Wouldn’t that look terrrific on a picture post card, perhaps of one of the brand new, costly ‘federal courthouses’ that are silently springing up all over the landscape under current martial law?
I read someone’s published statement that America had statistically become the ‘prison country,’ on accouunt of there being more people in jail, per capita, than any other nation in history, includinig Russia, China, Nicaraqua (in commie times) and Cuba. I was wondering when someone else was going to mention it publicly. The felons in DC have gotten away with instituting massive scale, growing chronic oppression for this long, of course, because the beer-swilling and NPR-devoted Europoid Pajama People in America don’t care as long as most of the captives are people of color but the appointment of O’Bomber to the presidency, last June, indicates that the feds are finally worried about what the rest of the populace might do about this and other ‘problems’ that the felonious corporate feds have caused [Image Can Not Be Found] , especially since Roosevelt’s Raw Deal, when the US Consitution (the rule of law) was turned into the oligarchs’ toilet paper.
More amazing, to me, is that I’m still out walking around after having done and instigated so much irreparable damage to the unlawful federal government’s oppressive infrastructure