Ineresting Slant on History of Gold/Silver Money

The cacaphony of doomsaying around the present economic adjustment, signified by America/UK’s sudden removal from the top of the international-finance dungheap, caused me to start looking around for alternative sources of information

Jack Marshak recommended Babylon’s Banksers, by Joseph Farrell, a few weeks ago and I downloaded it from onto my Kindle (LOVE that thing!)

I’ve gotten through over half the book and have only yesterday found a ‘hook,’ which is what I call an author’s personal axe to grind and/or an author’s CIA/theosophy/freemasonry disinformation connection. I’m sort of thinking that it’s the former in his case: a deep hatred of ‘monotheism.’

On the plus side, he seems to clearly see China’s new, pivotal role in global finance and also seems to believe that China is making WWIII more and more unlikely to happen as the Babylon Banksters’ erstwhile empire continues to crumble. He sees it as an inevitable stage of a cycle and illustrates that with some very convincing material. I like that he constantly credits other authors and scholars, too. I get a little miffed by the way some folks bend the knee to loudmouthed plagiarists, these days. I think that not much credit at all is due to any plagiarist.

He and others have determined that the bullion brokers in Babylonian and Egyptian times made vast fortunes scurrying back and forth between those and the Greek empires and China back in the day. See, China figured that silver was worth more than gold and the rest considered gold to be worth more than silver.

These scholars and authors tell that before precious metals were used as money, all trading was done on the basis of food that was stored by the state. Ceramic ‘notes’ that corresponded to the value of the stored food were handed out by the governments in each case. This didn’t allow for ‘international’ trade, though, and it’s said that some governments issued more notes than the stored food could account for, so enter the bullion merchants, who promised to supply silver and gold in the correct amount, which was made into coins in the temples and stamped with the image of one or another god or (later on) emperor. It became ‘unthinkable’ to use any money except these sanctioned coins.

In another stage in some empires, the silver and gold was put in a ‘safe place’ and promisory notes were issued on it by the state. Invariably, more notes were issued than the supply of metal.

The way they tell it, before the bullion merchants attempted to infiltrate the temples and turn them into banks, they first engineered a monopoly on gold and silver by taking control of all the mines. They then contrived to buy puppet kings and emperors with their gold, who then supplied an endless supply of slaves, gotten from managed (by the bullion brokes) wars, which were generally conducted as religious exercises. They used mercenaries to oversee the slaves at the mines and the mercenaries were from other countries so that the slaves couldn’t communicate with them. Typically, slaves in the mines were worked to death as quickly as possible.

There are some sketchy parts to the book but the author insists that the same families that were the bullion merchants in ancient times later became the corporate world order, which sort of ‘flowered’ in London after the Venetian banksters moved there in the 1600s.

By the way, all that was going on a long, long time before there were any Jews

I’m tossing this out as something for you to digest. I don’t know if any of it is true but it seems more real to me (except for the hatred of monotheism [Image Can Not Be Found] ) than any of the ceaseless clamor that I’m hearing from the bullion-broker Chicken Littles, these days, which is the same tired song they’ve been singing since 1988.

Apologies to anyone whose nose is out of joint. Please do buy all the silver and gold you want! No harm in that. The end of the dollar’s hegemony seems like a cause for celebration to me, though. Have you taken a good look at the US dollar bill? It’s got more satanic symbolism on it than a mason’s funny party dress does. ‘In God we Trust.’ What ‘god’ are they talking about? Moloch?


For me, a lot of new puzzle pieces have been falling into place while reading the book. I hadn’t come across any new conspiracy info in a long time. The plagiarizing disinformants are vehemently rehashing stuff from the 1980s, meanwhile, and pretending that London is still in the driver seat. They all ignore China, of course.

The author noted that all the coins in Europe throughout the middle ages were minted in Constantinople, partly due to the fact that Rome had been sacked enough that the Eastern Empire had a lot more economic clout by then. He also noted that the big ‘crusade’ of the 13th century was for the purpose of sacking Constantinople and the resounding success of that one probably made it possible for the Turks to take the city a couple of centuries later. I think Hyperion might be able to shed more light on that period of history.

