I wish I spoke French

I think there’s a rumor that I speak or understand French because I’m getting emails in French. I’m sure flattered, because I dearly want to know French and I adore everything that’s French but I think I’d have to go to a French speaking country to learn it. That’s one off the things I intend to do before I die.

a bientøt

Don you wont have to go very far if you want : there is around 5 millions of french canadians right up here where the snow is

If you ever come to Quebec city it will be an honour to host you and Carol Don.

A bientot,

Denis Couture

Merci, mon ami. In fact, every time I go to Quebec I don’t want to leave [Image Can Not Be Found] and I once went Absent Without Leave when I was in (but not of) the US Army of Occupation in Germany in the late 1960s because I wanted to spend a little time in France. It was great!

You can count on a visit from us when we have the next opportunity to travel there. Carol wants to learn French, too.

We’d like to see those beautiful French Sylphs in Quebec first hand, too.


It would be great Don.

In fact all Etheric Warriors are very much welcomed to contact me if ever you are in Montreal, Quebec or anywhere in the province of Quebec.
As a sort of a tease I can say that this here territory is over gifted with orgon and continuing to be, and almost everybody here is fully bilingual and speaks both French and English.

You are all welcome.

Thx, Denis–I hope to finally meet you sooner than later.

The last time I was in Quebec was in June, 2004, when the Kilroys in Boston dropped me off in Montreal in the late afternoon on my way to Toronto the next morning. The atmosphere over that city was incredibly radiant, then, thanks to some already extensive gifting by yourself, Steeve DeBellefuille, Jacques Laselle, Alexandre Emard and a few others. Something that was unique, then, to Montreal was that you guys were hosting public meetings in which you taught people about what orgonite does and how to make it. We were really impressed with that.

Montreal has always felt nice to me but it always felt like a city. In 2004 it felt as pristine as the countryside, thanks to all that inspired gifting. More recently, we’ve gotten a lot o good Sylph photos from there.

Next time I hope that Carol will be with me and that we won’t be in a hurry. She’s finally convinced me to relax and be more like a tourist and I’ve enjoyed it. French folks are better at this–exemplary.
