Ineresting Slant on History of Gold/Silver Money

BTW, Keenan has been one of the ones at the center of a huge movement to take down the Cabal’s basis of wealth… A lot of his actions have been documented by Fulford and Wilcock.

I follow Fulford and Wilcock closely… Though I take things with a large grain of salt, I do believe a LOT of what they report is accurate. I don’t believe that either of them are disinfo agents, though it is clear that both of them are fed disinfo, and have on several occasions passed it on (often to be corrected and retracted when such proves to be the case).

Moroever, Wilcock was recently interviewed by, and appeared on, a MAJOR Russian Language REN TV ( Station, who did a huge disclosure based, partly, on research done by Wilcock, Fulford, and others, to do with this. The REN TV show was three parts of an hour each and, reportedly, extirpated the bastards….


Unfortunately, we here in the Corporate United States of Amerika have a news media–still–in thrall to the Scoundrels; therefore, we don’t have the benefits of what the Russians are now getting in these sort of disclosures…

but that will all change, and soon….

Absolutely free energy is the key Azti for when We have that We will no longer need anY form of money at all, something like 80 cents out of every $ spent relates to energy in someway or so I’ve read and don’t doubt it…

Silver has been the best money of all time and the entire world should know it. the thai word for money is gnu btw it is also the thai word for silver also the thai FIAT currency is called the BAHT ฿ … btw a baht is a weight that is only used here when dealing with gold an silver hmmm. one baht = 15.2 grams a Troy ounce = 31.1 grams…
CANADA has 2 official languages , the French word for money is argent but argent is also the French word for silver…. This is the same case in over 58 languages use on earth ie same word for silver and money!

In North America the 2 main FIAT currencies are both called the DOLLAR, according to the 1792 currency act of the USA a DOLLAR is defined as “each to be of the value of a Spanish milled dollar as the same is now current, and to contain three hundred and seventy one grains and four sixteenth parts of a grain of pure, or four hundred and sixteen grains of standard silver.”
Btw this same act outlines death penalties for anyone involved in debasing the amount of gold in the eagles($10) and dbl eagles($20) or silver in silver dollars($1)

Jailing the BANKSTERS is the way to go as killing them would affect Our Karma negatively but when We got THEM behind bars it will be a short while and free energy is here! Then there will be no néed to use gold and silver for money anymore cause everything will be free, silver of course has many important industrial uses and will be easy for anyone to mine it from sea water for free!

The reasons that si and gold make the best money: they are not only tangible but divisable , fungible, portable, and uniquely scarce but most importantly thre is no counter party risk! it was when THEY removed precious metals from Our MONEY that THEY made Us SLAVES! NIXON finally made all CURRENCIES FIAT on August 15, 1971 after Degaulle kept taking France’s balance of payments in gold cause He did not trust what the USA was doing spending all that money in Vietnam… In '33 FDR that made it illegal for Americans to own gold and silver but foreign nations were still able to redeem the FEDeRAL RESERVE NOTES for gold till '71 and it has been 42 years now that all CURRECCIES on earth have been FIAT which means by government decree… Iow DOLLARS have value just cause the gov sais they do counterparty risk and all lol

Yes scarcity is a word that can best describe silver as it is all used up in Our big screen tv s, cell phones, upcoming solar cell demand and You name it, there is not near enough around and is the only way anyone should be holding wealth anymore as it will increase exponentially enabling Us Gifters to buy needed resin when the whole word s in a depression like now….

The recent movie ‘loopers’ shows that silver bullion is evidently the most valuable metal in the future… Another new futuristic movie ‘upside down’ shows a very valuable necessary anti gravity metal that looks exactly like silver!

tY for the Defkalion website it’s the first I heard of it and will explore it… Keshe is in the wait and see file for Me and as far as making preciouso metal out of abundant metal I kind of doubt it as if it was possible for sure the CABAL would have been onto to that along time ago… A
a similar thought to that alchemists dream was posted on eW last week but I didn’t want to draw attention to it by replying but mention it now as it comes up again…

As far as FULFORD and WILCOX go THEY are both 100% CIA DISINFO AGENTS iMho and in WILCOX case He probably doesn’t even know it being the obvious MKID that HE is… btw a ‘W’ is nothing but an upside down ‘M’ of course but that’s enough about that MONARCH crap… Tred after 3am here and I have an upcoming post that talks about the need for Gifters to put Their savings into silver and that time is coming up fast as the BIG CABAL takedown is happening as We speak so please buy this dip, if You can, as silver is down to $28 oz … THEY have to suppress the prices of real money in order for the People to remain asleep and keep trust in FIAT…


I am not talking of some manner of nuclear Alchemy, despite that such IS reportedly occurring in the Rossi LENR device that the folks at Defkalion have surpassed. In the Rossi device the by product of their reaction between Hydrogen and Nickel was heat and COPPER (new copper)…. There is no telling what we will discover down the road a bit… However, what I was alluding to was “attracting” precious metals towards a “collector” based upon a deeper knowledge and understanding of gravity and magnetism (both forces, which according to Keshe, are two aspects of the same force); and Yes, I agree with you that Keshe, and his claims, remain for now in the “Wait and See” realm. However, we are likely to know soon, as he claims that an Italian Group is getting very close to duplicating his results with a “reactor” design of their own based upon his provided plans, schematics, patent drawings, etc.

Regarding Fulford and Wilcox… Who really knows. That Fulford gets regular input and info from elements within CIA and a raft of other three letter agencies, domestic, and International, as well as various secret societies, and assorted players in the “game” is clear… He also gets input from Keenan, whom you referenced in your article. Whether Fulford maliciously works on behalf of the Cabal? I don’t know but am totally prepared to accept that based upon a cogent analysis and at the same time am prepared to believe he is operating in good faith based on some other compelling analysis… The way I see it Fulford talks to EVERYBODY Crooked, Cabal, Patriots, and whatever, and he reports. Whether he reports lies and disinfo spun on behalf of Cabal Controllers, or remains an independent (and thoroughly at risk) free lancer, who really knows. As to Wilcock, whether he his a product of Monarch, well who knows again… I would like to see an cogent argument and analysis that would substantiate that, either way…

That I follow both of them? yes I do, for either good or ill, things are happening around these two, and things can be learned either way.