Eustace Mullins arranged for me to have all of his books after I sent him a zapper a couple of years ago. I never found a ‘hook’ in his work until I read, ‘The Curse of Canaan,’ so it threw me for a loop to find out that he was quite prejudiced against people of color, women and Jews. His other books are absolutely worth studying, in my opinion. I think a similar situation exists with Fritz Springmeier. I need to get some of his books because he did a good job exposing the CIA’s involvement with large scale pedophelia, on behalf of many federal politicians and bureaucrats, and the wholesale slaughter of small children since their inception in 1947. Springmeier was released from prison shortly after Alejandro and I pitched orgonite around his last known federal prison facility, then he moved to Japan. Springmeier had never committed a crime, of course.

The other book Jack recommended to me is The Fourth Reich, by Jim Marrs, who is an author I like a lot. Farrell quotes that book in Babylon’s Banksters and claims that there’s a huge Nazi lab in Patagonia, near the town of San Carlos de Bariloche, which I see is at the base of the eastern slope of the Andes. I wonder if Alejandro was prevented from getting into Argentina from Chile with a truckload of orgonite because the Nazis were afraid he was going to take care of that place

Thanks, Jack!


Don you are right on target with findings about gold/silver stuff and other info.
I read another book on this sucject:
Stephen A. Zarlenga – The Lost Science of Money (2002)
and it confirms what you mentioned (anyway it’s excellent book on money topic and shows what shitbirds bankers try to erease/hid from public view in order to keep their scam rolling).

I suggest you read it, or listen to audio book version.
Here is a link to torrent:

I’m sure I want to read this. Farell wrote another interesting one “The secret weapons” of the Third Reich. Also quite interesting.

Hey Aloha Don & everyone else.

I just finished Babylon’s Banksters a few days ago, so I will weigh in with a book report.

I was reading a book on the plays of Bertolt Brecht but had to put it down for a minute while I read Farrell.

…OK, so Don gave some interesting tidbits from the book, but I will reveal a little more, but not too much, because there are some really fascinating concepts that I don’t want to give away or spoil…

Now the book presupposes a familiarity with Joseph Farrell’s other books, and he references his own work a fair bit.
I had only read 1 of his other books: The SS Brotherhood of the Bell . Having read that helped me to understand some of the advanced physics and paleophysics concepts discussed in the Banksters book. I recommend that one in getting an idea of some advanced technology that was going on in Nazi experiments with the Bell device.

After reading this one I will be checking out more of Farrell’s work. But Don told me to be sure to read many authors so that we can get a broader vision that focusing on one person too much does not provide…

So the full title will give you an idea about this book:

Babylon’s Banksters
The Alchemy of Deep Physics, High Finance and Ancient Religion
An Essay Concerning the Relationships Between Aether Physics, Economics,
Astrology, Alchemy, Geomancy, Ancient Temples, and the Politics of Suppression

!! !!

The prologue concerns possible economic warfare between China and the West, with some interesting connections.

Part 1, in pages 46-48 discusses very high technology from a previous civilization, that was lost, and preservation was attempted by these high societies. Farrell coined the term Paleo-physics to explain advanced physics that is beyond our current understanding, but not beyond the understanding of our ancestors. For example, ancient feats of engineering, E.G. Giza or the stones @ Baalbeck. Using the most sophisticated technology today, WE CANNOT RE-CREATE THE GIZA PYRAMID. So how are we to expect that the ancients constructed Giza with logs and ropes?? [Image Can Not Be Found]

Mr. Farrell explored these concepts in his previous series of books, the Giza Death Star Trilogy , which I am going to check out some time…

Then there is a brief discussion of the Bilderburg group, and Farrell cites Estulin and others at length. He discusses Nazi Martin Bormann doing business out in the open and with his own name, well after WW2. He finds that perhaps the name of the group did not really come from the name of the hotel they first met at, but may actually come from something else. Quoting Estulin, Babylon’s Banksters page 67:

Most reports contend the original members named their alliance the Bilderberg Group after the hotel where they made their covenant. Author Gyeorgos C. Hatonn, however, discovered that German-born Prince Bernhard was an officer in the Reiter SS Corp in the early 1930s and was on the board of an I.G. Farben subsidiary, Farben Bilder. In his book, Rape of the Constitution; Death of Freedom, Hatonn claims Prince Bernhard drew on his Nazi history in corporate management to encourage the "super secret policy-making group to call themselves the Bilderbergers after Farben Bilder, in memory of the Farben executives’ intiative to organize Heinrich Himmler’s “Circle of Friends” – elite wealth-building leaders who amply rewarded Himmler for his protection under National Socialist programs, from the early days of Hitler’s popularity through to Nazi Germany’s defreat. The royal Dutch family discreetly buried this part of Prince Bernhard’s background when, after the war, he became a tp official in Royal Dutch Shell, a Dutch-British conglomerate. Today, this rich European oil company forms part of the inner circle of the Bilderberg elite. (Farrell 67)

Then there is a discussion of financial ups and downs, and how they correspond to astrological configurations.

