thought I’d bring up this useful earth pipe gridwork for attention again.

Been busy once again knocking in more earth pipes in my area to mitigate massive satanic assaults (which were backed by other groups, ultimately the triads) towards my home and my living conditions. It’s the most extreme thing I’ve ever experienced.

At the darkest moment here I went to get some 12v batteries for my PW setup, and a black vehicle with tinted windows made an aggressive move towards a puddle of water near the pavement and drove off, right at street number 33. My first reaction was ‘how rude’, but then I put two and two together this was more than just a prankster driver, because they have earlier put images in my mind of dragging me into a vehicle, trying to scare me. That would never happen, because I am protected. And I am adamant they will never get that close to me again.

I see there is some talk here about people being reluctant to participate on EW, perhaps for worries of getting in trouble. I find that participating here occasionally has helped to get them to withdraw, cause they hate that sort of thing and prefer it when someone is isolated.

I tried many things to deal with the psychic and radionics attacks, eventually the solution presented itself and that was to distribute black tourmaline all around the building I live in and nearby. Within a few days I got the strength and vigor back to start making earth pipes. Also started wearing a bag of black tourmaline in my pocket, and I included the same mineral in the Eps. I’m really impressed with this stone’s ability to deal with any type of bad intents, tactics and stubborn negativity. After I started doing this, any attack became instant karma for the attacker.

After knocking down a sufficient number of Eps in different places with Schorl, it seems now the negativity in my home is starting to lift. It’s been a tough haul, but this is improving. And I’m very optimistic about the future.

One thing I’ve learned from getting Eps in the ground in a systemic way, is that there are some really horrific things underground in the most unlikely places. It could be underneath a hill in an otherwise quiet neighborhood, and so on. They do like to hide things were no one would suspect a thing, places where no one has speculated anything exists and there’s no public record indicating any activity of an adverse nature.

I understand an indicator of an underground base is sometimes smog above ground. There is no smog here to telltale such things. However, one thing I learned that helped to back up my own intuitive impressions, is that when looking at a map there are clues. Due to their arrogance, they leave clues in the open alluding to what is going on, which probably many here are familiar with. It’s sort of like a puzzle game looking at names on the map.

One of the most horrible things I earth piped before Christmas, was a place called ‘the butcher’. This place was so bad I didn’t feel like going there, but the solution was to put Eps in the ground while walking to the actual location, so I had continued support from the increasingly stronger positive energies along the way.

So they’ve left names on the map, it could be a hill, maybe a valley or lake, or street names. Perhaps referring to mythology, royalty or names even describing what is actually going on, case in point the example mentioned above. I noticed there’s a lot of little ponds around here with the word ‘black’ in its name. Black pond, black water and so on. So they do know the significance of water and etheric energy, and have done so for a long time.

Knocking down an earth pipe anywhere is a win-win regardless, I think. Even where there isn’t any activity underground, it will act as a preventative measure to ensure no one digs themselves a new hole for more horror activities, and the energy above ground is significantly improved for us surface dwellers.

There’s no police in their underground facilities, these various factions are free to do just about anything they want with their victims, mind control, medical experiments, nazi type scientific research and all that. So let’s make the world a pin cushion with earth pipes for the sake of those stuck in hopeless and abysmal situations.

I really enjoy the massive effect just one earth pipe can make in an area, and I think it is interesting finding places to knock them down where there probably never will be any construction development. Just like throwing a piece of orgonite in water, when knocking down an EP in an undisturbed place it’ll be around for a long time doing good works, and out of sight. Only one time did I almost hit a cable, but that was right next to a railroad track. But I was protected also then, and a good lesson. :)

I recently went to knock down an earth pipe in-between some shrubbery and trees, and to my delight I found lots of discarded metal pipe. I will make use of them and clean up the environment in more ways than one. In fact, four Eps made from them are in the ground already helping to protect me. It doesn’t matter if they are a bit rusty and corroded on the outside, they do the job well.