In any case, unless somebody brings me data, like DB did for us regarding Braden and Drunvalo, and a dozen others that were involved with Sassarian, we just can’t know, we can speculate on either side and we can have “feelings” one way or the other but we really can’t know. If you are 100 percent certain then please enlighten me… Publicly or privately, but much better if it were publicly, and WE would be very grateful. As to DB well, I trust Don…. completely, and Don has said he trusts what DB said, and trust is transitive and therefore I trust that what DB exposed, in the DETAILS and SPECIFICS that he did, about those he fingered to be working for the Cabal, is something that I then trust to be true. Don trusts you. And I trust you, as you are one of us. If you have details that substantiate your “100%” certainty then tell us, like DB told us. I would like to hear the specifics about both of these guys… Otherwise, at least for myself, I must put them in the “Wait and See” category as well…

Regardless, just as I do when writing code and dealing with user input in Internet Applications, I scrub the input to the very best of my ability, and let through only what I believe valid; that is what I do with ALL of these sites… A huge part of any analysis of the sort MUST, sadly, be subjective as we simply don’t have (enough) access to hard data… Thankfully, I do believe all of this is going to come out, and soon… The Bastards are like the dutch boy trying to stick his fingers in all the leaks in the dam at the same time…… Well not just leaks now, but cracks, and soon fissures, and then whole chunks of the dam are going to come down, and not long after the entire flood of filthy suppressed crap is going to wash down the river for all to see, and smell…. and then clean up….

Best Regards,


Well said Azti and Gare! You are both on the point with a little advantage for Azti from my point of vew (it’s just that, a point of vew). I would just ad my grain of salt (of some value? salt was a way of exchange before monney) I think the point is on consciousness, if you are in scarcity consciousness you will live in world of scarcity and the whole job of the enfoirés is to put you in that state of consciousness. Fortunately we have orgonite among other ways thanks to Don and Carol and this way is a very practical and cheap one to affect this state of consciousness and not only that of course because it affects a lot of other things which are all related with our consciousness finally. “We create our reality individually and collectively” becomes a lieu commun in those times but it’s nevertheless absolutely true.

May I invite you to check out what’s going on with that OPPTT thing? It’s a consciousness thing also related to the fact that all gouvernments are corporations and are foreclosed now (on the paper so far) the thing is that it comes true and real in our consciousness.

This is an EXCELLENT discussion and disclosure from ALL points of view. So thanks very much.

I was just in Sumatra, Indonesia recently and so I think a currency we often overlook is good quality food and good quality farm land. Most farmers I know are good at what they do and are astute traders. I think it’s really important to KNOW your trade very very well. In Sumatra I had raw water buffalo milk…it was an amazing elixir. As well I heard at another time about a 150 year old indonesian man that owns a ton of gold hidden in bunkers in the Phillipines. I saw photos of the old gold bars but thats the extent of the info I received. This may be in alignment with the true abundance of metals on the planet that has been reported by Wilcock, but I really don’t know. Time will tell…

One of the things I really apreciate about this discussion is that nobody seems to be stuck on one particular point of view about what is true and what is not. That is very refreshing and also I feel is great progress for all of us.

Enjoy…and thanks…hkj


Yes, I am quite aware of OPPT (One Peoples Public Trust). It seems, based on an initial and limited analysis, to be a very strong attack against the cabal. One that attacks them at a very fundamental level. Remove, and SHINE A LIGHT, on the fundamental basis of their deception, the fundamental justification for everything which they started in 1871 with the formation of THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA to replace The Republic for which we…. stood… ([]

… Of-America). Because the scoundrels hide behind our IGNORANCE and we don’t CONTEST our SOVEREIGNTY we then acquiesce to our slavery. The UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) filings by OPPT ( are like turning the Claymore mines of an ambush back onto the attackers… Hitting them with their own weapons….

Interestingly OPPT’s site is down now, again… They are running a Microsoft ASPx website; from the error message it is clear… It is possible to secure an MS site, the key is AS I STATED ABOVE in filtering the site’s input, but I simply don’t trust them (MS), as they are, very likely, penetrated to the core with “Puzzle Palace” sanctioned “back doors”… In any case, they have been (brought?) down twice this week, and that is a (likely) pretty good indicator that they are hitting a NERVE in the Cabal, rather than the outages being due to simple incompetence.

In any case, this is not a contest between Gare and I… Gare is my brother, my comrade in arms (albeit arms of Orgonite, and words, and information) against Tyranny. If I argue with Gare it is only because I seek a greater clarity with which to shine a light on the BASTARDS. In this mission I am not important, I am but a bag of flesh having a human experience… That speaks to your point, Laurent, about a scarcity of Consciousness… The Tibetan Buddhist teachings (I am, mostly, Buddhist) assert that the greatest of the poisons of mind is Ignorance (followed by Rage)…. Without clarity and knowledge, there can be no understanding, and without that we are lost… lost to repeat our failures over, and over, and over again….

That is why this site, Etheric Warriors, is SO IMPORTANT. Because it is a SPEAR in the heart of IGNORANCE. Ignorance about Orgonite, about “Life Force”, Orgone energy… wonderfully, recently, about dispelling an Ignorance about the nature of our African Brothers and Sisters, the Kikundi, who are in many ways so much more advanced than we are, here in the Technically Advanced Western Societies. A Society where so many of us have lost our way, where we are without an anchor, adrift in shoals, and CAUGHT (In the words of one of our greatest American Bards, Jackson Browne) BETWEEN THE LONGING FOR LOVE, and the STRUGGLE FOR THE LEGAL TENDER….

And that is why we are here… why we contribute… Why we protect EW.

No… No contest with Gare… nothing but Solidarity….


We should all read (or re-read) the contents of the the below link, and consider it. I skimmed through it just a second ago, but will read (again form the first time) in detail tomorrow… must crash now….


Thanks Azti for your bright and friendly clarification!!!

First off I would like to thank Don and Carol for many things but most importantly for providing Us Warriors with a tool to keep Us alive while We battle the deadliest most heinous CABAL.ITES that have enslaved Humanity for eons… make no mistake about it We are in a war and risk Our Lives everyday! if it were not for the operators interventions, on Our behalf, many of Us would have been murdered already… this is a silent war and many of Us perhaps yet to recognize it as there has been very few casualties from Our side and the few that have been murdered and injured are seemingly cause of Our Own hands, but this is not true at all [Image Can Not Be Found] THEY have the ability to get into Our Minds and influence Us unfairly which is a crying shame and won’t let up until We haul THEM ALL away to jail!