Then a discussion of advanced and suppressed physics of Dr. Hartmut Muller, Dr. Ronald Richter, & Nikola Tesla.

Next we come to Part 2, exploring the relationship of the Temples, the Stars, & the Banksters,

which Don touched upon…

Page 166-167 discusses how quartz was mined with gold, and page 167 -169 explores The Bishara Mines and cites the writings of Diodorus Siculus. This is something else Don mentioned.

I hope that somebody can get over there very historic mines and hammer in some earthpipes because slaves were worked to death in these minds continuously for HUNDREDS OF YEARS. That is some bad juju for sure and there have to be some pained spirits down there.

Now page 176-185 are going to be particularly interesting to gifters who work with stones.

There are some ideas presented of stones used for invisibility, magnetic levitation or anti-gravity, then light-absorbing and emitting stones, particularly Brazilian diamonds, & then the breastplate of the Hebrew High Priest, the Ephod.

Interesting for sure!

I believe that I have seen a discussion of the gemstones used in the Ephod in one of Chris Everard’s documentaries, maybe Spiritworld 1 or Spiritworld 2

After a bit we get to chapter 6, which explores the alchemy of stars and the banksters…

Now page 217 we get to a fascinating exploration of music theory…

Now I am only an amateur musician, so I am having trouble wrapping my head around this part of the book. Perhaps a music major would grasp it more readily.


Then in Part 3 the book gets REALLY interesting.

Part 3 explores sacred sites, Earth grid theories, energy vortexes, and the scalar design of ancient temples.

Farrell puts forward that the design of temples, using the Golden Mean of Phi, had a TECHNOLOGICAL purpose!!

What was the purpose? I don’t want to give that away. Read the book.


Chapter 8 gets into Ancient Rome and there are some really interesting ideas here.

I studied Latin in high school, and a little bit in college, and the ideas that Farrell presents on Roman history vis a vis Babylon are compelling, to say the least.

Page 278-282 gets back into musical theory and cosmic harmonic theory i.e. the music of the spheres, and it is quite interesting. I am going to really have to think about this to get it.

[takes me back to reading Cicero’s Somnium Scipionis ]

The final chapter ties it all together, and then we finish with several pages of works cited…

All in all, a good and quick read… 5 Stars!

*** Hey Don, looking over the book, I wasn’t able to find, from my perspective, that the author was particularly against monotheism…Is there a specific page or passage you can point out? I am not asking to be argumentative, but so that I can see something I might have missed with the first look… ***

Dragonkiller, I initially thought that Zarlenga was quoted as a source, but looking back, was not. I’ll have to look into that book as well, so thank you for mentioning it.

If I had to find a negative for this book, it is that there is no index.

Farrell points out that anytime a leader tries to go back to a state created currency, rather than a debt-based FACSIMILE of money, they are assassinated by the Banksters, E.G. Lincoln & his Greenbacks, or Kennedy, who was about to print some money that was not through the Federal Reserve.

Farrell draws a distinction between money created by the state, and Federal NOTES which are not money, but an ersatz simulacrum of money…

I picked up a copy of “Babylon’s Banksters” when Don mentioned it in the chat, because I was immediately taken by the subtitle “The Alchemy of Deep Physics, High Finance and Ancient Religion.”

I thought the author Joseph Farrell very convincingly showed how the “Western” or “modern world view” is actually a controlled mental landscape created over time by early Romans, the Banksters and the so called “Illuminati”.

I’ve been wondering over the past year about the difference between the traditional, indigenous worldview and the “modern,” “Western” belief system.

I think the main difference is the “modern” world view has a foundational belief in secular humanism.

Eustace Mullins also described how the early Banksters created and promoted secular humanism as a way to domesticate and mentally enslave the indigenous people of Europe.

Secular humanism promotes the idea that there is no order except what humans make and bring to the world. In that unordered, chaotic world, terrible events can happen out of the blue at any moment. It’s up to humans to create the protection from that chaos.

The thinking goes that if you can’t order the universe yourself, which you probably can’t, then you need someone really powerful who can protect you.

Farrell shows pretty clearly how the banksters and their governments want us to believe the world is a random, fearful, chaotic place, so we will pay tribute to an authority that will keep the world “safe” and “ordered” around us.