A couple of taggings from different underpasses not that far from where I live. Which one do you prefer? Regarding the upside-down cross, I’m sure a debunker would say ‘Ah, it’s just those kids with their spray cans’. Yeah, right. For those that don’t know Viking language, it says ‘opp ned’ which means ‘up down’, and ‘ned’ is spelled backwards.

I went yesterday and brought earth pipes to another terrain held by satanists.
I feel this was up on par with what I described in the first post, in
the sense that when I arrived home I felt a lot of those earthy satanic energies
on me. By earthy, I mean like a corpse buried in dirt. I don’t want to sound
melodramatic, but that’s the way it is. Difference this time I now have all that I need
at home to clear my space with orgonite, powerwands and protective stones in place,
as long as I take time to rest up which I need now. I learned along the way here that I’m an empath.
Empaths have a particular challenge with holding their space, as they are very sensitive to their surroundings.

As usual the earth pipes made really efficient work of the place, despite that.

This is the second experience I have where there’s a Christian chapel out in the terrain
on its own with a road leading up to it, where the energies in the area are really bad.
I guess it is nothing new that they like to hide behind Christianity.

Based on my own impressions with these trips, I’ve sometimes caught a glimpse of what the operators
are aware of at any given time that thankfully most of us are spared to retain our sanity.
But it has made me really compassionate about this work. I think a lot of things
portrayed in Hollywood entertainment is based on what goes on in the underground
infrastructure, be it sci-fi horror or similar genres. It is so far removed from what we consider everyday reality.

Here are some of the EPs I made that have a bit of rustic charm to them. When I sawed
through the pipe, the steel looked brand new so I think they will hold up for a good while yet. :)

I have bought a few lengths of copper pipe, but the cost runs up quickly with this sort of work,
so I’m really happy and grateful to be using any pipe that will come my way.

Given financial resources, I’ve played with the thought of scaling up the making of earth pipes.
But making a few of them at a time and going on trips helps a lot, it all adds up.
And I find it easy to contain the fumes in my home when I do it this way.

I think I’ve been on some 12 trips out the door since last time. They’ve been really angry at me for
going after one high priority location after another. But the thing is, they forced me to because they
kept attacking me from different places,so that is their own fault.

For close to an entire year I’ve worked now to get them off my back, the various factions that work together here
and each have their own turf. So much has happened I don’t even know where to begin, I’ll post some of it for now.

I recently now had to take care of two places, one location in Oslo and also today more orgonite on one of the vryal hills,
in time before the tradition here that is known as St.Hans around the summer solstice. St.Hans is on the 23rd and the 24th
of June. People have a tradition to get together socially and burn bonfires.

Well, the vryal (and maybe the satanists) have had their own traditions in relation to that which wasn’t so nice, throwing people
on fires to get power and energy. That was my impression. However impressions is to weak of a word for it. In the two days before
I took care of the first location, it felt like I was breathing smoke in my apartement from a big bonfire, torched bodies and stuff. Oh man.
Well of souls (group of souls held back and used as an energy source).

They lost a lot of their power after that. One other thing, I asked a psychic (Hawthorn) about the work I was doing in Oslo,
and she identified a reptilian portal in the city. It falls in line with work I did in a different city. So I went with earth pipes,
I had to prep the area first by throwing orgonite in the ocean, and then I waited a few hours before getting on with the work.

I’ve been their many times before with no problem, but this time it was different given the purpose of why I was there.
I felt the pull towards the area, I’m sure it was the portal. It was unnerving.
I’ve experienced this before some other places where the energy is really strong. It was very well hidden behind
all the other energies that was there. What is interesting, is that there was orgonite there already.
But more was needed, I think this thing was massive. Did the work at 3-4 am but stressed me out a bit with all the security
cameras around and security companies doing night watch (it is quite centralized in the city).

This took out a lot of the force of the attacks against me, and in the end that is how I measure results, to what degree I’m able to get
my personal space back. I sort of wondered, it this ever going to end. However, I’m optimistic now this is starting to get better.
Maybe I’ll even be able to resume a normal life. The earth pipes aren’t going away, that’s for sure.