There is another war going on, that I am involved with daily, the battle against the silver-gold CABAL! … this is a war that has been waged against the worlds citizens for hundreds of years and there is no better place to start than with the ground-breaking chronology of Charles Savoie ; in a body of research he has titled “The Silver Stealers”. Savoie points to an elitist group known as “The Pilgrims"(CABAL), and documents much of the activities (and inter-relationships) among these Oligarchs over the past 200 years. I posted the link to that download last year here in this thread, thank You Azti for calling attention for everyone
To review what is going on here, it is a long read and shows what the CABAL has done to suppress the prices
of the monetary metals…


by reviewing history, and doing so we find that over the long term CURRENCIES have always been devalued against the monetary metals and the rigging of the gold/silver markets has always failed, if only when the metal available to the market riggers ran out. The most recent example of that is the story of the London Gold Pool, which collapsed in March 1968 because of a shortage of metal:

Also Bill Buckler’s Privateer newsletter has wonderfully summarized the rest of the modern war against gold and the market rigging involved:

Many of Us have bet Our lives that the current war against the monetary metals will fail eventually as all the other such wars have failed and that the metals will be revalued upward as governments continue to retreat to a more defensible level for their ever-depreciating FIAT CURRENCIES …

2 well respected Warriors Ferdinand Lips and Adrian Douglas of the gold anti trust action committee(gata) were murdered the same way THEY murdered My Father with THEIR fast acting CANCER weapon! Dad was muedered in nov '04 i’m sure to punish me for what i was doing with gifting Orgonite…

Ferdinand Lips of switzerland was murdered sept '05 in large part, no doubt, cause of the book He wrote “gold wars” everything He said in that book has come true and the month before the murder He gave a speech telling listeners that the FED will come to an end and so will all the CENTRAL BANKS of the world!

Last month Adrian Douglas of ENGLAND was murdered after battling CANCER, He was a young man only 4 years My senior… it was only 6 months earlier that He penned a letter warning the world that a silver price explosion was coming!

The reason the CABAL has waged this war is very simple – because there is a shortage of silver!

an abundance of monetary metals is what THEY want the world to believe through THEIR talking heads and all mainstream financial advisors… It is quite easy to do
When You control everything like print media, TV, all commodity and stock exchanges etc etc etc…

Yes, Azti it might very well be true that some forms of free energy can combine lesser abundant metals into prec metal but the point is mute for, as I expressed above, shortly after We get free energy there will no longer be a need for monetary metals!

one of the reasons I am 100% certain of FULFORD and WILCOX being either paid for SCHILLS,
or MIND CONTROLLED is cause of THEIR beliefs in abundant prec metals … That is exactly what THEY want You to believe and that is simply not the case, if it was why would THEY have to keep suppressing the prices for hundreds of years?

A rise in the price of Gold and especially silver sends a signal to the world that the PAPER CURRENCIES are not what You want to save in… It is the canary in the coal mine! One way to win this war is to convert all Your PAPER into silver think of it as doing Your saving in silver…
We must remember and never forget that before these BANKSTERS could MIND CONTROL the world to accept THEIR debauched PAPER THEY had to first back it with real money… silver and gold! in fact a huge number of people still believe that the US$ is still backed with gold! rotfl but how are The People going to learn otherwise? THEY certainly wont tell You unless Your paying close attention…

there could very well be a secret stash of overly abundant gold in the world but one thing there is not is an abundance of silver… You hear FULFORD and WILCOX talk about this abundant gold but You never hear bout silver, do You?

some very convincing investigations into abundant gold has been done by Bix Weir who btw is one of the biggest silver bulls on the planet… Here is His site……ic/190.cfm

Bix figures that right now 1 ounce of silver should be equal to 5 ounces of gold!

There is another reason, that I know WILCOX is MONARCH 100%, but if I got into that right now would take Me
at least a week Azti and is already midnight here and the CRIMEX(COMMEX) is still trading for a few more hours…

luckily for Us I was able to anticipate the recent smash of the metals figuring THEY would hit them when the biggest
Buyer in the world(CHINA) was celebrating New Years so I shorted gold putting Our long silver into a spread trade drastically
Reducing margins enabling to stay long silver and still maintain margin without having to up the ante so far grid willing…

hkJ, silver is still holding its support base from 2011 but if the JPMORONS decide to break that it could go down a long ways but
only till the physical market over powers THEM! then all bets are off and away We go… the recent cot report shows that the emboldened silver longs are at the highest levels in 5 years 156k contracts +… that is a huge number and represents a potential CRIMEX(COMMEX) default as thats an open interest of over 800 million ounces and I doubt that much even exists above ground right now! in anticipation of a run on CRIMEX stockpiles the MORONS deposited over 20 million ounces in physical silver in SLV which then got redirected to the CRIMMEX to make it appear there is lots of silver out there… pretty easy for the MORONS to do when THEIR the largest short holder and also the custodian of the biggest PAPER ETF on the planet! don’t You just love the free markets in the west lol not!

perhaps the MONARCH stuff should be figured out by all of Us individually? I know I had to and it is the craziest stuff I’ve
ever encountered and what I have figured out is no where to be found on the web and sure wont be till/if I put it there probably… like You Azti I
feel the most important thing here is to maintain the integrity of eW… Don HimSelf has publicly mentioned His upbringing
in Monarch and You don’t hear much bout it from Him do We?

in My case within a span of a week I came to the realization that I was completely surrounded by MKIDS 24/7 , a few
days later THEY murdered My Father then 2 days after that I was in solitary confinement and sent to a
MENTAL INSTITUTION for PSYCHIATRIC evaluation …30 days… when Your locked up on a water only hunger fast thinking becomes clear as a bell and I was able to figured the whole MONARCH thing out ie: My entire Family was MONARCH 100% right from the time My Father stepped out of WW2… there was no doubt that the Operators helped Me greatly in this [Image Can Not Be Found] if the Operators haven’t showed You yet, or doubt anything I’m saying , why don’t You ask to be shown? the Operators always respond to dedicated fearless Warriors in selfless service to Humanity!

To sum it up We’re all MONARCH and these BASTARDS have got to go to jail!!!

Btw We get all the help and direction from the Oprators that We’ll ever need, I certainly do and have been directed by Them
My entire life… It will all come out in a post someday grid willing, in the meantime I deplore all of You to buy physical hold in YOur hand silver … Borrow if You can, just do it ok as it is forming a bottom right now iMho…. You will never regret keeping Your savings in silver I promise You

For those wanting to buy silver, just stay alert. I wouldn’t be surprised if counterfeiting increased right now.


Can you pick the REAL Silver Bars???

Another thing that comes in mind i that recently Joseph P. Farrel have been talking a lot about evidences of a secret reserves of gold for funding black projects. Just dig his blogs and you will find a lot of comments about this.

I myself still don’t have a consistent formed opinion about silver yet.