I even think the idea of God as an old man with a beard on a cloud is probably related to secular humanist thinking, as this picture misrepresents a divine being as a single, outside authority lording over us.

Recently we were listening to Hitchhikers Guide the Galaxy and the description of Oolon Colluphid’s philosophical blockbusters, “Where God Went Wrong” and “Who is this God Person Anyway?” My 7 year old announced, “those are grown up jokes. First of all, God NEVER makes a mistake. And second of all, God is NOT a person. God is…. the clouds…everything.”

Early on in Babylon’s Banksters Farrell cites the work of Dewy & Dakin who came upon and explored the idea that every possible thing or event in the world falls into a pattern.

At the request of Herbert Hoover, Dewey and Dakin set out to understand economic cycles. Using the massive data available to them by the US gov’t, they graphed just about everything, and came to the conclusion that everything, everything, everything in the world falls into and follows predictable patterns. Their book is “Cycles: The Science of Prediction,”published in 1947.

Dewey and Dakin said they didn’t understand WHY everything falls into patterns, but it clearly does, without exception.

Dewey & Dakin showed in graphs that we clearly DO NOT live in a random, chaotic, unordered world. There is no possible event that does not fall into a greater pattern. There is no grand, luciferic gesture that does not succumb to the greater plan.

I think the Cards Of Destiny (……adings.php ) illustrate the interplay between the fated path and free will very well. These cards show a detailed, fated, life-path, for each birthday in the year. But how one travels the path is up to the individual.

I think these patterns all around us represent the divine structure of the world. Each individual trend, plant, economy, entity or being makes the journey in a unique way, and adds beauty by exerting free will and deviating from the path to some extent. But, the pattern is always there. The pattern always prevails.

I came to the conclusion the indigenous people of the world feel that pattern all around them and recognize it as something sacred that speaks to us though everything and guides us. So they don’t need the Banksters and their governments and corporations for guidance and protection.

I recently learned the word “health” comes from the indigenous, Anglo Saxon word “healu”, which means life force, and is basically the same as Mana or chi. The indigenous Europeans were well aware of the divine power source of the world.

It seems that is why the Romans worked so hard to wipe out the indigenous culture of Europe and why the current world governments are so threatened by people living in indigenous culture. Balanced Indigenous cultures simply don’t buy into the bogus tenets of Bankster’s fabricated, terrifying world.

And so I understand Farrell’s point why the Bankster so badly don’t want anyone on the planet to understand the real, deep physics of the world.

Scientists who come in contact with real physics start proving an ordered existence of the world that is greater and deeper than anything any secular humanist could dream up. The real order is deeply beautiful. Populations with access to real science start realizing that truth really is beauty.

  • Hawthorn

Well said Hawthorn!

I also enjoyed the book quite a bit and look forward to reading a few of his other offerings.

FYI, Dr. Farrell maintains an entertaining and informative website that he updates on an almost daily basis. Enjoy!


Thanks very much, Hawthorne and Toby.

Gare has been hawking the idea that silver will soon be the new gold and that certainly fits with Farrell’s historic data about silver being more precious in China, considering Peking’s new role as director of the globe’s economy and politics.

Indigenous Europeans, even up through the Renaissance, still understood and respected the order of things in a visceral way. Not even churchianity tried to wipe that out (Rome vamped all the traditional belief systems in its path) but secular humanism succeeded, in the 1800s, in doing that, as you say and achieved dazzling, temporary success with the 20th century dictatorships: US, Germany, Britain, Italy, Russia, China. The brain police prevailed and people were eagerly self-regulating in their conformity. All that remains of that in America, at least, are the few white liberals who actually believe that Obama is more than the bankster’s jive-talking shill. Reminds me of Henry Luce’s (Time Magazine) publicized comment in the 1930s that he like to hire communist writers because they worked so cheaply. Ideologues only want to push their liberal (secular humanist) agenda, which serves the banksters in a tidy way.

One outcome I’ve noticed is that white liberals have a new word for ‘denial:’ ‘analytical.’ [Image Can Not Be Found] and the banksters also established Theosophy in the 1800s to soak up all the discontents who were tired of churchianity but too mystical to accept atheistic materialism a la Darwin/Marx. Present day newagers don’t want to know that Blavatsky and Bailey were promoting Theosophy as ‘anti-rational’ but if you cut through the saccharine rhetoric to find the hook you’ll still see that fundamental element in Theosophy and its myriad disguises. The uniformity of all of this corporate brainwashing is astonishing if one will take the time to notice it.