I share simillar experiences with you. I think any serious gifter that made considerable damage to the DOR infrastructure MUST start gifting earth pipes as a mean of survival, because the darksiders will throw whatever they have in the region against such person, and they will hit hard. Living next to underground bases sucks a lot. One must also never let the guard totally down, because the enemy NEVER forgets us.

You can use aluminium pipes for a fraction of the cost and they work almost the same. You can have 3 aluminium EPs for the price of 1 copper EP. This will help you scale up an cover more targets. Aluminium pipes are also lighter and easier to carry in a backpack. Even if the energy of the cooper feels nicer, 3 EPs will still be more powerful than 1, specially if deployed forming a small equilateral triangle. This helps to cover a bigger area from a single point also, according to Dooney. This is a numbers game. You still can uplift the pipes energy with gemstones like rose quartz and kyanite for a much smaller price, if you feel inclined to do it. I also like to add small pieces of black tourmaline, pyrite and haematite to the base of the pipes to draw extra DOR, but “plain” orgonite pipes will still do the job.

Since the last update, things have been turning around. I put three big devices into the
ground on top of the vryal hills to accomodate the earth pipes previously.
The vril society is definitely not a myth.
From what I’ve read, it is matriarchical, and that is very much in line with
the female withcraft that has been leveled at me from that particular faction.
I experienced them as extremely calcified and attacking like crazy even after all
the earth pipes that are in the ground now, I think they’ve been around for a long
time and weren’t keen to leave.

With more of the their energy transmuted, there was a turning point where I got specific
information the operators are much more in control and able to keep a reign on the things
that they do, thanks to the ep grid that has been put in place now. For me it was like
the cavalry arrived (in a peaceful way).

After that I went to another two places in my area to consolidate more.
One thing I couldn’t understand how they could attack me so much even then after
all that I had done, but then I followed up on a nagging feeling to go to a specific area
I’ve had yet to put EPs. When I looked it up on the map, I began to understand. One of the places
out in the terrain had the term ‘Jonsok’ in its name, which is another name for St.Hans and the
summer solstice. Very much in line with work I did before, taking away the power of their death rituals in
relation to that, which apparently is very important to them.

On this last trip just as I made my way onto the gravel road into that valley with my bike and heading
towards the first location to knock down an earth pipe, four dark-green military helicopters
flew by. I’ve never seen anything like that, not even on a airshow.
I was instantly filled with regret I didn’t have
a camera to capture the moment. But I didn’t expect that. Here in Norway they’ve been stepping
down the military presence and cutting down on spendage for many years to the point there’s
now a debate if we should have a military at all. So what I experienced there I consider highly
unusual. I think we can conclude at this point that they hate earth pipes.

This trip was largely a quiet one, unlike previous trips where they’ve thrown so much
negativity at me and psychic harassment. So that supported my notion this was the last stronghold
around here, from where they have been able to throw crap at me.

I discovered some creepy statues there, I’ll take a picture of them on my second trip.

When I was making my way through some difficult terrain (lots of boulders, trees and steep terrain)
towards the last location to put an orgonite device in the ground, I heard a helicopter some distance away
just hovering in the air above the clouds. I don’t know the purpose or what kind of helicopter,
but I think it was hovering maybe 15-20 minutes. I didn’t time it. 3 minutes after I had got the last
pipe in the ground, I heard the helicopter cruise away. As a rational explanation I’m inclined to think it could be the ambulance
helicopter near the regional hospital, but given the first experience, who knows. In any case it was a relief when
it went away, that’s for sure.

I will continue the work, this past year has been more like crisis management. I think I can plan better
and make bigger batches of earth pipes now that things seem to be easing off ( However just like
Edu stresses, it’s important to stay vigilant).

I lost a lot of weight this past year, because they corded my stomach so I lost appetite and forgot to
eat as much as I should. Also they did something around my head, so it felt like I had dementia.
It became really untidy around me, I forgot the things I like to do (hobbies) and I kept misplacing
things and wondering where I put them.

On the upside, I’ve become much stronger mentally and also in better physical shape due to all
the walking/hiking and biking to various destinations.