“recently Joseph P. Farrel have been talking a lot about evidences of a secret reserves of gold for funding black projects.”

how recent is recent Edu? I’ve no time to read more FARREL… Babylons Banksters told Me all I needed to know about HIM…
and now this could be confirming it, don’t know for sure yet still kinda in the wait and see file and thats why I had not mentioned HIM in this thread yet but now perhaps Your reinforcing what I said above…

“being either paid for SCHILLS,
or MIND CONTROLLED is cause of THEIR beliefs in abundant prec metals … That is exactly what THEY want You to believe and that is simply not the case, if it was why would THEY have to keep suppressing the prices for hundreds of years?”

sell extra gold on the open market to suppress the price, absolutely! but sell gold to fund BLACK PROJECTS lol thats got to be the biggest DISINFO lie of all I mean come on already … the secret suppression of the precious metals(specially silver) is the biggest and most important BLACK PROJECT ever conceived and carried out! all of the proof of that has been tirelessly brought to the worlds attention by gata over the last 15 years and anyone can sign up every 2 weeks for a free trial at……e_Menu.cfm

and read all about it, it is all based on facts Edu…

William Murphy(Midas) is the head of gata… THEY gave HIM the fast acting CANCER a few years ago, unfortunately Bill was to deeply engrained in the MEDICAL/DRUG CARTELS SCHIZOPHRENIC BRAIN WASH protocols to take My advice bout zapping and instead chose radiation seeds

Adrian Douglas was a gata board member… he was murdered last month no doubt for His contributions in support of fair and transparent markets and limited and accountable government were profound and perhaps best exemplified by these reports posted at GATA’s Internet site and his own,

I remember Arian, years ago, saying the workings of the CABAL, in suppressing silver and gold prices, is a better kept secret than the manhattan project!

5/18 Bix Weir – I’m A Crazy Silver Bug…Why Aren’t You?!!

I’m A Crazy Silver Bug…Why Aren’t You?!!

By Bix Weir

What do you think of the term “Crazy Silver Bug”? Sound familiar?

Let’s face it…it’s hard to be an investor in silver. Every day the financial media tells you that “It’s In A Bubble” and every day the price swings wildly in the wind as if someone were deliberately shaking the foundation upon which you built your investment decision (wink, wink). Rarely do they ever talk about the fundamentals of supply and demand influencing price. Nor do they talk about silver’s relationship to the mass printing of un-backed fiat currencies.

And don’t even TRY to talk to your friends and family about silver because there is no quicker way to alienate your loved ones. From Uncle Joe who lost his shirt in the real estate market to Aunt Martha who sunk everything she had into “Pets.Com” at the height of the internet bubble…they all claimed that they’ve learned the hard way that bubbles pop hard and you should run for the hills and get out of your silver investment.

What is it about this investment that automatically turns the world against you for even bringing up the subject?

I think it has something to do with the person delivering the message…YOU! That’s right, it’s all your fault! These people KNOW YOU. They’ve known you from when you were just a child. They’ve ridden your ups and downs and your failures validate and reinforce their ingrained belief that YOU are no different than THEM. If you were to be RIGHT in your assessment of silver from the very beginning it means that THEY were not able to see the same signs that were available to YOU. Many of them have even made investments in Gold but won’t buy ANY silver. So of course when silver went up near $50 you were VERY LUCKY to have gotten in early and when it fell back to $35 you were VERY DUMB to invest in that silver bubble.


Understanding silver is not difficult but ACTING upon your understanding and purchasing the physical metal is PSYCHOLOGICALLY a VERY difficult thing to do. You will always second guess the timing, always be told you are crazy for paying REAL MONEY for a piece of metal and ALWAYS be having to justify your ACTIONS to those who have taken NO ACTION.

It’s tough to be an investor in precious metals!

But it even goes further these days as it is EVEN MORE DIFFICULT to be an investor in SILVER rather than GOLD! All those “refined and established investors” in Gold have come out of the woodwork during the latest silver plunge and have said “I TOLD YOU SILVER WAS NOT A MONETARY METAL…JUST LOOK HOW FAR IT FELL COMPARED TO GOLD!” The Wall Street Journal even jumped on the band wagon and published this article about the Gold vs. Silver debate:

Why Gold Will Outshine Silver … 15614.html

I find it very telling that in this article the author lays out his case that the REASON gold will outperform silver is, essentially, that silver went up too high in price and then came down like a crashing tulip bubble. That’s pretty much his whole analysis and argument in the vast gold-silver debate. “Silver sucks because it’s too volatile and looked like a crashing bubble so STAY AWAY!!!”

No wonder our friends and family act the way they do…THERE IS NO HONEST REPORTING ON WHAT IS REALLY HAPPENING TO SILVER!

So now I’m going to lay out my reasons for owning silver over owning gold just for those of you thinking that silver is the wrong place to be. It seems the more the manipulation of silver drags on the longer this list gets! For those of you who have made the jump into silver I’d ask you to send this on to all those who have not had their SILVER AWAKENING yet. It might help them to “see the light”!

33 Reasons To Switch From Gold To Silver!

Due to the tiny size of the Silver market and the lack of physical Silver available to the manipulators, the Silver battle is much easier to win than Gold. Ted Butler’s discovery of massive Silver market manipulation should highlight the size, scope and importance of Silver to the current financial crisis.


Central banks have NO physical Silver to assist in the manipulation of the Silver market but they still have a lot of physical Gold (although much less than they claim).
The majority of Silver mined every year is consumed as an industrial metal in very small amounts and will never return to the market whereas the amount of above ground Gold grows year after year.
Silver has developed, due to its low price and superior physical properties, into a vital and necessary industrial commodity that makes it mandatory for modern life. If we woke up tomorrow and gold vanished from the face of the earth, life would continue pretty much as it was the day before. Without silver, modern life would change.
Due to the relative very low price of silver and very high price of gold, the man in the street, around the world, is in a position to buy silver in much greater quantities than gold.
In various forms there is an estimated 5B oz of above ground Gold and 5B oz of above ground Silver but Gold trades at $1400/oz and Silver trades for about $35/oz. Both metal prices are obviously manipulated but Silver appears to be manipulated more. As for Silver bullion that is “in play” for the manipulators, I estimate that less than 200M oz remain with a current market value less than $7B.
Silver has been in a supply deficit for over 50 years! Governments held approximately 10B oz of silver in 1950 and have been supplying that physical stock steadily into the market. Today there is no more of that surplus silver left to sell.
At current Silver consumption rates there are only 14 years of known Silver reserves remaining in the world. AFTER THAT SILVER WILL BE GONE FOREVER! Think about it. … -silve.pdf

Demand for Silver is “inelastic” in its industrial applications because it is used in such small quantities per application. An increase in price does not translate into a decrease in consumption.
The COMEX Silver short position is the largest concentrated short position of any commodity, on any exchange in the history of financial markets.
Throughout human monetary history the Silver to Gold ratio hovered in the 10-1 range until the invention of futures and options trading in metals. After the massive manipulation maneuvers by the Banking Cabal the silver-gold ratio now stands at over 40-1.
The US Dollar as defined in the Coinage Act of 1792 is Silver, not Gold, and contains “three hundred and seventy-one grains and four sixteenth parts of a grain of pure, or four hundred and sixteen grains of standard silver.”