I’ve always resonated with Lao Tzu’s suggestion that the Tao is unstoppable, uncontrollable, unknowable and indescribable and have always taken that as an oblique reference to all that we’re incapable of understanding with the finite mind, which I think includes the nature of God, the human soul, and other subjects. Some folks seem to need to try to do that, though, and Theosophy/humanism piggybacks on that urge and supplies ALL the answers [Image Can Not Be Found] . Or, as some say, ‘It explains everything and answers nothing.’ Why are so many folks uncomfortable with not knowing the unknowable? I suggest that’s one of the many successes of the secular humanism agenda. Maybe that’s going to persist for awhile. Ideas are quite powerful; both positive and negative.

The cyclic nature of all processes is what was demonstrated in the 1947 book Hawthorne referred to: a clear sine wave appears in all processes with minor bumps and hollows along the path showing up as ‘trends.’ When I started my first business upon being involuntarily freed from wage slavery in 1990 a customer told me, ‘It takes five years for a business to finally make it,’ and one of my sign painting teachers, who was raised in Rhodesia and had lived in Chile for many years, told me that it takes ten years for an immigrant to get established. They were observing cycles. That resonated with me and I can say that the two businesses that I started since 1990 both took five years to get established. I haven’t yet lived abroad more than a few months.

I think Farrell represents a new trend of authors who are plainly seeing China’s new role and maybe some of them will start talking about the positive developments in the world, too. I know that even the PJ folks appreciate good news, now, and even a little bit of new info.


Great ideas on “patterns” and from my experience so much of what we see is based on “patterns”. I think too that it really serves ones mind to STOP thinking in countries. This concept of countries was created by the controllers, created by the ‘empire". China is definitely the "darling’ of the NWO…it’s the model of government the NWO wants for the world. Here is an interesting link on what is really going on:


My thoughts on gold and silver is they are inventions of the Roman/British/Vatican empire. Silver has some industrial uses and thats about it. They all trade on the basis of the same “patterns” which any seasoned trader will attest to and back up my claim. The “empire” invented the idea of “precious metals” so they hold the largest reserves of it. It’s their game. Yet at the same time the game is open to anyone who can see patterns and thus can play the game and extract some income. But ALWAYS keep in mind that it’s their game…not yours. The Rothchilds/British Empire/Vatican etc. are rumoured to be worth 500 Trillion dollars…thats half the worth of the planet…but who knows …certainly not me. I received photos of tons of gold that is stored in bunkers in the phillipines from a reliable source. the intel came from a man in Indonesia that is over 150 years old and claims the gold was NOT mined. He claims it was created through alchemy. Again who knows…certainly NOT me. But he does claim the gold is "encumbered’…meaning it is owned by “somebody”. It also gets me thinking about “free energy” and i’m sure with free electricity turning lead into gold would be quite easy and would be BORING after a while and frankly a silly endeavour. BUT with all this said…we live in a world where the game of money and wealth is REAL and tangible and allows us to buy resin and metal shavings and the time to gather crystals…it allows us the time to have GOOd FOOD in our bodies and to cleanse and detox and to have a lovely home and free time to contemplate and to love the people we really want to love… so I wish you all the very best in seeing the "patterns’ of this world…so you may prosper and grow and manifest a beautiful planet… free of demonic slavery…and into a new way of living. I have learned a great deal from Gare and his ideas on precious metals and also his ability to THINK BIG…especially when it comes to gifting orgonite on the planet. i still feel that orgonite is something the empire DID NOT see coming… and thus it truly makes me laugh…enjoy…hkj

The Real Story Behind The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
The Real Story Behind The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
Still a Pertinent Message.
The Problems of Debt.
A Solution.
The Money Reform Party.
Download this page as a leaflet.
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was first published in Chicago in 1900. Its author, L. Frank Baum, was the editor of a South Dakota newspaper and a supporter of William Jennings Bryan who stood three times, unsuccessfully, as a U.S. Presidential candidate for the Democratic Party.

The particular concern of both Baum and Bryan was the nature of the money supply then prevalent in the United States, and in the Mid-Western States in particular.

In America during the 1890s, as in Britain, there had been a severe depression. Many businesses had gone bankrupt, farmers forced to sell up, factories closed and workers made unemployed. True, some farms in the Mid-West were suffering from drought, but most were still capable of growing food; the businesses and factories were still capable of providing the things that people needed; the workers still wanted to work to provide those things, and people would still want the goods and services produced if they had the money to buy them.