I lost a lot of weight this past year, because they corded my stomach so I lost appetite and forgot to
eat as much as I should. Also they did something around my head, so it felt like I had dementia.

I like Michael Gienger’s book “Healing Stones for the Vital Organs”. It’s a short, cheap, very pragmatical book about healing crystals for each organ meridian, based on Traditonal Chinese Medicine (TCM). In my experience the enemy goes for the meridians that are weaker and them push their chakra cords through them. With some practice, sensibility, trial and error one can find out which meridians are the weakest and reinforce them against attacks, not unlike sealing a breach in the walls of a stronghold and barricading its streets .

I like the TCM practical approach and it’s now widely practised world wide, even by some materiralistic MDs. Learn the deficiencies and excesses from your constitution and them treat them with TCM. One who knows some of it and can act on intuition can become a very hard target to the enemy. Our lifestyle and diet can strengthen or weaken specific meridians. By using foods and spices to strengthen meridians, one can resist attacks better. Food them becomes much more than our daily ration, it becomes a real etheric functional aid to our bodies. Like ginger for instance, that can be eaten for expelling the painful negative energy in the stomach from attacks hitting the solar plexus, a real etheric first aid in some cases, specially when there is a feeling of bloating. I used it several times in my past. Different persons will have different needs. In my case coffee, which may be helpful for some, is literally a poison to me, I overheat, become twitchy, it hurts me pretty bad every time I drink it. So one needs to pay attention in the results also.

One can enjoys life better if one is not feeling like a walking wounded all the time.

Edu, I haven’t read the book you suggest, I may get it sometime. For a while I’ve done something that may fall in line with that. I got the idea to tape small tumbled black tourmalines to my body with micropore tape. So I’m basically a walking grid. I do a number of things on a personal level, but in the end it is only the outdoor work that can cut it for me.

I tried the idea of putting 3 eps in a triangle. I can’t say much about the range because I don’t know, but I notice the energy swirls above the configuration. Probably in a clockwise direction.

For the most part I like to put lines of eps along a specific route, I’ve really come to appreciate my hiking gps. I have a map on it with all the trails in the terrain ( as well as roads and buildings etc.) I plan the route beforehand on the PC software, and put down waypoints roughly where I want the eps to be. So it is easy to space them out and see on the map where in the terrain the ground is most suitable (because it isn’t always that around here, with lots of bedrock and shallow soil).

I reminisced back to when I started last autumn, and it has been about 185 earth pipes so far, I think. Passing 200 eps when including the ones I put near hospitals, cemeteries etc years ago (before I knew what was here, so I didn’t put that many in the ground locally).

Anyone who searches up the vril society on the net may find statements that they belong to some superior race and have ancient, mystical powers blah blah blah. Well, I can attest to the fact they do indeed have very strong magic, because that is the number of earth pipes it has taken to get them off my back (plus the other influences, but I’m not nitpicking). So I think they have been around for a long time. Other than that, there’s isn’t much to say about them besides the fact that they are absolutely crazy, they have a screw loose, they’re not right in the head, they’re completely bonkers.

After a year it was time to ask someone else about the grid I’m building, so I did:


Hi Hawthorn and Don,

Hawthorn I’m wondering if you can make a psychic assessement on what kind of
impact the earth pipes I’ve put in the ground around here has had on the Vril Society.
I’m also wondering if Carol can have a look.

I know those female witches were extremely mad at me, from what I’ve read
(what little info can be trusted) Scandinavia and the Aryan race has a special significance to them.


Hi Frode!
The image I had immediately was that you put a hole in their magic in the same way that a cloud buster punches a hole in a smog cloud. So I see a big hole in the middle of their power and yes they are extremely angry and bitter about it.

The hole also represents a torus which is what I see when their spells and time manipulations start unraveling and going back to natural time.

(all my eps have the addition of black tourmaline, which is excellent for dealing with magic)

I didn’t set out to affect the weather, but it suddenly dawned on me recently how consistently good the weather has been this summer. Mostly nice fluffy clouds with partially blue sky and sunny. If it rains, it usually breaks into fluffy clouds again afterwards. Or it may alternate between rain from standalone rainclouds and then become sunny again as they pass by.