Silver is massively under reported in the media vs. Gold. Even Jim Rogers, the commodity guru, purposefully ignores Silver entirely in his bestselling book “Hot Commodities” even though Silver exceeds all other commodities using his metrics on what makes a strong commodity.
Very few investors have physical Silver in their possession. Reasoning: because they claim it is “too hard to store”. Does that mean when Silver trades at over $1,000 oz people will be more willing to buy and store physical Silver? It is difficult to make up a more bullish argument to take delivery and store physical Silver TODAY…when the Cabal price rigging scam finally fails you can always buy your own Fort Knox to store all that pesky Silver you bought!
Gold’s strong fundamentals are only exceeded by Silver’s so when the gold manipulation stops and the Gold price takes off investors will be looking for the next under-priced investment with similar characteristics.
470M oz of Silver owned by the US Treasury and used in the Manhattan Project for the construction of the atom bomb have all been melted down and sold into the physical market to support the “Strong Dollar Policy”

The Great Silver Mystery…REVEALED!

Silver mineral deposits, as opposed to Gold, are usually very shallow in the earth’s crust due to the nature of the geology so most of the large deposits of Silver have probably already been found and/or already mined limiting future discoveries.
There is a significant problem with counterfeit Gold coins and bars because of its high price. Silver coins and small bars have not, to date, had as much of a counterfeiting issue because its price did not justify the effort. (although there is a problem with counterfeit Silver jewelry which may significantly suppress Silver scrap recovery in the future…oddly bullish by-product of counterfeiting Silver!)
The total dollar value of the Silver market is a fraction of the total dollar value of the Gold market.
Most flat screen televisions use Silver in their internal electronics/screens and the US transfer from analog to digital signals has increased the demand for flat screen TV’s.
Retail physical shortages of Silver are already beginning to appear around the world. The list of announced delays/curtailment by Government owned Mints now includes EVERY MAJOR SILVER COIN PRODUCING COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!
Hedge funds are bleeding from the credit crunch and they are looking for ways to save themselves. A single hedge fund can scoop up the remaining physical Silver and blow the price sky high.
In the US, Gold confiscation laws are still on the books but there are currently no silver confiscation laws.
As of early 2011 the Gold price is hovering around $1,400 or 165% of its historical high. Silver, on the other hand, is hovering around $35 or 70% of its historical high suggesting that Silver has a long way still to go.
Un-backed paper Silver programs such as silver certificates and unallocated pooled accounts are the “industry standard” these days and will be scrambling for metal when redemptions are called in by the investors. The most egregious example of fractional reserve silver is the iShares Silver ETF (SLV).
In the past few years the massive global money creation by central banks around the world has created huge reservoirs of cash sloshing around the asset markets looking for a safe haven. Although most mainstream press have discussed Gold as being a likely bucket to fill with this monetary firehouse, SILVER has all the same monetary metal properties as Gold except the Silver market is SO small it would be like FILLING A DIXIE CUP WITH THE FIREHOUSE!
The CFTC still has an open investigation into the manipulation of the SILVER market that is being conducted not by their investigative division but by the CFTC “Enforcement Division”. Although the final conclusions have been purposefully delayed by the CFTC, the final outcome may finally be the END OF THE 50 YEAR MANIPULATION OF THE SILVER MARKET!
During the CFTC hearing on metal position limits, GATA announced that a whistleblower has come forward with specific proof that JP Morgan was rigging the silver market. The next day he and his wife were rammed in their car in an attempted murder. The suspect was caught but the police are not giving out any information about the suspect or others that were involved.

The growth of emerging economies in Asia will require more and more industrial silver to build out their electric infrastructure and provide a higher standard of living for their middle class. In a global market that has been in a silver supply deficit for years a silver bidding war will result in order to obtain the significant amounts of silver needed.
The truth about gold and silver price manipulation is spreading like wildfire throughout the world with the help of the internet such that the Banksters “shabby secret” is no longer a secret.
There are currently multiple class action lawsuits that have been filed against JP Morgan for blatantly rigging the silver market. Given that JP Morgan has previously claimed immunity from legal prosecution because they are an agent of the US Government I doubt the suits will ever be brought to trial…BUT the publicity of them “claiming immunity” AGAIN will be the “silver shot heard around the world”.
The US Dollar has run its course as the world’s reserve currency. The entire global financial markets know this and are positioning themselves accordingly. The “Dollar End Game” for the United States has never been to transfer economic power to Eastern countries as the dollar dies but rather crash the global markets and start fresh with a new domestically centered economic model. That transition is upon us:

Inventors around the world are making significant breakthroughs in the attempt to solve our energy crisis. From fuel cells to solar power to zero point energies that existed only in our imaginations breakthroughs are quickly coming down the pike. Since silver is the BEST CONDUCTOR OF ELECTRICITY in the world it is likely that the most powerful breakthroughs will involve the special properties of silver.
If all these reasons are not enough for you to run out and buy all the physical silver you can get your hands on then I’m sure there will be new reasons not far off on the horizon. Because for the last 10 years this list has continued to GROW…RELENTLESSLY!

It’s true that there are “NO SURE THINGS” in life…but an investment in SILVER comes DARN CLOSE! Yes, you’ll have to ride the tidal wave of price manipulation but when the waves die down you will fully appreciate the power and value of SILVER.

Don’t believe the silver haters…load up on physical silver and keep it out of the hands of those who want to control it. Take it home and stick it in your safe. It may be your last chance!