The money in the USA then, as now, was entirely created by the private banking system. The pretence existed then that money was based on gold. (Even now some people still think that it is!) The major banks, based on the East and West coasts, could vary the amount of money in circulation, lending more to encourage commercial activity, then fore-closing on loans to put people out of business, enabling the banks to acquire their businesses cheaply.

Baum and Bryan wanted money to be based on silver, not gold, as silver was more readily available in the Mid-West, where it was mined. Such a money supply could not be manipulated by the banks. So the story of the Wizard of Oz starts with a cyclone in the form of imagined electoral success for Bryan…

Dorothy, a sort of proverbial ‘Everywoman’, lands on the Wicked Witch of the East (the East-coast bankers), killing her, so freeing the Munchkins, the down-trodden poor, but the Wicked Witch of the West (the West-coast bankers) remains loose.

To deal with her and to get back to Kansas (normality), the Good Witch of the North, representing the electorate of the North (this is less than 40 years after the civil war), tells Dorothy to seek out the Wizard of Oz (‘oz’ being short for ounce, the means of weighing both gold and silver). She also gives her a pair of silver slippers (as they were in the book – they became ruby ones in the film). Only these silver slippers will enable her to remain safe on the yellow-brick road, representing the bankers’ gold standard, as she heads towards the Emerald City, representing Washington DC.

On her journey, Dorothy encounters a Scarecrow, representing the farmers, who do not have the wit to understand how they can end up losing their farms to the banks, even though they work hard to grow the food to feed a hungry nation. If only they could think it through!

Next, she encounters a Tin Woodsman, representing the industrial workers, rusted as solid as the factories of the 1890s depression, and who have lost the sense of compassion and co-operation to work together to help each other during hard times. Also, a spell cast upon him by the Wicked Witch of the East meant that every time he swung his axe, he chopped off a bit of himself – he downsized!

Then the growing party encounters a Cowardly Lion, representing the politicians. These have the power, through the power of Congress and the Constitution, to confront the Wicked Witches, representing the banks, but they lack the courage to do so.

Dorothy is able to motivate these three potent forces and leads them all towards the Emerald City, whence ‘greenbacks’ had once come, and an encounter with the omnipotent and wonderful Wizard of Oz.

The Wizard of Oz is initially quite majestic and apparently awesome, but he turns out to be a little man without the power that people assume he possesses. He does, of course, represent the President of the United States. With the Wizard’s illusion of power shattered, he is replaced by the Scarecrow who would ‘be another Lincoln’.

The Wicked Witch of the West, fearful for her own power, then attempts to destroy Dorothy but is herself dissolved in a bucket of water, as rain relieves the Mid-West drought, saves the farmers’ livelihoods and prevents repossession by the banks.

The Good Witch of the South, representing the Southern electorate, tells Dorothy that her silver slippers, silver-based money, are so powerful that anything she wishes for is possible, even without the help of the Wizard. Dorothy wishes to go home. There all is now well, because the land has a stable and abundant money supply.

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Still a Pertinent Message

So ends this famous modern American ‘fairy-tale’. Its true message has been lost to the mists of time and the demands of Hollywood, but its message is no less pertinent now than when it was written.

William Jennings Bryan was neither the first nor the last American politician to try to reform the US money supply. In fact, two money reformers achieved the office of President and attempted to put money reform into action, but just like in the Oz story, the ‘Most Powerful Man in the World’ was not as powerful as people believed.

In 1865, Abraham Lincoln introduced the original ‘greenbacks’, which were paper money issued by the US Government, largely to pay for the Federal war effort during the civil war. It was ‘fiat’ money, money made legal tender by Act of Congress. Unfortunately, Lincoln died suddenly a few weeks later and his plans died with him.

In 1963, John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order 11110 which would have removed the power of money creation from all US private banks, including the privately-owned Federal Reserve, and invested that power in the US Government. Unfortunately, Kennedy died suddenly a few weeks later and his plans died with him.

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The Problems of Debt

In the USA 100% of the money supply is created by the private banks. In Britain the figure is over 97%. In the rest of the world, the figure is estimated to be over 95%. All this money is created as a debt. It is created when people borrow money, as banks do not lend existing money; they just create new money out of thin air to lend.