During any typical summer here the pattern has been that it may indeed be nice weather for a couple of weeks, but then it turns to sh⋅t when a low pressure system sets in with drizzling rains for longer periods, which most people dislike and may even get depressed over. Many solve it by buying a plane ticket to a different country.

I took some photos that show what many of the days have been like here. The sylph photos were taken some days earlier. There have been some magnificent sylph displays this summer.

The day before the photos, it was overcast and then it rained heavily during the night. I was half expecting the autumn weather to set in, because that is what it felt like. But nope, the next day it was great again so I headed out to document the sky. :)

I looked up on the net if there was anything written about the weather pattern in this area as opposed to previous years. Not surprisingly there isn’t anything useful online. «Expect rain, partially cloudy, you may see the sun once in a while so enjoy it while you can». That sort of thing.

What they did focus on was how bad the weather is in West-Norway. 160% more rain than usual and cold temperatures. I suppose they have to take it out on somebody, because that is getting increasingly difficult here in the east.

2007-2009 I tried to affect the weather and the whiteouts/chemspew in positive manner by dropping tbs all around the area and in bodies of water. For instance, I distributed 200 tbs in a big lake from an inflatable, hoping it would act as an engine for cleaning the skies. But no, that wasn’t enough. It could be nice blue skies one day, and then the next the sky looked deteriorated from chemspew. Or there could be depressing, heavy overcast for long periods .

Turns out the horrendously bad etheric energies underground had to be cleaned up. I’ve distributed eps in residential areas and out in the terrain in the hills. Probably there’s a number of vortices that have been activated.

The progress up until now I consider only an initial effort just to get some peace, but I’m really enjoying the visible confirmation of this work so far.

I’m working on making the earth pipe production a little easier for myself. More updates on that will follow later.

Thanks for posting the absolutely beautiful Sylph and healthy-sky photos, Frode! Those are my favorite confirmations. For the first time in crossing our continent I saw Sylphs over most areas and there are very few areas, now, where the sewer rats are still occluding the sky with generated whiteouts. Not long ago, the situation was reversed and in some cases there were pretty horrific, ominous and very low elevation ‘cloud’ creations over vast areas of the continent.

The earthpipe/orgonite campaign against the Vril in Western Europe many years ago produced good confirmations and I wonder if they then moved a lot of their activity to Scandinavia after that, perhaps concentrating on Norway. Carol and I typically see grand sky confirmations after we’ve disabled underground and underwater bases and you’ve accomplished that on a scale that’s probably beyond what has been achieved by anyone else. It inspires me to try my hand on the very extensive underground base network that’s centered in Dulce, New Mexico. In past years, Carol and I have focused on a few individual bases in that network, mostly in California, and Kelly McKennon put a lot of earthpipes right around Dulce in 2005. DB had mentioned that increased rainfall in the desert has done a lot of irreversible damage to taht base network, which was probably built with the assumption that the Global Warming agenda was going to turn all the rest of the world into a desert. Reversing the desert around a lot of those bases probably came as quite a shock to the enemy

Ten years ago, we were working very hard in the weekly international chats to undermine the influence of the Vril Society, which we were referring to as ‘Vryal’ because that’s how their name sounded to the psychics who were observing their rituals. The ritual language more resembled Russian to them than German, by the way. It’s fun imagining SS baby killers having to speak it, considering the race hatred that Germanic bigots have toward Slavic people Wink. I recently read that the root word for ‘Slav,’ by the way, is ‘sclav,’ which means ‘glory.’ We’re taught by institutionalized historians that ‘Slav’ refers to ‘slave.’