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

“recently Joseph P. Farrel have been talking a lot about evidences of a secret reserves of gold for funding black projects.”

how recent is recent Edu? I’ve no time to read more FARREL… Babylons Banksters told Me all I needed to know about HIM…
and now this could be confirming it, don’t know for sure yet still kinda in the wait and see file and thats why I had not mentioned HIM in this thread yet but now perhaps Your reinforcing what I said above…

I will add a little bit, if that’s OK. I know I kind of sparked this by recommending the book Babylon’s Banksters to Don, and he posted about it. I am reading Farrell’s new book now, that came out a few weeks ago, Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations: The Secret Space Program, Celestial Psyops and Hidden Conflicts . I think it’s pretty good. I have never met Farrell, and I am not saying this in order to reflexively defend my BS (belief system), but I think that he is legit. I haven’t read all of his books, and I only watched a couple of his videos on you tube, be he seems like a real dude, from my gut reaction, from my perspective. But I could be totally wrong of course. To me, he seems like a researcher connecting the dots. Farrell footnotes all of his points, and meticulously documents all of his sources. Even if he is not legit, Don recommends that we can often find actionable intelligence in sources that are somewhat suspect. [BTW I had been communicating with Don about a project, and I know that he hasn’t received my last few emails due to hacking. The hacking of emails between EW posters is real.]

I must admit I am looking forward to the sequel of Babylon’s Banksters which will be coming out later this year, Financial Vipers of Venice: Alchemical Money, Magical Physics, and Banking in the Middle Ages and Renaissance . I don’t have a lot of time to research conspiracy history like I used to, because I am studying Japanese and working on several creative projects that are quite time consuming, but I do take time to read the new books by Farrell. I will share some interesting tidbits that I have found so far in Covert Wars

From the book I have learned about Operation Bernhard. In this project the Nazis engaged in financial warfare against the British by counterfeiting British currency, but to make the counterfeits so good that the British government could not tell the forgeries from the authentic currency. But the Nazis needed a distribution network for their forgeries. Citing Anthony Pirie, Farrell writes,

Ultimately, distribution fell to Friedrich Paul Schwend, a German businessman with contacts throughout the world, including China, and, of course like so
many German international businessmen, South America. Because of his experience, Schwend came to the attention of, and eventually acted as a
consultant, to Reichsmarschal Hermann Goering in his capacity of overseer of the Reich’s Four Year economic plans. It was Schwend, in fact, who first
proposed that the Operation Bernhard facsimiles be used to fund covert intelligence operations on a worldwide scale, though this was not immediately acted
Nonetheless, Schwend persisted, even pointing out that by using such facsimiles as a basis for funding of covert activity, Nazi intelligence would be free of
any reliance upon state financing; it would have its own independent mechanism of finance,
and to that end, he proposed a vast network of “agencies,
sub-agencies, and representatives” all coordinated from a central office, a “sort of international bank” based upon counterfeiting and facsimile money, a
shadow “Bank of England, Nazi Branch!” At one point, this network even included Yugoslavia’s partisans, from whom the SS would purchase arms, using
the forged facsimile notes! (Farrell 2012, 17-19).

Then in Chapter 2 Farrell explores some recent bearer bond scandals, and how they may relate to the above operation. In 2009, two men with Japanese passports were caught in Italy with 134.5 Billion dollars of Fake bearer bonds. But were they really fake? And why were the men released without charges, if they were counterfeit? Some of the bonds were in the denomination of one billion dollars, and bearing the picture of President Kennedy! The reverse side had pictures of the moon and the space shuttle! But if it is not a bond that exists in reality, why would someone create a forgery of it??? Also detailed are an Italian bearer bond scandal, and all of them involved Federal Reserve bearer bonds dated to 1934, and some of them inside Federal Reserve strong boxes!

I am giving just a very brief overview of Chapter 1-2, because that is how far I’ve read. I’m only reading a tiny bit each day because I have a lot of work to do right now. But it is a cool book and very interesting… I am proffering these comments to address Gare’s questions to Edu as to what Farrell has published lately. I am sharing this respectfully, to add some information to the discussion.

Recently I read Margaret Atwood’s The Year of the Flood , which was the sequel to Oryx and Crake . Those are both good books too!

Jack, I think Edu was referring to FARELL’s s blog spot and I was simply
asking Edu how recent that THEY were supposedly selling hidden gold to finance BLACK PROJECTS…

as You may know since October the CABAL has been assaulting the metals ferociously but only by
Selling PAPER CONTRACTS and using DISINFORMATION reporting by financial commentators etc…

I’m looking for information, since Edu brought it up, to confirm My suspicions that FARELL is CIA…

for the metals to be assaulted like this is unprecedented … Gold and silver are the canary in the coal mine…
THEY have to kill the barometer of financial health, specially when We see QE to infinity and the world is effectively
In a depression…

When it comes to buying physical metal, during price takedowns like these, what happens is dealer premiums simply go up
and mints shut down suspending production/sales like the US MINT did last month with silver eagles…

Yes I was talking about the blog spot. Actually it’s not about selling gold, it’s about using it for backing money printing for black projects via the use of uncommon bearer bonds, wich could be denied as counterfeiting case they were discovered.

Here it’s were all started, back in april 2011 (ok not so recent hehe my mistake here)

April 25, 2011 By Joseph P. Farrell

There are actually LOTS of posts about subject. Here are the oldest ones, last page of the “bearer bonds” search. Them keep advancing until the first page. Many similar incidents occured indicating the existence of such covert system of finance.

There are many posts also about countries asking their physical gold back!

It’s not a matter of super abundance of gold. The matter is the fact that no one really knows how much gold really exists at all, because such black system of finance could use this gold reserves for printing money over, and over, and over, to the point that all that really exists is PAPER!

About Farrel being CIA, I’m 100% sure hes is not. Just my opinion. He might swallow some disinfo eventually, but he has been very carefull with his researches all from well documented material, not from “whistle blowers” like shills do. I also note that he isn’t agressive toward purchasing metals, he is just mindfull about the oddities surroung gold and actually he has been very interested in bringing the discussion of what kind of is the best.

I also watched many of his video blogs ( the Nefarium). He shows many signs of the kind of psy harassment we all suffer. Sometimes he looks pretty beaten. And it hasn’t been uncommon to see him commenting how hard it was for him to record his videoblogs to due to computer and internet malfunctioning. Pretty familiar not? He also had problems with trolling in his posts comments, another dynamic we are pretty familiar with.

Watch just the one and a half minute of his last video blog and you will see what i’m talking about:

Not defending my BS hehehe (nice way to put that Jack!)

Thx Edu, actually april 2011 is not recent at all, considering the subject of the CABAL manipulating the metals for eons…
april '11 is exactly the date I was looking for [Image Can Not Be Found]
it’s quite common for People to talk about gold when really all Their referencing is PAPER which of course has been the CABALS mo all along…

initially the main FAMILY wasn’t called the ROTHSCHILDS, that was just a name THEY chose around the 1500’s when THEY were in Germany selling gold and silver … THEY bought a large acreage that had a huge secure barn on it that had a huge red door… They named THEMSELVES ROTHSCHILD or the RED SHIELD FIRM, I don’t know much of the German language but I take it red shield translates into ROTHSCHILD in German? Anyways that’s where THEY started issuing PAPER receipts for actual bullion stored in THEIR red shield barn…
The rest of the story is easy to see where We are today but there is no prec metal backing for any PAPER period since 1971… Bearer bonds or otherwise…
actually it was just last week that Russia started issuing gold backed bonds!