Money created as a debt by the banks bears a charge of interest. This increases the amount of money that the economy owes by an amount greater than the amount in existence. This means that the economy is a saddled with a debt that can never be paid off, merely passed around like a game of Pass-the-Parcel in a Belfast pub. It is like a game of musical chairs, where someone has to lose out

“Every gram of silver, the People save in, will be a chain around the CABAL forcing THEM into the daylight to burn away!”
Gare Clement

But the dollars that are buying the gold don’t really exist. Its a spin, pass gold and dollars from one side to another than back again and buy dollars with gold.

it fits with this:

of course the parasites generate capital just by using it / fees too.


Someone had sent me an email telling about L Frank Baum’s 1900 book, Wizard of Oz, as a blatant parable of the then/now current parasitic money/government system. The book was published over a decade before the European and American banking moguls met at Jekyll Island, Georgia, to craft the Federal Reserve Corporation, which by the time the movie version was produced had also subverted the US Government and turned it into the London bankers’ parasitic dictatorship–the current hegemony of intestinal worms and dung beetles. The American bankers in that cabal were the minority and those were simply Rothschild creatures. My favorite aspect is that the Warburg brothers were instrumental and one of them later ran the Federal Reserve Corporation while the other headed the German spy service during WWI. When Carol and I gifted the Jekyll Island Hotel, where the meeting had been held in 1910, she was astonished by how many ghosts were in there from that period. I guess that’s something the high-muckymuck masons who participate in death rituals aren’t told: that there’s nothing interesting or even exciing for them after death, after all.

As part of our discussion of the silver/gold question, I mentioned the parable to Gare, who already knew more about the parable than I did and has agreed to post the material (thanks, Gare!). So, L. Frank Baum performs a role similar to Jonathan Swift, who is alleged to have nearly succeeded in inciting a genuine, progressive revolution in Ireland about a century before it was accomplished in America. I say ‘progressive,’ because most other revolutions since 1776 are simply masonic bloodbaths, committed to enforce one or another favorable regime for London’s bankers.

We’re all so heavily programmed to disregard history that I was hoping that Baum’s assessment of the corporate world order’s tyranny in America is a good illustration for our readers that history is quite vital and really does hold one’s interest if the author is not on the payroll of the corporate world order.
By the way, WiCIApedia’s article about this makes no reference at all to the parable aspect–go figure [Image Can Not Be Found]

My old friend, Hari Heath, who used to write the Grassfire column for The Idaho Observer, told me about a book he was reading about the Venetians’ influence in Europe. I’d mentioned the evident Venetian heritage of the City of London and its corporate world order and he said that the author claims that Martin Luther was a Venetian agent and also Guy Fawkes, though the latter was probably an Oswald-level chump. That seems like a productive avenue of enquiry. I wonder if the Swiss guy who invented Christian fundamentalism around that time was also on Venice’s payroll. Marx and Darwin were allegedly paid by Lord Thomas Huxley to write their ‘world changing’ drivel so that would fit the pattern. Cromwell was quite savage and slaughtered people with machine-like efficiency–something not seen in Europe since the Mongols reached Austria. Cromwell did it in Jesus’ name, sad to tell. I need to find that book and read it. I’m really glad to see a new flock of credible authors who are writing conspiracy exposés. Joseph Farrell knocks my socks off.

I always hope that when someone presents new and thought-provoking material, here, as Gare has done, it will spark discussion instead of debate. I still don’t have a clue if his silver theory has merit but it will be fun to find out. I don’t criticize it since I don’t know enough about all that.


I looked up ‘parable’ and apparently that word has religious connotation. So I looked up ‘fable’ and that might be more accurate for Wizard of Oz. Jonathan Swift wrote in that style in order to stay out of prison. England still doesn’t have free speech but I wonder why Baum wrote that way.

Mullins tells that Charles Lindbergh’s father was the head of the Congressional Banking Committee in 1912 when the Federal Reserve Act was being debated. He hotly opposed it and was quoted in newspapers all over the land, essentially saying out loud what Baum was only referring to in allegory.

