Here Today And Gone Tomorrow

Understand everything in the world is only Temporary and set yourself free for Eternity.

It’s very temporariness is your key to enjoying the entire universe as it was meant to be.

There is no need to worry because it’s all here today and gone tomorrow. This gives us time

to LOVE our loved ones with All Our HEARTS. Isn’t it great to be ALIVE? Well, hurry up because

it’s going AWAY !!!



I’m not quite sure on the exact sense of your message, if it’s to be taken as a positive message or the expression of a potentially divisive idea. Perhaps it’s not my duty to address this here and, after all, maybe this is none of my business. I feel indebted towards Etheric Warriors (and Don) though, for the greatness they have brought into my life so I feel I must say something here.

Many of us are going through profound changes right now. Each of us has something of value to contribute to the world(s), and yes, in a sense everything IS temporary as everything is in constant change.

Anybody can consciously choose to either grow, or shrink. To expand, or to contract. To evolve, or to dissolve. That said, Etheric Warriors is a place to focus discussion on the idea of using orgonite to heal the planet and eradicate macro-parasites, ie gifting so we can all be done with the old corporate order. It is also meant to serve as a historical record of the pioneering work we’ve been doing.

I have created a dedicated and specialize platform to discuss and exchange the existential and creative ideas you bring forth, at

I have this hunch that this post of yours is in direct reaction to some of the ideas I have presented on the new platform, which is really there to specifically talk about these things in a creative fashion. I understand that many/some may not agree with the ideas I am using to build the foundation I am setting there right now, and in that sense you are welcome to either chime in and be co-creative, or choose to stay away from the new project.

In any case, I don’t think the idea of bringing these discussions over to Etheric Warriors and otherwise over-stepping the boundaries of the two step-sister sites is going to help any of us grow. If I am mistaken by the context of this post and you are simply expressing a higher idea which is beyond my grasp, then please disregard this post of mine.



May God bless you and yours and everybody else’s.

I have never heard of you prior to my post and I will not show you or anybody else any disrespect on any forum ever.


Then please accept my apologies Louis for my misunderstanding of the context of your contribution.



You are very welcome.


Louis, you’re coming across as a missionary, I think. I don’t mind if EW members are opposed to the concept that this forum is set up to wage war back against the rule of parasites but if you’re preaching non-opposition to tyranny this probably isn’t a suitable place to get a sympathetic ear. I’m more interested in communication and consultation than in promoting my personal beliefs (which I don’t think anyone shares, here) and I always assume other EW members will show this courtesy, too, so personal proselytizing seems to be a bump in an otherwise smooth road, here.

Here’s an example of how preaching isn’t always effective:

Three members of PETA decided to protest a biker rally because they are opposed to the bikers’ use of leather clothing. This is the group that throws buckets of red paint on women at gala events who are wearing expensive furs. I think that when they paint the furs and get arrested for it they can feel vindicated but the bikers duck-taped one of them to a tree and urinated on him all day so in that case he probably didn’t feel vindicated and the protest effort was countereffective.

Nobody’s going to do that to you but after reading your missives I don’t feel like an ass for wanting to expose and otherwise obliterate global occult/corporate/military terrorism in a way that I find tasteful and appropriate. No amount of pacifist preaching will likely ‘cause me to see the light.’ I can’t speak for anyone else, here, and I don’t want people to gang up on you in this thread, either. Any comments ought to be constructive in this case. By mentioning your evident preaching I’m hoping you’ll see it as such, for instance.

You could start another forum along the lines of ‘Etheric Pacifists.’ Seriously; there’s room for everyone in this unorganized movement but this forum can’t accomodate everyone’s interests, unfortunately. That’s why Cassandria started a forum for related psi explorations. There are reputable Buddhist monks who gift and are opposed to tyranny, by the way, and even Gandhi didn’t call himself a pacifist–he just rightly figured that non-violent protest would work best against the British parasites in India.


Louis is a consummate and self-sacrificing gifter, deeply committed to gifting, as are many people who I might think of as pacifists. I don’t want anyone to have the impression that he’s not welcome here on account of his opposing view but since I’m the guy who named this forum, ‘etheric warriors,’ I feel obliged to answer back when a contributor to EW states or strongly hints at his/her opposition to opposing tyranny. In recent years I’ve been mindful to screen people a bit more prudently when I invite them to post gifting reports here. I was slow to do that because I don’t want rules to get in the way of creativity and freedom but it’s paid off to make it clear that personal preaching isn’t allowed here. I gauge that sort of thing by feedback from our readers and other contributors, mainly. Jeff answers back when people post doomsaying stuff here and others offer timely and constructive comments so it’s not just about me or any individual, of course. We constantly create this forum, which is what I wanted for it from the beginning (August, 2004) and my own personal awareness evolves along with it.

It’s more honest to state our intentions clearly than to hint at them, I think, because we have free speech in the West and don’t need to be anything less than direct. The Africans don’t openly oppose tyranny where they live because they’d probably get shot or imprisoned for it. In countries where the birthright of free speech is recognized and accepted I think it’s important to speak out against criminality in government and big business than to dance around it.

I actually honor the guy who was duct-taped to the tree and p!$$3d on all day by stinky bikers because he was at least demonstrating his commitment. It’s the same way I honor the self-sacrifice of war veterans in any army.