Here’s some interesting articles about how Iceland, the first ‘bankrupt’ nation is pulling itself
up by its bootstraps and taking the Bankster’s to task (holding them responsible) for their
crimes against the entire nation. A lesson all the nations of the world can learn from. Especially
interesting to me is their move to regain their sovereignty, change their constitution and throw
the Banksters criminal butts in jail, where they belong. Oh, so maybe THAT is why the mainstream
media has the whole Icelandic Reformation on media blackout. Spread the word people, (God bless the interwebs)
there are solutions to the mess the Banksters (technocrats) have created; we don’t have to make them govt.
leaders, as we see Italy and Greece doing. Very hopeful, very hopeful for humanity indeed!!!
I Like that, Stevo. It seems that Argentina also showed them the finger and went into default. Also they reversed a lot of the forced privatisations and guess what: They are now thriving (relatively)
Gaddafi on the other hand was apparently too independent and see what happened to him…
He had no debt, only surplusses and souvereiogn investments and weas in the process of launching a gold backed currency that would have pulled the bluff of all the fiat currencies…
I think a peaceful shift from the current debt based financial system to one where the souvereign nation state reclaims the right to issue sufficient currency for the economy to function directly into the system without incurring debt, would make the situation already a lot better.
So, I like the public banking approach a lot. It needs no violent revolution, just a slight tilt of the table towards the people wo produce something rather than lend out non existing money and get interest on it.
I’m not trying to proselytize for any political direction here, just food for thought. See [The Public Banking Blog/url:3trsj87e or [The Web of Debt/url:3trsj87e.
After all, the souverign nation state should be the expression of the will of it’s people and should have the preroragtive of coining the currency as it is provided (but not adhered to) in the american constitution.
The only alternative would be to return to barter or a 100% gold backed currency and a totally private econmomy a la Ron Paul (Libertarianism).
Funny enough both models have some attraction even though they seem so juxtaposed at first sight.
The bankers through their high class brainwash institutions (London School of Economics + Harvard Business School and their off-spins) have managed to hypnotize us into believing that current economic crisis evolves according to some kind of natural law. This is of course total nonense because the capacity to produce and grow everything humankind needs or wants is there like never before. The crisis is born in the financial realm that is run by the megaparasite. It can be simply changed by consensus of the people.
Thanks Stevo & Georg, I have also been thinking about this subject quite a bit. Hope you don’t mind if I piggyback on the thread.
In Joseph Farrell’s ‘Babylons Banksters’, he mentions in the footnotes that if he were to recommended only one book on understanding our current financial situation it would be ‘The Web of Debt’ by Ellen Brown (See Georg’s post above).
While still working my way through it, ‘The Web of Debt’ is an interesting book that describes an elegantly simple solution to our intentionally overcomplicated currency situation.
Confusion allows for easier ‘slight-of-hand’, and Ellen Brown cuts through the crap to get at the heart of the matter. Excellent compliment book to ‘Babylons Banksters’.
It is very hopeful indeed. So much potential for humanity in every direction.
I recommend “The End of Money and the Future of Civilization” by Thomas H. Greco, Jr.
His message? Who needs the ‘Priesthood’ of the Bank(st)ers? Create networked communities of local Mutual Credit Clearing Houses, extend each other credit (policed by Ebay like Trust Ratings), and replace the middle man. Transition to an economy based on value and assets, rather than debt created out of thin air….