In 2003, DB warned us that the Vril had set up an operation in our town and intended to get me arrested by the cops. Then an MKid who was being terrorized by Icke’s disinformation told us that some Nordic types had rented a castle on the outskirts of town and there were a bunch of red vans with sequential license plates parked in front of it. Carol and I dropped some orgonite around that property, including one in the fountain in front of the building’s entrance, and in a few days the building was empty and all of them were gone. End of threat. That was a few months after the cops had a failed sting operation to ‘find’ drugs in our house. After I confronted (in a friendly way) their extorted drug dealer next door and told him that we knew about the plan the cops suddenly stopped coming around. That stuff doesn’t happen to us, any more. The fed stalkers at the end of our driveway stopped coming around after Carol installed the camera that our concerned Sheriff Deputy friend loaned us.

I think it’s always important to remember that the enemy are just parasites and that we’re more powerful than they are.

Michael Gienger is our favorite author on the subject of the use of gemstones, Edu, thx. I think that the reason his books are particularly useful is that his data is gotten from empirical research that involves a great number of people. That’s also our approach, which is perhaps why this forum is unassailable and sets the standard in this global orgonite movement.

Thank you Don for sharing your knowledge on the vril. I wasn’t aware people had done a campaign with earth pipes in Europe specifically to get them. It makes sense why they’ve thrown such anger at me, it happened to them before. Looking back at the history of this movement, there is so much epic work that has been done by many.

Nothing is straightforward when it comes to progress, because the enemy doesn’t sit around twiddling their thumbs. I enjoyed a few more days of this weather with some magnificient cumulus clouds raising high into the atmosphere. This afternoon however I saw some white-ish stuff on the horizon in the direction of the ocean. ‘Hmm, are they trying something?’ The wind was this way. Sure enough, by evening the sky was dreadful. I took some pics for documentation, however there is no reason to be discouraged. The orgonite is still there and it doesn’t run out of batteries. So it’ll be interesting to see how the environment bounces back from such assaults and how quickly.

I can see why they’ve been so intent on destroying the natural state of the sky for so many years, because when it has been like it has been here recently, it serves to me as a reminder of what life is supposed to be like. And the only thing one need to do is to look up be reminded of that.

The work continues. Cool

I think they probably sprayed over the ocean then later it drifted over this area by evening (yesterday). They didn’t do it directly over the inhabited area, maybe they are worried that someone would have noticed any such heavy spraying.

I observed this change in the state of the atmosphere when sitting on the bus on my way home (from buying more pipes for Eps btw ), and after a while I decided I could not look at the sky anymore because my stomach started feeling queasy from the dirty energy. When I got home, I quickly got the camera and snapped some photos. It was low light conditions, but I think when you view the photos you can see the wispy sludge drifting around mucking up the sky.

The next day I had the hunch to bring my compact camera with me on my way to work. And this turned into a wonderful opportunity to document how the sky can restore itself after a chemtrail/haarp assault (with the help of orgonite and our friends the sylphs).

You can browse through the photos by 'OPENING THE GALLERY’

I put a timestamp on them. There are 92 images in all. Expect plenty around 14:00, I went bananas taking photos from different angles.

(I don’t actually have a cloudbuster at this current time, I’d like to have one as soon as I have a practical place to put it. Or I could make a smaller one and tilt it. But this is not all bad, as it actually allows the field work to stand on its own)

23:00 (11 PM) - Evening before. Documenting the chemspew.

07:45 AM – Aftermath of the chemtrails. The flat clouds have that artifical look with ripples through them. I don’t know from where they do it. Lots of blue sky, but it doesn’t feel good to me. In one of the photos whiteout stuff can be seen in the distance. I think this is beyond the main body of the orgonite I’ve distributed and the grid I’m building here.

09:40 AM – Not that many clouds, a little bit of spew. Sky still doesn’t feel so good, but a sign it is improving.

10:40 AM - Some puffy clouds appearing. There is a line of sylphs showing, but not so distinct and visible. I get the sense they are working to clean the sky. Sky feels better, but still not there yet.

12:00 (12 noon) – Spectacular sylph display, showing their support. The sky is truly on its way to recovery. The rest of the sky has some puffy clouds, plus some other less visible sylphs.

14:00 ( 2 PM) – On my way home. Sylphs showed up en masse, and I took lots of photos. I don’t know what to say, the pictures speak for themselves.