Here’s what WiCIApedia says about the dad:

In 1913, he wrote Banking, Currency, and the Money Trust, and in 1917 he wrote “Why is Your Country at War?”, attributing high finance as America’s involvement in World War I. According to Eustace Mullins, plates of this book were confiscated and destroyed by Government agents.[3] Also in 1917 Lindbergh brought articles of impeachment against members of the Federal Reserve Board including Paul Warburg and William Proctor Gould Harding. Lindbergh charged that the Federal Reserve Board members were involved “…in a conspiracy to violate the Constitution and laws of the United States…”[4]

It’s kind of cute that WiCIApedia refers to Mullins, I think. Mullins also tells that when the elder Lindbergh was running for governor of Minnesota some federal agents held a bookburning on his front lawn and that when young Charles tried to intervene he was punched in the face and knocked down by J Edgar Hoover, who was later tagged to head the Federal Bureau of Inquisition


"The actual reclaiming of your sovereignty, the remedy in today’s

bankrupt commercial world,
is a process including a UCC- l Form to the Secretary of State, and a Charge Back Invoice with

Bill of Exchange to the Secretary of the Treasury U.S., wherein you can take commercial control

of your Straw-man (with a T.I.N. number) and charge up your UCC Contract Trust Account so

that you can discharge the debt(s) of your debtor. "

Hi Gare – Can you suggest where I can read more about this?

Thnx –

Lynn (Niymha)

Here is another similar but slightly different analysis that was recently posted on Whale.

It is a very detailed (long) analysis so I’ll just provide the link here.

I haven’t come to any conclusions, but I enjoyed the thought-provoking attempt to ‘decode’ the story.

I personally believe debt-free issued currency based on a nations output is the medium-term answer to additional liberty, but having silver in the short-term appears to be more reliable than central bankers ‘promissory notes’.

Silver (& Gold) seem to be part of the ‘big-game’ as witnessed by who controls most of the precious metal mines. I see it as a decent fall-back after a likely fiat currency crash. A very relevant topic to be thinking about these days for sure.


I was wondering about the position of the Vatican with regard of the problems of the money.
Recently a medical corporation run by a priest in Milano, 91 yrs old Don Verze’ (a best friend with Berlusconi), become bankrupt at about 1 billion euros!
During the summer the manager mr. Mario Cal already shot himself one morning in his office, but the Vatican already appointed some curators and managers with the intentions buy the failing corporate holding, which include hospitals abroad and a platantion in Brazil. A final decision yet to bo reached about the buying.
It seems a very worthy operation, I wonder if the Vatican just don’t feel any worry how spending money or maybe they play a little different game? Everything is so weird.
On a lighter note, how much is worth the Namaste, for me if one day money become the Namaste, I will not mind. A big namaste when paying the weekly shopping, a smaller Namaste for an espresso coffee.
Or also the Namaskar.

pdf of the silver stealers by Charles Savoy


All of this… This entire concept of money… Is a fundamental artifact of a Scarcity Society.

Where there is REAL scarcity, then there is supply and demand, and therefore THINGS–things that are manufactured (power, cars, medicines, food, etc.)–have a relative value, and that value is represented by an abstraction (dollars, Euros, Gold, Silver, clams, wampum, Bitcoins, etc.) that we call money.

HOWEVER, when there is NO SCARCITY, for the fundamental requirements of a human being’s survival and even happiness, then what is money? When something is freely available how can it be bought? Think of “The Gods must be Crazy” and the life of the “little people’s” tribe (before the Coke Bottle fell from the sky) in that wonderful movie….

The tragedy is that we live in a society where the fundamental needs of a human being: Food, Shelter, Warmth/Cooling, Clothing, Information/News, etc. are made ARTIFICIALLY SCARCE.

We, all of us herein (that have a clue), within this community at EW, KNOW that, at the very least since Tesla, there has been a concerted effort (by the “Scoundrels”) to squash all “free energy” devices advent.

What would be the costs of the fundamental requirements of a human being if electrical power costs fractions of a penny on the gigawatt?

Practically NOTHING….

Therefore, when (hopefully very soon, and I believe such is the case) technologies like Defkalion ( and even (though a bit more of a stretch) technologies like Keshe’s ( explode onto the scene (as the scoundrels have lost control of their capacity to squash them) EVERYTHING changes….

Even precious metals… If Keshe is right, and I have a feeling that he is, then we will soon be able to use GravitoMagnetic Nanotechnology to attract elements together… He has demonstrated this with Carbon already. Why not Gold and Silver?

In any case, what I believe is that at the point where Free Energy Devices proliferate, that will be the point where the most valuable commodity in society becomes human creativity and ingenuity…… and whatever remains of “Money” is relegated to the acquisition of things that are desired, but no longer required, for the fundamental needs of human society. At that point money becomes some Ebay like “trust” and “influence” rating rather than anything tangible (like Gold and Silver) which is no longer scarce….

I believe we are at the cusp of a Post Scarcity Society…. We just have to persevere through this time of turbulence… Continue to gift, to educate, to boost, and liberty and beauty will prevail over the slavery systems we have been embedded in, for so long….
