Hi Edu,
Good thoughts and good questions.
As I already said, nothing against buying resin, pouring orgonite on stock and distribute it or keep it until to know where to use it best. This is a good way to conserve your purchasing power.
It is true, when paper money crashes or looses value, it could be that the industry will consume less silver. It will also consume less zinc, lead, copper…
You must understand that most silver on earth is produced as by-product.
The mine produces zinc for instance and there is some silver with it. When the demand goes down, there will be less metal-production and with it less silver production. I don’t want to go too deep into the subject, actually silver is an industrial metal with many uses and it is money at the same time.
It is money, like gold, simply because a lot of peaple accept it as money. In about 70 languages on earth silver and money have the same word, are the same. Gold is money too, but more expensive, and we orgoneflingers normally cannot afford buying gold, some cannot even buy silver, I understand this. Selling silver will be no problem when paper money crashes. Those with paper money will be desperate to get rid of it, once they realise that it’s loosing value fast. There are always some with paper money, sometimes peaple just don’t admit that they have it.
The main reason I like silver is because it is not under control of the FED like paper money is. It is the best way of boykot against the banksters. And you can hurt them much more with buying silver than buying gold. They can push the price down with their paper silver contracts, but it is not possible to print silver!
In the moment I’m forced to sell gold, b’cause I have no money left to make my living. What I do is to sell gold, buy some silver (I buy 10 times more silver than I sold gold) and the difference is to buy orgonite, to live, pay off dept, give donations or whatever. Had I bought no gold at 300-500 Euro/ounce, I would really have a problem in the moment. I am convinced that gold also will rise, but when I’m forced to sell it, at least I will buy more silver to crash JP Morgan and the FED.
Everyone who can afford buying gold now, in my opinion, will not regret it, because he might need it later like I do it now. Those who cannot afford it needn’t worry about it, it’s that simple!
Silver has, at least in Europe, one disadvantage:
There is a tax on it is between 7% and 22%, when you sell it, you will always loose first at least a little bit. You will loose for instance 5%, because you can sell it privately. It it for longterminvestment. When you need money fast and are forced to sell, gold is better.
this is why I would not recommand to make dept to buy silver. Dept is like a slave chain, not good.
Giving up all sorts of paper investments, if you have, is a good idea in my opinion. This is only one big casino…