The world knows exactly how much gold there is 150,000 tonnes officially has been mined and it is all still here… Unofficial there is most likely multiples of that…

Again the key is silver not gold!

Silvers all time high was roughly $50.00 an ounce set in January '80 then 31 years later silver threatened to surpass
that high on April 29 2011 when it soared to 49.50+. that’s when he CABAL pulled out all THEIR stops by issuing untold amounts of PAPER silver
and had ALL THEIR SCHILLS and finance commentators(CIA authors with blog spots included) talk the metals down, they always concentrate on gold cause there is no silver and silver is such a small market that few participate in it… By getting gold down silver gets hit more cause they trade together… silver has still not recovered from the April 2011 smash and the recent smash were in right now is just a continuation of the spring '11 smashdown…

MONEY is printed by issuing DEBT period that’s all, in the USA, congress authorizes the treasury to issue BONDS which the FED then buys with MONEY that THEY create out of thin air… then the American taxpayers are on the hook for paying it back plus interest… of course congress could issue THEIR own interest free MONEY, like Lincoln and Kennedy did but They were both murdered for doing so…printing MONEY has nothing to do with gold backing in any COUNTRY on earth since at least 1971…

it seems to Me the more We get into FARELL the more HE fits the profile of a paid for CIA DISINFORMATION …. of course any profile of DISINFO is always accompanied by 90% truth…
what better way to slip in the 10% DISINFO then from a top researcher and AUTHOR that documents everything?

Don first told Me bout FARELL over a year ago and when I was looking for a place to buy Babylon’s BANKSTERS, found a blog talking bout FARELL being CIA, I emailed Don about it and He never replied so I initially thought that was par for the course for the CIA to slip in a blog like that to discredit someone who was working for the light… after reading the book My gut told Me otherwise but I was obviously the only Warrior that felt that way so kept My mouth shut bout it till now…

it was strange how that blog came up in My search kind of like the way Orgonite kept coming up
when I was researching 9/11 and other stuff in late 01 early 02… I originally intended to put this into Gares post in the tips and stragedy column but omitted it cause was just to strange this I can only put down to being directed by the Operators…

it was Tom Nerbas who first told Me about Orgonite and Don and Carol, Don might remember Tom cause He used to email Don from Calgary telling of the BLACK HELICOPTERS that showed up soon as He erected His c/b and THEY kept flying over His property….

but at the time I was too concerned about zappers(started out making My Own ala HuLDA CLARK) but the Operators finally got Me on track by having it keep coming up in My searches so I decided to try it and the rest is history…

“In the last 10 years the central banks have effectively shown that when there is a real crisis the price of gold actually goes down. And, it becomes so blatant, it is a joke!” … Peter George, speaking at GATA’s Gold Rush 21 conference in Dawson City, August, 2005.

Peter George was MURDERED on the weekend PAPERS said was due to complications from CANCER… He was 70 yrs old

Peter was known as mr. gold of south africa…

Hi Gare,

Seems you are reading GATA too.

Rothschild means red shield, right. Rothschild is oldfashioned, now you would write “rot”, but no big deal. As I see it, there are still the Rockefellers, Warburg and probably some more families, since
thousands of years the same guys, changing place, but same means of control.
The sams symbols since thousands of years. So the Rothschilds are not the beginning of the big theft, just some step inbetween.

Now they added tecnological means, but unfortunately for them the lower part of the pyramide uses them too and gets more and more sophisticated…

I wanted to add that the russians are very aware about the big financial theft, they attended at a GATA conference in about 2005 and began buying gold afterwards. Right, silver is scare relatively to gold, but gold is scare too relatively to the flood of unbacked money, and the independent central banks accumulate gold. So silver is the weak link, but gold is more obvious and also a relatively weak link. Possibly there is enough gold, but in which hands? The cabal has not much left to throw it on the market, they even steal it in the open daylight to push the price down (i.e.Lybia), and gold is also being pushed down massively via futures.
One thing is obvious, as long as we can buy 50 times more silver than gold for the same amount of unbacked phoney FIAT money, lets buy silver. It will hurt the cabal more.

One more thing regarding the cabal, the dollar and gold:

Lately there are a couple of deals between Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, India and the like doing either barter or settling their trades in gold, which massively undermines the dwindling power of the USD. The petrodollar will soon be history. With it, due to its still high weight in the financial markets worldwide, all other paper currencies will be destroyed and for a while, possibly gold might be a relatively solid alternative. The Euro has, besides being totally unbacked like all other currencies, one special problem, which many financial wrighters from other regions are not aware of:

The Euro is an artificial construct to enslave whole Europe, as a step to the one-world-gouvernment, but is will break apart due to inner tensions. Germanys economy is not like the one in Portugal, for instance, and Germany cannot have a stronger DM just as Portugal cannot weaken its escudo, cause they are in Euro prison, which leads to over time mounting tensions, there is no way to get steam out of this problem but to let one day the euro crack.


tY Habibi, it’s nice to see someOne on here who also follows these very important happenings

what I found interesting bout Libya and is never mentioned anywhere is first Chavez demands repatriation of Venezuela’s gold, 130 tonnes, within weeks Libya
is invaded, Kadaffi killed and all the gold stolen which was exactly as reported 130 tonnes… few weeks later Chavez gets Venezuela’s gold back lol

if dots are not allowed to be put together there simply is no connection lol

yes, Andrey Bykov, president Putin’s economic advisor and media mogul attended gata’s gold rush 21 conference in dawson city, summer of '05, price of gold at the time was $435 within 3 mnths the price leaped to $730.00 no doubt cause of Russian and Chinese buying… all the gold is leaving the western CENTRAL BANK vaults and entering the east… thailand, where I live, is now the 10th largest holder of gold in the world!
[Image Can Not Be Found]

You can certainly see that after the yukon conference that Russia’s reserves started to increase dramatically…
btw the chinese know exactly what the russians know and have been quietly powering their gold reserves higher, expect to see a gold backed yuan(renminbi) emerge within the next 2 years or less probably a ruble to, together?