Later in the afternoon:

  • Cumulus clouds.

– More nice cloud photos. Also I took photos of some rainclouds. They don’t cover the sky completely, they are simply passing through and giving the earth its needed water.

This has been an awesome day. I’m very much inspired now to continue with the work. :)

Since last time I did more work in places that are right in the area where I live, a simple bike ride away. It became apparent that the EP grid around here needs to be much denser. Just like Cyclingfinger I’ve done some significant work from my trusty bike. I’ve also been sabotaged. For a while I kept my air pump with me on my bike, because I needed to repump the tire (a small hole, I presume). One day I noticed the cap was gone on the pump. Shortly after, I noticed the tire quickly became flat. I thought there was a bigger hole, but I discovered that the uppermost part of the cap that holds the vent in place was gone. Metal fatique?? That was weird. Well, I fixed the bike without much cost and problem.

After that I decided to take a hiatus to come back into balance (they’ve been exploiting my problem with being properly grounded). That didn’t help much, the pressure was very much on. It came to something I’ve known for a while needed to be done. In fact, back in 2011 I started getting clues about a reptilian base in a national park. When recently looking at the map, I decided on a location that seemed to be the most practical. It’s incredible how we are guided, because that place turned out to be more than that. It was a satanic stronghold where I think they interfaced with the reptiles (I’m awaiting a second assessment on how that place is doing now). The trip was a tough one, I could barely make preparations and get through with it. I felt very depressed and physically tired. But I knew this was also indicative that this was a big target that needed to be taken care of. I knew they were fueling all those attacks against me from this location. My mood perked up when I was there and found it was relatively easy to get the EPs in the ground despite being in the highlands. I had my backpack full of EPs, with some orgonite on top of that for water gifting and I managed to deploy it all, so I was very content the trip was a success. This following few weeks has been really miserable for me, because they were so angry at losing that location. All-out assaults, it’s like they don’t even care anymore that they lose a lot of their deadly orgone sources in the process. Good old fashioned cause and effect, I reckon. Much thanks to all the good help I have, I can’t see them but I know they are there and they give me encouragement all the time in different ways.

I didn’t take any pictures on that particular trip, however here are some I took in my area. Some chemtrails that 20-30 min later clearly had been transformed by the sylphs. The other sylph pictures was later on the trip. The attackers like to play on doubt a lot to try to bring me down, in that case usually the sylphs show up in a big way to reassure me. A picture of an EP before it has found its home in the ground. The other four EPs was on a different trip where I realized I can’t leave any area unattended around here, even if there are other EPs already in the vicinity, because the energy below ground has been so stagnated (something I think is a characteristic of this particular area between the capital of Oslo and the international airport).

I’m tired of the vrils and the satanists, and all their stupidity, aggression and arrogance. May we live in a peaceful world before long. And I’m positive my own life will be better very soon, because they can’t keep the attacks up like that, they only bring consequences unto themselves.

(images missing)

One thing I can add to this, after the trip to the national park I was attacked from the area of a regional hospital. I flipped the energy there with some EPs. It didn’t take a lot because of the other EPs further away. I highly recommend getting EPs in the ground not only close to big hospitals, but further away around in the general area, as there may be a bigger structure underneath. The vibe I got there was very unpleasant.

Fun fact: When I placed an EP in a patch of forest nearby I saw a sign that said it was a testing ground to help a particular type of endangered beetle to recover. That’s good, I hope they will enjoy their newly orgonised environment.

it has been nice to read about your earth pipe excursions Frode. They are a powerful ally against the parasites. I have 3 military installations less than 5 miles around my house so i have ´been forced´ to use them of course. The beaming got so bad that i had to take action and i am happy to say got my space back and seems some of the sabotage has eased. I was convinced than most of my present interference were coming from afar and i have realised sticking the suppositories have eased their winds

Thank you for that good comment, Fran.