yes silver! not only a monetary metal, like gold, but also the most important industrial metal on earth, unlike gold…
all the silver that has ever been mined is gone sitting in landfills full of used cell phones and big screen TV’s, computers etc
there are very few pure silver mines in the world as it is a by-product of base metal mining…

this 50-1 silver to gold ratio is unsustainable and will for sure revert back to its historical ratio of 10-15 to 1… by 2020, I beleive that silver has a real shot of being equal to gold in price!

because of the ridiculous 50-1 ratio right now the same amount of investment $'s that flow into gold are also flowing into silver! this can not continue and it is looking more and more now that We have seen the lows of this latest 22 mnth PAPER smash of ridiculous MANIPULATION

yes the problem with the EURO and the mistake countries made joining it is that THEY gave away THEIR printing presses, cept for the WHORE OF BABYLON’S land which retained the right to print POUNDS…

only reason the EURO is getting all attention right now is to keep pressure off the US $, and it’s going up right now over 82 cents on the US$ index
but I figure that is the FEDS deflation scare, even though THEY are printing TRILLIONS of US$'s THEY are giving them all to prop up the BANKS cause of THEIR toxic assets… of course the BANKS are just sitting on that free money and not lending it putting the world into a depression…

it’s the flow(velocity) of MONEY that has slowed to a trickle cause BANKS just won’t lend only want to make it appear that THEIR balance sheets are stronger
than they are… as long as the flow of MONEY is stopped or slowed down We can not have hyper-inflation yet and the risk of deflation abounds…

but at some point the FED will go from printing a few trillion to printing a few hundred trillion then We either have the result of hyper-inflation or the PETRO $ collapses altogether cause world won’t want it anymore instead trading for gold and silver or another new reserve CURRENCY that has precious metal convertability…

Yes Gare,

It’s the low velocity of money that prevents the breakdow, so far.

You seem to know a lot, so let me give you some insight to Germany:

The German population is very aware about what is going on in the financial world, relative to the rest of the world. My guess is that 1-2% of the population are gold (silver) bugs, combined Germany, the german speaking parts of Swizzerland and Austria buy most of the gold (silver) in whole Europe. Don’t ask me why, go over to France or Italy and they don’t know anything about the financial system or gold.

Germany itself, to the contrary, is not really a country, it is an institution called “Bundesrepublik Deutschland Finanzagentur GmbH”. They never printed their own money, guess why Germany has so much dept despite its strong economy? Decades of positive export balance in the billions – gone. The German gold – stolen, sold since a long time over swaps. Germany has no constitution and is officially still in war, we never got a peace contract. This is the sad state os a nation, where in my own shop they hang flyer claiming: “Germany must be destroyed” and nobody cares a shit due to brainwash. Who distributes those flyers? Payed ultraleftwing -radicals, payed from the “gouvernment”, which owes protecting Isreal instead of their population…
Giving money, stolen from hard working Germans that reproduce with only 1,3 kids/women (even less, b’cause many with German passport are and feel actually Turkish) because they cannot afford kids any more, this money is being given to everywhere.
The task of the institutions is to give it away, and they do it.

Criminal foreigners are invited and receive money and help in abundance, all the “good” foreigners are not welcome, those who work are being sent back to their home county. They could contribute something positive…
if a foreigner kills a German, this is not a crime, the courts will leave him free or they will give the smalles possible punishment…
The media is completely under zionistic control…

And there is a special treatment, chemtrailwise. They are harmful over here, a lot! We had an epidemic flu after months of heavy spraying, it was the same desease everywhere. Nearly no sun for 3 months too, on the clear days now you can count the trails. A couple of hundred per hour are not unusual.

If this sounds pessimistic, it is not meant to be so. There are many positive developements, hopefully also induced though orgonite. The best developement is, they lost the control over the wheather. The clouds move again since a couple of years, and sylphs are a normal thing in the sky. there are no draughts any more and in the well busted regions even crimes are more rare. The only promlem in winter minths: chemtrails are being transfomed into clouds, then there will be snow (very good thing) – but no sun at all, because the spraying never stops. I will have to do much more to bring the sun back in winter time!

So all in all a very diverge image, maybe interesting for someone.

I just wanted to give anyone some inside – any comments are welcome.


Wow habibi and congratulations, You and others have done a lot of gifting in Germany, thank You! It is obvious by the number of SPEW-overs Germany is experiencing! I’ve only ever seen that in My home province of CANADA… Saskatchewan and in particular Regina that has receive untold of 10’s of thousands of tb’s… Not being knowingly psychic I had to make up for it in huge numbers

Was due to spend a 12 hr layover in Frankfurt, end of next month, but decided to forego My already paid for business class flight in lieu of joining up with another large scale eW Member for gifting a brand new, never before gifted by Us, country in se Asia [Image Can Not Be Found]. plus I have the best reason in the world to stay close to Thailand now and will post bout Him one day soon [Image Can Not Be Found]

Austria not sure about but do know that Switzerland does 80% of all the gold refining in the world! 4 of the largest refiners are all in Switzerland with 3 of them in that southern hilly area bordering Italy, Ticino… I think the reason Switzerland was chosen for the gold refineries was the secrecy of its BANKing laws and reporting requirements… Iow nobody knows which countries the gold comes from and to where it goes after refinement… those 4 large refiners were owned by Swiss BANKS back in the 40’s…

ZIONISTIC control is more than apparent in n america as well [Image Can Not Be Found]. that was obviously the ROTHSCHILDS intention all along, to make it appear that All the real POWER in the world resides with a NATION that didn’t even have THEIR Own land so had to steal it from perhaps the world’s most oppressed People in earth…the Palestinians…. I’ve never believed that HITLER exterminated 7 million JEWS and am a big believer in revisionist history… Is too bad that the German People are still paying for this non-existent crime [Image Can Not Be Found]. can You imagine the absurdity of the whole argument … millions of Jews were Z gassed through a door that was barely 2 feet square! those supposed gas chambers were used for delousing clothing nothing more! is absolutallt preposterous but this isn’t the place for that discussion sorry but it had to be said, it boils My blood the absurdity of it all.,.

yes Regina had a similar problem during the winter Habibi ie: seemingly easier for THEM to control the weather during winter… believe that Dave K and I solved that problem just this past
summer with the new larger earth pipes We are making now…

heard that regina has 5’ of snow on the roofs! My Bro from toontown(Saskatoon) don’t believe it but said toon has 3 ft snow… I don’t doubt regina has that much just from how much more Orgonite We’ve gifted there over toon…

We always made earth pipes, for many years, but were using plugs dropped in open ended pipes and posts and they did work to some degree but no where near cutting up galvanized pipe and sledging those in, yes!!! That is the way to go for sure… Never liked plugs than You can only put them in open pipes where yOu happen to find them… Not good… has been Our experience