This all started last year, when I one night decided to take a powerwand to a building that I think was an entrance to the underground facilities. I was a bit naive at the time, before I came close enough to the building I heard a very clear voice in my mind that said they would kill me if I went any further. Well, I did go maybe 2 meters more and felt something invisible was about to snag me, so I made a hasty return on my bike. A black cat had passed straight in front of my bike only minutes before, so I took that warning sign. After that, all hell broke loose and they attacked me so severely in my home from underneath the building. Personally, I think this incident was under the protection and guidance the operators who wanted to show me that this stuff is indeed for real, because previously I’ve only knocked down EP’s in other locations mostly on faith.

Previously I’d heard odd thuds in the night that sounded like it came from within the building, but there was no explanation for them. So I wondered if there was underground activity.

It’s been an intense year, and without proper grounding I contracted a lot of bad vibes from all the places I’d been. So I was suffering something akin to an etheric disease where they continually were in my personal etheric space making me miserable. That hasn’t done them much good from their point of view, since they caused a lot of dramatic healing of their deadly orgone sources (with assistance of the operators). They’ve been at it for so long and been used to having their ways I don’t think they truly understand the law of cause and effect.

Lately I’ve been taking nightly excursions to a nearby park and bringing my cat (she is an indoor cat, but she goes nuts and jumps up the walls if she doesn’t get fresh air). In that park I’ve been laying down to ground out all the nasty energies and attackers, while she happily jumps around.

The energies in the apartment was unfixable, the only thing that helps was to make the decision to move out, and that’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while. So my personal space is quieter as all that stuff is released.

Silvio said quite succinctly in a different thread that they have a limited range of influence, and I find that is true here.

There is a higher wisdom in all of this, I used to be more set in my ways and more fearful. I’ve been so severely tested and in the end have become more dynamic.

Something I was intuitively prodded to do lately is to forgive everyone who wishes me harm. Dooney talked about forgiveness in the recently posted video.

I sort of gritted my teeth at that, thinking it lets them off easy. But it doesn’t, forgiveness sent out waves of pure energy that pushed them back and they hated it. So that is my revenge, I forgive them. There isn’t much else to do anyways, because they are absolute morons.

I have a pause from the EP work so I can get my life together, but there is a fair chance I’ll do more of this activity. It is always rewarding to feel the effects of earth pipes.

There’s a tidbit I’d like to add about the park. Part of it is sort of built up as a hill, and behind that hill there are some trees and mainly just leaves. It’s a place that I think generally is not in use by anyone, particularly at night. So I can lie there undisturbed and look up between the trees at the night sky and the stars.

Just a few meters away there’s a railroad track behind a protective wall, and the trains are thundering by with the lights on in the darkness. That’s awesome. Really it is one of the simplest experiences to get a reminder of what it is like to be a free spirit.

My impression is hardly anyone does that sort of thing in their daily lives. It doesn’t take much to stand out from the crowd. They are too busy in front of the television in the evening, getting their daily programming. Smile

Thanks for the tip on EP’s Frode. What an upgrade here!Cool

I would like to write about it, as it was a big reinforced gifting for the already existing grid, I can pinpoint energy points on leylines with a cheaper way and yes, what a difference. There are many things that are becoming more of a reality than it ever used to be.Smile

Keep it up there, one day or another the operating cavalry will assist you more than ever. Like our cool coach said, its “a numbers game” and yet, their evil playground time has come to an end.

The things I have felt when using more EP’s, being always impressed by its ranged power, never felt that here in the 3d actually. When, you don’t have that feeling well you have to come back and gift the same place with more.

They work like small orgonite cloudbusters linking back all the geometric giftings in the good sense of natural orgonite gifting.

I had a sylph fest here at my creating place, enjoy the pics:


Thanks for the update, Cyclingfinger!

What he is referring to is some time go we pm’d, and he lamented about the cost of metal pipe where he lives.

I recommended what I do now, I use cheap table legs from Ikea (ADILS). Made of steel, but makes for lightweight EPs. Easy to divide up with a pipe cutter (I have one that is designed for exhaust pipes, a couple of handles that has this chain of cutting wheels). With the right technique it is quick and efficient work. The recent pictures shows the eps.

Becoming active with earth pipes is what has rekindled my interest in orgonite, more than ever.